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HC is a global mantle circulation solver following Hager & O'Connell (1981) which can compute velocities, tractions, and geoid for simple density distributions and plate velocities.
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README FOR HC Version 1.1.1 - 2023 Thorsten Becker - [email protected] HC is a global mantle circulation solver following Hager & O'Connell (1981) which can compute velocities, tractions, and the geoid for arbitrary density distributions and purely radial viscosity variations. This particular implementation illustrates one possible way to combine the HC solver routines. There is a forward tool example, as included in the graphical user interface SEATREE, and a parameter space exploration tool to scan viscosity distributions in terms of their predictions of the geoid. This code is based on Fortran routine by Brad Hager, Richard O'Connell, and most recently Bernhard Steinberger, who made several modifications. This version is by Thorsten Becker with contributions to the plate velocity inversion tool by Craig O'Neill (the latter remains incomplete). The Solid Earth Teaching and Research Environment (SEATREE, https://github.com/thwbecker/seatree/), as preinstalled with software as a VirtualBox available from the Unified Geodynamics Earth Science Computing Environment (UGESCE, http://www-udc.ig.utexas.edu/external/becker/ugesce.html) provides a convenient graphical user interface for HC to select seismic tomography models, edit viscosity structures, etc. INSTALLATION The code should compile on any basic UNIX/Linux system with the GMT tools (BY DEFAULT, VERSION > 4.2.1, AND ONLY VERSION 4.X.X IS SUPPORTED! WORK IN PROGRESS) and libraries installed. See the Makefile for comments and what to modify. What is described below is the hc Hager & O'Connell (1981) forward flow and geoid computation. For plate velocity inversions following the Ricard & Vigny (1989) method, see the hcplates subdirectory and the README there. The plate inversion code is not quite working yet. The Makefile assumes that the following environment variables are predefined: 1) GMTHOME: needs to point to the base directory of the GMT installation, e.g. /usr/local/src/GMTdev/GMT4.5.18/ if you installed GMT yourself, or /usr/lib/gmt if you installed GMT with a package manager. NOTE: ONLY GMT VERSION 4 IS SUPPORTED. 2) NETCDFHOME: for the netcdf libraries. This could be e.g. /usr/local/src/netcdf-3.5.0/ or /usr 3) HC_HOME: By default, the object files and binaries will be installed in the "objects/" and "bin/" directories in the current directory. If HC_HOME is set (e.g. /usr/local/), then they will be installed in $HC_HOME/objects and $HC_HOME/bin. 4) ARCH: If you like, you can put the object files and binaries in different directories depending on your architecture. This may be useful if your directories are NFS mounted on different machines. One way is to use the output of uname setenv ARCH `uname -m | gawk '{print(tolower($1))}'` # sh/tcsh export ARCH=`uname -m | gawk '{print(tolower($1))}'` # bash On a 32 bit Intel machine, this will put the binaries in bin/i686. Also, the Makefile uses the commonly defined compiler variables CC, F90, CFLAGS, LD, and LDFLAGS. So to make static executables, set LDFLAGS="-static" By default, the Makefile is set up for the new syntax of GMT version 4.1.2 and higher. The alternative is to use GMT3, which can be done by defining -DUSE_GMT3 and modifying the two corresponding lines in the Makefile.include. With all things set up, you should be able to type make all to compile the programs. