Based on Cookiecutter-Django, Cookiecutter Geopaparazzi Reference Server is a framework for quickly jumpstarting production-ready web servers to manage Geopaparazzi data.
- For Django 2.0
- Works with Python 3.6
- Twitter Bootstrap v4.0.0 (maintained Foundation fork also available)
- 12-Factor based settings via django-environ
- Secure by default. We believe in SSL.
- Optimized development and production settings
- User registration via django-allauth
- Comes with custom user model ready to go
- Grunt build for compass and LiveReload
- Send emails via Anymail (using Mailgun by default, but switchable)
- Media storage using Amazon S3 or DigitalOcean Spaces
- Docker support using docker-compose for development and production (using Caddy with LetsEncrypt support)
- Procfile for deploying to Heroku
- Instructions for deploying to PythonAnywhere
- Run tests with unittest or py.test
- Uses PostGIS/PostgreSQL for spatial database functionality
These features can be enabled during initial project setup.
- Serve static files from Amazon S3 or Whitenoise
- Configuration for Celery
- Integration with MailHog for local email testing
- Integration with Sentry for error logging
- Docker-compose
- Python (including Pip, note that if you are using Windows its easiest to just install Anaconda)
- Git
Here are the basic instructions for setting up a local development system, discussed in more detail in this blog post. Before you begin, open a console window and create a directory to hold the project source code and demo data you will download (we use "grs" as an example below, but you can use choose your own directory name)
$ mkdir /grs $ cd /grs
- Install cookiecutter
$ pip install "cookiecutter>=1.4.0"
- Use cookiecutter to get the latest source code from the geopaparazzi reference server repository
$ cookiecutter
You will be asked a number of questions, some of which are only applicable to production systems. For development purposes, you should enter ‘y’ to the following choices (these should be the defaults):
- docker
- celery
- whitenoise
- Change directory into the directory created by the cookiecutter process and then build and run the containers:
$ cd geopaparazzi_reference_server $ docker-compose -f local.yml build $ docker-compose -f local.yml up -d $ docker-compose -f local.yml ps
If everything is working, the last command should result in a report like this:
Name Command State Ports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- geopaparazzi_reference_server_celerybeat_1 /entrypoint /start-celerybeat Up geopaparazzi_reference_server_celeryworker_1 /entrypoint /start-celeryw ... Up geopaparazzi_reference_server_django_1 /entrypoint /start Up>8000/tcp geopaparazzi_reference_server_flower_1 /entrypoint /start-flower Up>5555/tcp geopaparazzi_reference_server_postgres_1 /bin/sh -c /docker-entrypo ... Up 5432/tcp geopaparazzi_reference_server_redis_1 redis ... Up 6379/tcp
What you see is six containers running within an isolated network that allows the containers to communicate among themselves. Only the django and flower containers are open to outside connections. Each container does one thing:
- django … provides the python based web framework
- postgres … provides a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database
- redis … provides a message broker and in memory cache for performance and to support celery tasks
- celeryworker … provides an on demand asysnchronous processing capability
- celerybeat … provides scheduled background processing capability
- flower … provides a real-time monitoring tool for the celery tasks
- Setup the database and static assets, create a superuser
$ docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python collectstatic $ docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python createsuperuser
The second command will prompt you to enter a username, email and password for the superuser. You will need those credentials to access the system so write them down!
- Run the tests
$ docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django py.test Starting geotabloid_postgres_1 ... done PostgreSQL is available Test session starts (platform: linux, Python 3.6.5, pytest 3.8.0, pytest-sugar 0.9.1) Django settings: config.settings.test (from ini file) rootdir: /app, inifile: pytest.ini plugins: sugar-0.9.1, django-3.4.3, celery-4.2.1 geotabloid/users/tests/ ✓ 2% ▎ geotabloid/users/tests/ ✓ 4% ▍ geotabloid/users/tests/ ✓✓✓✓ 11% █▏ geotabloid/users/tests/ ✓✓✓ 16% █▋ gp_projects/tests/ ✓✓✓ 21% ██▏ profiles/tests/ ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ 61% ██████▎ profiles/tests/ ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ 100% ██████████ Results (6.31s): 57 passed
- Now load the demo data
Download the demo data from
Note that you need to install Httpie and edit
the file, replacing user:password
with the values you
provided for the superuser and your server IP address for the
entries. No other values (e.g. path=. etc) need to be changed.
$ pip install httpie $ cd location/of/demo/data $ ./
Next, point your browser at http://localhost:8000/admin, login with your superuser credentials and edit the Profiles and create Profilesets for your superuser as described in the original post.
- Connect Geopaparazzi to your server
You will need to figure out the IP address of the computer the server is
running on. On Linux, use the command hostname -I
. On Windows, the
command ipconfig
should work. On your mobile, start the app and
select the settings (gear) icon, then select Cloud Server Settings and
fill in the user, password and Cloud Profiles URL as shown:
- Download the cloud profiles, collect some tracks and notes, then upload your user project data.
As noted, this project is derived from the Cookiecutter-Django You can find lots of helpful documentation there, here are some of the essential links:
- Documentation:
- See Troubleshooting for common errors and obstacles
- If you have problems with Cookiecutter Geopaparazzi Server, please open issues don't send emails to the maintainers.
Scattered throughout the Python and HTML of this project are places marked with "your stuff". This is where third-party libraries are to be integrated with your project.