My name is Egor Gavrilov. I'm from Russian Federation. My stack - Java 17, Spring 5/6 (Web/Data JPA/Security), JPA/Hibernate, SQL, Linux, and Docker.
I have a YouTube channel (@gavrilovegor519), dedicated to Unix-like OSes and my life.
Also I'm youngest FidoNet sysop in Russia (proof 1, proof 2), with node address 2:5015/519.
Also I'm fixed some problems in FidoIP, and make a FidoIP-NG - enhanced fork of FidoIP, with some additions for automate FidoNet node and point deployment. This fork it is just being used in my node.
- Telegram: @gavrilovegor519
- My homepage on the Internet:
- Gist:
- FidoNet: 2:5015/519