A starter template for development of ASP .NET Core SPA inside Docker containers with Visual Studio Code
- tech stack
- ASP .NET Core
- SPA (React/Vue.js/Angular)
- with typescript
- e2e tests - cypress
- SPA unit tests
React Vue.js Angular jest jest karma - .NET xUnit tests
- CI with github actions
React Vue.js Angular - dev environment provides
- watched run for ASP .Net and the SPA
- watched run unit tests
- use
CLI inside the dev container - dev container VS Code extensions
- Docker
- GitLens
- C#
- ESLint
- VS Code launch profiles for debugging
- VS Code tasks
- run the app (watching for changes)
- run xUnit tests (watching for changes)
- run jest/karma unit tests (watching for changes)
- run e2e tests (cypress)
- prod environment
- docker build creates prod container
- commit tagged with semantic versioning
- image published as github package
- CI runs on push to the main SPA branches
- runs tests
- builds prod container
- pushes the container to github docker registry aspnet-spa-starter
- docker build creates prod container
- Install the prerequisites
- Docker for Desktop
- Visual Studio Code
- install extention Remote Development
- git
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/vtrifonov-esfiddle/aspnet-spa-starter.git
- (Optional) pick spa branch
- (default) react:
git checkout master
- vue.js:
git checkout aspnet-vue-starter
- angular:
git checkout aspnet-angular-starter
- (default) react:
- Open the repo root directory in VS Code
- Press F1 in VS Code
- type
>Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container
- Press F5 in VS Code to start debugging
- On your dev machine navigate to http://localhost:5000/
- VS Code starts the dev containers via
orchestrates the dev containers- aspnet-spa-starter
- the main container where you develop locally with VS Code
- use VS code as you would on your host machine with all dependencies installed
- edit source code
- build/debug/launch the app
- run VS Code tasks
- run xUnit tests
- run jest/karma unit tests
- run the app
- npm install/uninstall etc.
- push/pull changes to the the github repository
CLI connected to your host Docker instance
- spa-dev-server - runs in isolated container the SPA HTTP dev server (a node process)
- e2e-tests-dev - cypress container waiting for the developer for input commands
- to run the tests use the VS Code task
e2e tests
- to run the tests use the VS Code task
- aspnet-spa-starter
The following environment variables are available for aspnet-spa-starter
- this is the repository workspace root directory docker mount
- e.g
- necessary for bind mounts because you cannot start nested docker container from
on non-linux host machine
- your github docker registry
- allows you to tag/push/pull images to your docker registry without hardcoding it
- you need to login to the registry to use it
- e.g:
- this matches
docker.pkg.github.com/${{ github.repository }}
from the github workflowCI
- this matches
- your github username
- the URI to
SPA HTTP dev server - ASP .NET proxies to SPA HTTP dev server via this URI
- the URI to
- the top-level repo root dir for CI scripts
- for the dev container this is
- for github
workflow this is github.workspace
To work locally with your docker registry you need read and write access. Performs the steps once you have generated your repo from the template
- create
(personal access token) with the following permissions via https://github.com/settings/tokens- read:packages
- repo, write:packages
- on the dev container login to the registry using
- the username is provided via an environment variable available on the dev container
docker login docker.pkg.github.com -u $GITHUB_USERNAME