Music Events is a web app where a user can search and find music events. If authenticated a user can also create new events, update and delete his own created events but not others'. Visit here.
- Next.js
- TailwindCSS
- GraphQL
- Prisma
- Typescript
- Next-Auth
Music Events is a fully functional website built with Next.js, TailwindCSS, Prisma, GraphQL, Typescript and Next-Auth. It has a fully functional authentication system with Email/Password and sessions. It is fully responsive and mobile friendly. It also has a fully functional CRUD system for events. It uses GraphQL for the API and Prisma as the database ORM. It uses both server side rendering and static site generation.
git clone
npm install #or yarn #or pnpm install
npm run dev #or yarn dev #or pnpm dev
In order to run the app, you will have to create a .env file at the root of the project with the following variables:
- NEXTAUTH_URL (base url of the app, http://localhost:3000 if tested locally)
- NEXTAUTH_SECRET (secret for next-auth session)
- DATABASE_URL (ex. postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/postgres)
- CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME (cloudinary cloud name)
- CLOUDINARY_API_KEY (cloudinary api key)
- CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET (cloudinary api secret)