This is the source code for my own very personal Antiblog.
To get into the context of the project, you might want to take a look at my essays:
- "What 'Antiblog' is all about?" outlines the reasons why I wrote this application.
- "Few notes on web development in Haskell" gave the project some prominence, so that people began to pop up and ask me to share the sources... Which I am doing now!
Which, to be honest with you, makes me a bit puzzled: one of main reasons for me to write the application from scratch was to be independent from design ideas of other people and have total control. And if you start to build on top of my stuff, then you begin to depend on my ideas, and that kind of defeats the whole purpose, if you see what I mean.
Anyway, if you're looking for an example of how can a functioning website be built using Haskell and PostgreSQL, you're welcome and I hope you'll find my work useful for you.
If you still want to setup your own antiblog, then read setup guide.