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—> mobileflashcards is a React Native app for IOS which has the facilities for users to create decks, add cards and quiz themselves.

It uses React Native, Expo, Redux, & React Navigation.

This app is the third of three projects required for Udacity's React Nanodegree program.


Clone the repository, change directories, and use npm or yarn to install the dependencies.

echo "# mobileflashcards" >> git init git add git commit -m "first commit" git remote add origin git push -u origin master


The project can be run with npm or yarn

  • yarn start or ‘nom start’

This will open Expo Developer Tools in the browser. You can then do one of the following.

GitHub Repo |

This site contains code notes for how I built project 3 for Udacity Mobile Flash Cards

Rubik Definitions for the project

—> 1. Project Requirements

—> Overview The assignment is to build a mobile flashcard app from scratch using React Native.

There is no starter code and below is the link to the rubric.

—> 1.2 Specific Requirements Here are the high-level requirements for this app.

  • Use [expo-cli] to build the project.
  • Allow users to create a deck which can hold an unlimited number of cards.
  • Allow users to add a card to a specific deck.
  • The front of the card should display the question.
  • The back of the card should display the answer.
  • Users should be able to quiz themselves on a specific deck and receive a score once they're done.
  • Users should receive a notification to remind themselves to study if they haven't already for that day.


Here are the views needed for this app.

  1. DeckList
  2. AddDeck
  3. Deck (Individual)
  4. AddCard
  5. Quiz
    • Front (Question)
    • Back (Answer)
    • Results (Upon completion)

—> 1.3.1 DeckList View (Default)

  • displays the title of each Deck
  • displays the number of cards in each deck

—> 1.3.2 AddDeck View

  • An option to enter in the title for the new deck
  • An option to submit the new deck title

—> 1.3.3 Deck View

  • displays the title of the Deck
  • displays the number of cards in the deck
  • displays an option to start a quiz on this specific deck
  • An option to add a new question to the deck

—> 1.3.4 AddCard View

  • An option to enter in the question
  • An option to enter in the answer
  • An option to submit the new question

—> 1.3.5 Quiz View

  • displays a card question
  • an option to view the answer (flips the card)
  • a "Correct" button
  • an "Incorrect" button
  • the number of cards left in the quiz
  • Displays the percentage correct once the quiz is complete

—> 1.4 Data App uses Expo's AsyncStorage to initialise and create and store the flashcards and decks as needed. The Redux code is not necessary but will be used.

  • Each deck creates a new key on the object.
  • Each deck has a title and a questions key.
  • title is the title for the specific deck
  • questions is an array of questions and answers for that deck.

—> 1.5 Helper Methods To manage your AsyncStorage database, you'll want to create four different helper methods.

  • getDecks: return all of the decks along with their titles, questions, and answers.
  • getDeck: take in a single id argument and return the deck associated with that id.
  • saveDeckTitle: take in a single title argument and add it to the decks.
  • addCardToDeck: take in two arguments, title and card, and will add the card to the list of questions for the deck with the associated title.


Mobile Flash Cards - Project 3 Udacity






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