Angular Material password visible input. Formly support.
npm i ngx-password-visible-input
There are two operating modes:
- mousedown: the password is shown only when the view button is pressed (default).
- toggle: the visibility of the password is toggled when the view button is pressed.
Button color can be controled by the color property ( 'primary' | 'accent' | 'warn' | '' ) and can be raised.
<ngx-password-visible-input [mode]="mode" [color]="color" [raised]="raised" >
<input type="password" placeholder="Insert password" [(ngModel)]="pwd" />
Formly support is avaible through FormlyFieldPasswordVisibleInputComponent. Must be installed in FormlyModule by the library user:
types: [
{ name: 'visiblePassword', component: FormlyFieldPasswordVisibleInputComponent, wrappers: ['form-field'] }