Backend repository for spotflix
To create a cloud based web-application that allows you to play and listen to a wide variety of music. Upload your own music videos. The application also allows users to search and filter songs based on various criteria like Genre, artist name, lyrics etc.
Convenience: With the rise of music apps and a vast variety of songs, it is often challenging to listen to music. This application will be a one stop place to search for new songs, and keep yourself updated about the trending songs. Personalization: Everyone has different tastes in music and this application can provide an opportunity for people to share and discover new music. Business Opportunities: If this works out, we can make a lot of money through paid partnerships and a subscription-based model :)
- Upload music videos
- Automatic ML based music analysis for genre tagging
- Automated generation of thumbnails
- Video processing to generate preview
- Transcribing video song lyrics
- Recommendation engine based on active playing song
- Search music based on artist, title, lyrics
- Autoplay feature
- View lyrics of active playing song
Sagemaker API Gateway Lambda OpenSearch DynamoDB S3 Code Pipeline Transcribe SQS