Provides helpers to generate frontend URLs. Your Entities need these methods in order for this bundle to work:
public function getRouteName()
return 'genj_article_article_show';
public function getRouteParameters()
return array(
'categoryType' => $this->getCategory()->getType(),
'categorySlug' => $this->getCategory()->getSlug(),
'slug' => $this->getSlug()
You must set the name of your frontend environment in config.yml:
frontend_environment: my_frontend_app
From twig:
{{ object|genj_url_for_frontend }}
From PHP:
$urlGenerator = $this->container->get('genj_url_generator.routing.frontend.generator.url_generator');
$frontendUrl = $urlGenerator->generateFrontendUrlForObject($object);
It is possible to generate a URL to a 'preview controller'. You could e.g. restrict access to that controller and show non-cached versions of certain pages. If you do:
$frontendUrl = $urlGenerator->generateFrontendUrlForObject($object, true);
Then the resulting URL would become /preview.php/path/to/page.
You can use the same thing from Twig too:
{{ object|genj_url_for_frontend(true) }}
More about environments: