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CLI tool for creating, testing and publishing Aragon applications.
npm install -g @aragon/cli
➜ aragon-example-application aragon-dev-cli help
aragon-dev-cli <command>
aragon-dev-cli bootstrap Set up a development chain and deploy
an Aragon organisation
aragon-dev-cli init <name> [template] Initialise a new application
aragon-dev-cli playground Set up a dev chain, deploy an Aragon
organisation and install your app
aragon-dev-cli publish [contract] Publish a new version of the
aragon-dev-cli version <bump> Bump the application version
aragon-dev-cli versions List all versions of the package
--apm.ens-registry Address of the ENS registry
--eth-rpc An URI to the Ethereum node used for RPC calls
[default: "http://localhost:8545"]
APM providers:
--apm.ipfs.rpc An URI to the IPFS node used to publish files
[default: {"host":"localhost","protocol":"http","port":5001}]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--silent Silence output to terminal [default: false]
For more information, check out
aragon-dev-cli init polls.aragonpm.test
cd polls
aragon-dev-cli publish
aragon-dev-cli version minor
aragon-dev-cli publish
aragon-dev-cli init polls.aragonpm.test username/gh-repo