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO COMPILE USING THE GTM4 LIBRARIES, use make all_no_gmt this will compile the main HC program, but not the sh_exp type of routines, as those rely on the netcdf/grd I/O capabilities via GMT. HC CODE usage Described in the help page that is displayed for "hc -h" as below. Also see SEATREE (https://github.com/thwbecker/seatree/) for a graphical user interface, and example plotting scripts as provided below. Example input data is provided in subdirectory example_data/ >>> hc - perform Hager & O'Connell flow computation This code can compute velocities, tractions, and geoid for simple density distributions and plate velocities using the semi-analytical approach of Hager & O'Connell (1981). This particular implementation illustrates *one possible way* to combine the HC solver routines, hc_visc_scan (see below) another. Based on code by Brad Hager, Richard O'Connell, and Bernhard Steinberger. This version by Thorsten Becker and Craig O'Neill usage example: bin/hc -vvv Compute mantle flow solution using the default input files: viscosity profile visc.dat density profile dens.sh.dat earth model prem/prem.dat and provide lots of output. Default setting is quiet operation. See README.TXT in the installation directory for example for how to plot output, and http://geosys.usc.edu/projects/seatree/ for a graphical user interface. http://www-udc.ig.utexas.edu/external/becker/sdata.html for a VirtualBox install. density anomaly options: -dens name use name as a SH density anomaly model (dens.sh.dat) All density anomalies are in units of 1% of PREM, all SH coefficients in Dahlen & Tromp convention. -dshs use the short, Becker & Boschi (2002) format for the SH density model (OFF) -ds density scaling factor (0.2) -dnp do not scale density anomalies with PREM but rather mean density (OFF) -dsf file read depth dependent density scaling from file (overrides -ds, OFF), use pdens.py to edit Earth model options: -prem name set Earth model to name (prem/prem.dat) -vf name viscosity structure filename (visc.dat), use pvisc.py to edit This file is in non_dim_radius viscosity[Pas] format boundary condition options: -fs perform free slip computation (ON) -ns perform no slip computation (OFF) -pvel name set prescribed surface velocities from file name (OFF) The file (e.g. pvel.sh.dat) is based on a DT expansion of cm/yr velocity fields. -vshs use the short format (only lmax in header) for the plate velocities (OFF) -vdir velocities are given in files name/vel.1.ab to vel.140.ab for different times, -140 to -1 Ma before present, where name is from -pvel -vtime time use this particular time step of the plate velocities (-1) solution procedure and I/O options: -cbckl val will modify CMB boundary condition for all l > val with solver kludge (2147483647) -ng do not compute and print the geoid (1) -ag compute geoid at all layer depths, as opposed to the surface only -rg name compute correlation of surface geoid with that in file "name", this will not print out the geoid file, but only correlations (OFF) -pptsol print pol[6] and tor[2] solution vectors (OFF) -px print the spatial solution to file (OFF) -rtrac compute srr,srt,srp tractions [MPa] instead of velocities [cm/yr] (default: vel) -htrac compute stt,stp,spp tractions [MPa] instead of velocities [cm/yr] (default: vel) -v -vv -vvv: verbosity levels (0) <<< OTHER BINARIES hc_visc_scan Illustrates how to do a parameter space scan for viscosities and compute geoid correlations on the fly. drive_visc_scan runs a bunch of tests, and plot_visc_scan visualizes the output. KNOWN LIMITATIONS The propagator matrix approach can be unstable for moderately high maximum degrees. This behavior can be addressed partially by compiling HC in quadruple precision, and kinematic boundary can be addressed with a kludge, see -cbckl. If you compile with this trick and quadruple precision (the default within SEATREE), you should be good to up to L=127. SPHERICAL HARMONICS FORMAT (A) Regular (long) format, which allows for both scalar and vector harmonics All single layer spherical harmonics are in the fully normalized, physical convention, e.g. Dahlen & Tromp (1998). All spherical harmonics files have an SH_HEADER lmax layer_i zlabel_i nlayer nrset type lmax: maximum l of expansion layer_i: layer number, from 0....nlayer zlabel_i: depth label of this layer, in km (positive, from 0: surface to 2871 for CMB) nlayer: number of layers nrset: number of spherical