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Fix up staging and undoing commit sections, start on branching exercise
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Hanah.Yendler authored and verythorough committed Nov 14, 2017
1 parent 073a3d6 commit 5f78160
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41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions git/branch_exercise.html
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<title>Branching & Merging Exercise</title>
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<h1>Exercise: Branches!</h1>
<p>In this exercise, you will adding new features to your pet adoption website. You will be adding a gallery page, and if there is time, a contact page.</p>

<p>As you read through these steps, think about when would be a good time to commit. As you execute the steps, YOU get to decide when to commit.</p>

<h4>Set up</h4>
<li>Switch back to your project folder with your pet adoption website.</li>
<li>Use git status to double check to make sure you have no modified/uncommitted changes</li>
<li>Use git branch to double check what branch you are on (it should be master!)</li>

<h4>2. Gallery Page</h4>
<li>Create a new branch name gallery-feature</li>
<li>Add a gallery.html. If you don't want to write a bunch of html and text, you can just copy the contents of this file: <a href="./exercise-sample-code/gallery.html" download="gallery.html">index.html</a></li>
<li>Add some more images to your images folder. If you have time, create some image tags inside of gallery.html and include the images from the images folder.</li>
<li>Anything else you can think of that would work well on a gallery page</li>
<li>At this point you should have at least one or more commits on your gallery branch (use git log to double check!).

<h4>3. Contact Page</h4>

<h4 style="margin-top: 30px;"> Don't forget to run <span class="green"style="font-family: monospace;">git status</span> regularly so that you can see what is happening at each stage!</h4>


Binary file added git/images/commit.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
181 changes: 114 additions & 67 deletions git/index.html
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Expand Up @@ -375,33 +375,38 @@ <h2>Commit Exercise - Do It Yourself!</h2>

<!-- Git Structure -->
<h3>The Magical Stages of Git</h3>
<h3>The Magical States of Git</h3>
<img src="images/three_stages_commit.png" style="height:550px;"/>
<img src="images/modified.png" style="height:200px;"/>
<img src="images/modified.png"/>
<p>When you make changes to a file or add a new file but haven't added or committed yet</p>
<img src="images/staged.png" style="height:400px;"/>
<p>When you use <code class="inline">git add</code> to let Git know that these are the files you want to track</p>
<img src="images/staged.png" />
<p>When you use <code class="inline">git add</code> to let Git know that these are the files you want to 'stage'/track</p>

<img src="images/commit.png" />
<p><span class="green">Success!</span></p>

<h3>The Staging Area - Track all the things!</h3>
<p>When you <code class="inline">git add</code>, that's asking Git to 'stage'/'track' a new file or a particular change you made to a file<p>
<h3>The Magical Realms of Git</h3>
<p>Each of the states of Git corresponds to an area of the Git repo, so here's some vocab:</p>
<img src="images/git_staging.png" />

<h3>Your Local Repo</h3>
<img src="images/git_staging.png" style="height:400px;"/>
<p>Your copy of a project, initialized as a Git repository</p>
<p>(i.e., it has a <span class="green">.git</span> directory)</p>
<h3>The Magical Realms of Git</h3>
<li><span class="green">Working directory/tree</span>: The current version of your project where you are making changes (which is reflected in your code editor)</li>
<li><span class="green">Staging Area</span>: The place where you stage your files when you are readying them to commit</li>
<li><span class="green">Repository</span>: When you commit, Git permanently saves only the changes from your staging area to the repo's memory</li>

<!-- Undoing changes -->
Expand All @@ -410,79 +415,79 @@ <h3>We all make mistakes</h3>
<img src="images/mistakes-were-made.jpg" alt="Those WERE the Droids I was looking for!"/>
<p class="fragment">Don't worry. Git is your friend.</p>

<h3>Undoing changes in your working copy</h3>
<p class="blue">If you haven't added/committed yet</p>
<h3>Set up</h3>
<li>Move back to your kittens_project repository</li>
<li>Watch me do the next examples first, then try it yourself!</li>

<h3>Scenario 1: Undoing modified changes</h3>
<p>You made some changes to some files (have not git added or committed yet), and realize you don't want those changes!</p>
<div class = "fragment">
<p>Open <span class="green">kitten.txt</span> and make some changes or add something new. Then:</p>
<pre><code class ="command-line">
<pre><code class ="command-line">
$ git checkout kitten.txt
<p class="fragment">Look at <span class="green">kitten.txt</span> in your editor: your changes are gone (you've gone back to the previous commit state).</p>

<h3>Un-staging a file</h3>
<li>In your text editor, create a new file, and name it <span class="green">possum.txt</span></li>
<li>Switch back to your terminal.</li>
<pre><code class ="command-line">
<h3>Scenario 2: Unstaging a file</h3>
<p class="fragment">You git add a modified or new file, but realized you don't want it your next commit!</p>
<p class="fragment">In your text editor, create a new file, and name it <span class="green">possum.txt</span>. Then: </p>
<pre><code class="command-line fragment">
$ git add possum.txt
$ git status
$ git reset possum.txt
$ git status
<p class-"fragment">The file is removed from staging, but your working copy will be unchanged.</p>
<p class="fragment">The file is removed from staging, but your working copy will be unchanged.</p>

<h3>Undoing changes you've already staged</h3>
<div class = "fragment">
<p>Open <span class="green">kitten.txt</span> in your editor and add some new text.</p>
<pre><code class ="command-line">
<h3>Scenario 3a: Uncommitting, but want to keep all your changes</h3>
<p class="fragment">You made a commit, but then realize that a piece of code doesn't work, so you just want to uncommit!</p>
<p class="fragment">Open <span class="green">kitten.txt</span> and make some changes. Then:</p>
<pre><code class ="command-line fragment">
$ git add kitten.txt
$ git reset HEAD kitten.txt
$ git status # the file has been unstaged.
$ git checkout kitten.txt
# resets the working copy to its state at the last commit
$ git status
$ git commit -m "Make changes to kitten text file"
$ git reset --soft HEAD~1
$ git status
<p class="fragment">Now look at the same file in your editor again: your changes are gone, and the file is removed from staging. </p>

