This is a simple program to register anonymous and quick feedbacks from community during events.
To start using this program, wire your Raspberry Pi and open a terminal (either via SSH or physically opening it.
First of all we have to install Pip3 and Git
sudo apt install python3-dev git
And the library used
sudo pip3 install gpiozero
We installed it as a sudoers because we use a CRON job to start it at startup
Now let's clone the project
git clone
Let's move into the project directory
cd feedbackform2
and run the program
sudo python3
You could choose to run it at startup, if this is your case, open a shell in your Raspberry Pi and then
sudo crontab -e
and add this line at the end of the file
@reboot cd /home/pi/feedbackform2 && /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/feedbackform2/
If you cloned the repo in a folder different from the home of the Pi account, you should change the paths.