Each heading bellow is a separate MongoDB collection inside the same database.
- Fields
- username
- password
- It will store as bcrypt hashing with salting.
- admin
- True: has permission to create, update and delete posts, and create and delete comments.
- False: has permission to create comments and delete self's comments.
- Authentication
- JSON Web Tokens and PassportJS
- Expiration date: 1 Day
- It will be saved in Local Storage.
- JSON Web Tokens and PassportJS
- Endpoints
- GET: Returns user data given JWT token.
- POST: Creates a new user.
- It will receive the password as bcrypt hashing with salting. This way, the actual password will not be sended to the server.
- POST: Log in user.
- Returns JWT token.
- POST: Log in user.
- Fields
- Title
- Content
- It will be simple text.
- Creation Date
- Publish Date
- It will allow for scheduling posts.
- That is, only posts past "now" will be show publicly
- Different dates allows for different sortings in admin dashboard.
- This is the only not required field. If it has no value, the post is not published
- Author
- Reference to the user who created it.
- Endpoints
- GET: Fetches the list of all posts
- POST: Creates a new post
- GET: Fetches a single post
- PUT: Updates a single post
- DELETE: Deletes a single post
- GET: Fetches the list of all posts published until "today"
- Fields
- Content
- It will be simple text.
- Creation Date
- Post
- Reference to the post that is being commented.
- Author
- Reference to the user who created it.
- Content
- Endpoints
- GET: Fetches the list of all comments of a single post
- POST: Creates a new comment for a single post
- GET: Fetches a single comment.
- No PUT because no one can update comments.
- DELETE: Deletes a single comment.