<h3>Er, what if I already committed it?</h3>
<h4>Undoing committed changes</h4>
<p>Git lets you go back to any previous commit.</p>
<div class = "fragment">
<p>Open <span class="green">kitten.txt</span> and add some new text</p>
<pre><code class ="command-line">
$ git add kitten.txt
$ git status
$ git commit -m "Make a change I will soon regret making"
$ git log --oneline
# you should see (at least) two commits here at this point
# copy the short form of the hash id
<p class="fragment">Your most recent commit is called the <span class="green">HEAD</span></p>
<p class="fragment">passing <code class="inline">git reset</code> the options of <code class="inline">--soft HEAD~1</code> essentially asks to move the HEAD 1 commit back (essentially uncommitting your most recent commit) but keep all the work you have done, which you can see in the staging area</p>

<h3> Soft reset </h3>
<h4>Undoing just the commit</h4>
<pre><code class ="command-line">
$ git reset --soft 53d23c4
$ git log --oneline
<p >Notice that the commit is gone from your log, but your changes are still in your editor.</p>
<h3>Scenario 3b: Uncommitting, but you don't want to keep any changes, period</h3>
<p class="fragment">You realize you don't want any of the code in your previous commit, so just getting rid of that commit completely</p>
<p class="fragment">You still have the change in the staging area for kitten.txt</p>
<pre><code class ="command-line fragment">
$ git add kitten.txt
$ git status
$ git commit -m "Make changes to kitten text file"
$ git reset --hard HEAD~1
$ git status

<h3> Hard reset </h3>
<h4>Undoing the commit AND the changes</h4>
<pre><code class ="command-line">
$ git reset --hard 53d23c4
$ git log --oneline
<p >Notice that the commit is gone from your log, AND your changes are removed in your editor.</p>
<p class="fragment">passing <code class="inline">git reset</code> the options of <code class="inline">--hard HEAD~1</code> will delete the last specified commit and all the work related to it.</p>
<br />
<p class="fragment">Heads up, there are many, many different ways to undo changes. That's the powerful about Git. Learn more at <a href="">Atlassian tutorial</a></p>

<!-- Branches-->
Expand All @@ -495,36 +500,64 @@ <h3>Branching</h3>
<img src="images/branching-octocats.png" />
<h3>Why Do We Need Branching?</h3>
<li>Develop different code on the <span class="pink">same base</span></li>
<li>Conduct <span class="pink">experimental work</span> without affecting the work on master branch</li>
<li>Incorporate changes to your master branch <span class="pink">only if and when you are ready</span>...or discard them easily</li>
<p class= "fragment green"> Branches are cheap!</p>

<p>Create a new branch called <span class="green">feature</span></p>
<h3>Branching cycle</h3>
<p>You want to develop a new feature</p>
<li>Make sure you are on master</li>
<li>Create a new branch and jump over to it</li>
<li>Develop your code. Commit commit commit!</li>
<li>When the feature is done, merge it into master</li>

<h3>Branching - Do it with me!</h3>
<p>Create a new branch called feature</p>
<pre><code class ="command-line">
$ git branch
// you should see only * master
$ git checkout -b feature
$ git branch
// you should see * feature and master

<h3>Okay, let's break that down</h3>
<li><code class="inline">git branch</code>: tells you what branches you have, and <code class="inline">*</code> indicates which branch you are currently on</li>
<li><code class="inline">git checkout -b branch-name</code>: the <code class="inline">-b</code> creates a new branch, and <code class="inline">checkout</code> will hop you over to that branch</li>

<h3>Committing on a new branch - Do it with me!</h3>
<p>Add new lines to <span class="green">kitten.txt</span></p>
<pre><code class ="command-line">
$ git add kitten.txt
$ git commit -m "Adding changes to feature"
$ git log --oneline

What we just did, in picture form:
<img src="images/branching.png" />

<h4>Switching branches</h4>
<p>See all your local branches. Your active branch, the one you're "on," is marked with an * </p>
<h3>Switching branches - Do it with me!</h3>
<pre><code class ="command-line">
$ git branch
Expand All @@ -539,9 +572,13 @@ <h4>Switching branches</h4>
$ git log --oneline


<!-- Merging-->
<h3>Merging - Do it With Me!</h3>
<h4>Merge to get changes from one branch into another</h4>
<p>Switch to master and merge changes</p>
<pre><code class ="command-line">
Expand All @@ -550,6 +587,13 @@ <h4>Merge to get changes from one branch into another</h4>
$ git log --oneline

<!-- branching and merging exercize -->
<h3>Branching & Merging Exercise</h3>
<a>Click here for the exercise!</a>

<h3>Merging Branches</h3>
<p>When you merge, you create a new commit on the branch you just merged into</p>
Expand All @@ -559,10 +603,12 @@ <h3>Merging Branches</h3>
<h3>What could possibly go wrong?</h3>
<img src="images/merge_conflicts_are_coming.jpg"/>

<h3>What is a merge conflict?</h3>
<img src="images/merge-conflict.png"/>

<h3>what a merge conflict looks like</h3>
<p>You will see this in the affected file your text editor</p>
Expand All @@ -577,6 +623,7 @@ <h3>what a merge conflict looks like</h3>
And here is another line that is cleanly resolved or unmodified.

<h4>Merge conflicts</h4>
Expand Down

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