harmonic coefficient sets type: 0 for Rick, 1 for HealPix etc. (will determine only the internal representation, external all is physical convention) 1) Scalar fields with layers (e.g.: hc_assign_density, which calls: sh_read_parameters, sh_init_expansion, sh_read_coefficients) SH_HEADER (see above), with nrset == 1 a00 b00 a10 b10 a11 b11 a20 b20 a21 b21 .... Unformatted file. 2) Surface velocity fields SH_HEADER, e.g: 127 0 0 1 2 0 (nrset == 2 for poloidal and toroidal fields) a00p b00p a00t b00t a10p b10p a10t b10t ... (B) Short format As above, but will only expect a single integer, lmax, as the header for a spherical harmonic expansion. OTHER INPUT FILE FORMATS 1) Viscosity structure (hc_assign_viscosity) r_i e_i Unformatted list of radii (radius of layer/Earth radius) and viscosity (in Pas) values, reads until end of file. Values determine each layer viscosity upward until the next entry. Use the graphical tool pvisc.py to edit such files. 2) Depth dependent density scaling file r_i d_i Format as for the viscosity file, but d_i are the depth-dependent scaling factors (this overridings -ds). Use the graphical tool pdens.py to edit such files. OUTPUT FILES After a regular run, file sol.bin will have the velocity solution (cm/yr) in binary format. This file can be extracted using hc_extract_sh_layer (see below). File geoid.ab will have the geoid in meters in a spherical harmonic expansion. USING THE OUTPUT 1) Extracting spherical harmonics solutions. a) extract SH expansion of radial velocity at layer 2 hc_extract_sh_layer vel.sol.bin 2 1 b) extract SH expansion of radial velocity at layer 2 and convert to spatial expansion hc_extract_sh_layer vel.sol.bin 2 1 0 | sh_syn c) extract SH expansion of poloidal and toroidal velocity at layer 5 and convert to spatial expansion of v_theta v_phi hc_extract_sh_layer vel.sol.bin 5 2 0 | sh_syn Also see the script calc_vel_and_plot for some suggestions on how to convert the output. d) convert velocity output and density anomalies into a binary VTK file for paraview hc_extract_spatial vel.sol.bin -2 6 dscaled.sol.bin > vel.vtk Load a view into paraview (pvsm file is included here) paraview --state=hc_world.pvsm to get the view in hc_world.png. USING THE SPHERICAL HARMONICS TOOLS AS STANDALONE 1) Convert scalar values from a GMT/Netcdf grd file into a spherical harmonics expansion of degree 31 a) obtain scalar data at the Gaussian intergration points sh_ana -127 | grdtrack -Lx -G$datadir/etopo5/etopo5.1.grd > etopo5.dat b) expand cat etopo5.dat | sh_ana 127 > etopo5.ab c) Alternative: use the grd file directly sh_ana 127 $datadir/etopo5/etopo5.1.grd 2) convert spherical harmonics to spatial expansion cat etopo5.ab | sh_syn > etopo5.127.dat Note that sh_syn and sh_ana are only example implementations of the subroutines, there's very limited actual functionality. For a more useful spherical harmonics package, see shansyn at http://www-udc.ig.utexas.edu/external/becker/sdata.html That being said, also note helper programs sh_corr and sh_power. SEATREE HC is a module of the Solid Earth Teaching and Research Environment (SEATREE) which provides a graphical user interface to flow computations and plotting. https://github.com/thwbecker/seatree UGESCE The Unified Geodynamics Earth Science Computing Environment (UGESCE, http://www-udc.ig.utexas.edu/external/becker/ugesce.html) provides a VirtualBox Linux install that includes SEATREE, HC, and a range of other Earth Science data and software, all in one (big) package, ready to go. COPYRIGHT Versions of this software might include Numerical Recipes code (HC does not rely on it, only some related tools do) - copyright is with these authors, do not distribute without permission. For all of the HC code, copyright by Thorsten Becker, [email protected], under GPL of 1991.
HC is a global mantle circulation solver following Hager & O'Connell (1981) which can compute velocities, tractions, and geoid for simple density distributions and plate velocities.
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