Simple wrapper around testing libraries used by GetHuman. This library would be helpful to anyone who uses the same testing stack as we do. That includes:
- Mocha
- Chai
- Sinon
- Karma
- Protractor
- Gulp
- Q
- JSHint
- Istanbul
If you don't use all of these, this library won't likely be very helpful for you. If you do, however, then just include this as a dev dependency and it should save you a lot of keystrokes as well as unnecessary cruft in your tests.
To install simply run the following from the command line in your project root:
npm install taste --save-dev
Then in the Gulpfile.js that should be in your project root (because you are using Gulp, right?), put this near the top:
// in your gulp file or mocha init file (depending on how you run your tests)
var taste = require('taste');
// in each test spec file
var taste = require('taste');
describe('something to test', function () {
it('should do something', function () {
var fn = taste.spy();
// etc.
## API
The taste object has the following functions that you can use in your test spec:
* spy - Exposed sinon.spy
* expect - Exposed chai.expect
* should - Exposed chai.should()
* firstByte - To set the root dir for the app
* all - Does a Q.all() and then calls the mocha done() function once everything has resolved
* eventuallyEqual, eventuallyFulfilled, eventuallyRejected, eventuallyRejectedWith - Extra sugar on top of chai-as-promised
* copy - Copy an object
* target - Do require to get a module to be tested without using relative path (go from project root)