Unity3d, Coroutine, scripting
Use the unity package manager.(https://github.com/geniikw/CoroutineChain.git)
- Easy to read coroutine code.
- Define callback simply
- Call coroutine at outside MonoBehavour.
In my experience, generally coroutine code can be classified into two kinds.
One is a functional block. For example
IEnumerator OneFunction(){
//do single task.
Other is a squencial code. It consist of functional block coroutines.
IEnumerator Sequncial(){
yield return StartCoroutine(A());
yield return StartCoroutine(B());
yield return StartCoroutine(C());
It is a small asset that makes it possible to call Unity's coroutines while chaining them.
so you don't need to write seuqencial block. just chain it in call block.
public void Start(){
//same as above.
all block wait previous block.
void Start(){
this.StartChain() // or CoroutineChain.Start.Play ...
.Sequencial(A(),B(),C()) // play one by one.
.Parallel(A(),B(),C()) // play same time.
play one coroutine. it is same as StartCoroutine().
void Start(){
void Start(){
//1sec later debug log show out.
all coroutine start at same time
void Start(){
//CoroutineChain, Less Character!
it same as continuous Play block.
IEnumerator Start(){///CoroutineStartBlock.
yield return StartCoroutine(A());
yield return StartCoroutine(B());
yield return StartCoroutine(C());
//CoroutineChain, Less Character!
yield return this.StartChain()
log block is not coroutine.
IEnumerator Start(){///CoroutineStartBlock.
yield return StartCoroutine(A());
yield return StartCoroutine(A());
yield return StartCoroutine(A());
Debug.Log(A, B and C all end!!");
yield return this.StartChain()
.Log("A, B and C all end!!");
you can simply setup callback.
this is Parallel block using Call() as coroutine callback.
IEnumerator Parallel(IEnumerator[] routines)
var all = 0;
foreach (var r in routines)
var c = 0;
foreach (var r in routines)
.Call(() => c++);
while (c < all)
yield return null;
wait for a specific condition.
void Start(){
.WaitFor(()=>m_timer > 3f)
float m_timer = 0f;
void Update(){
m_timer += Time.deltaTime;