ODK Collect v1.16.0-beta.0
- Send submissions over SMS
- Rank widget to rank choices
- Randomize select ones and select multiples
- #1918 Build script improvements
- #2179 Show dialog after clicking on a notification
- Grzegorz Orczykowski @grzesiek2010 (Nafundi)
- #2264 Translation for time units in geo configurations
- Rushikesh Karad @rk635636
- #33 Rank widget
- Grzegorz Orczykowski @grzesiek2010 (Nafundi)
- #242 Send submissions over SMS
- Joel Dean @jd-alexander (Nafundi)
- #2081 Using "maps placement-map" appearance has unexpected effect
- Grzegorz Orczykowski @grzesiek2010 (Nafundi)
- #2243 "This is an update to a form you have" message disappears after canceling and refreshing connection to the server.
- Yizheng Huang @huangyz0918
- #1964 Display warning when select_multiple names have spaces in them
- Bartek Filipowicz @bartoszfilipowicz
- #1914 Blank hierarchy/jump view for RTL language
- Grzegorz Orczykowski @grzesiek2010 (Nafundi)
- #2195 Replace icons we use in DrawView with vectors
- Saumia Singhal @SaumiaSinghal
- #2269 NullPointerException in FormEntryActivity.getAbsoluteInstancePath
- Saumia Singhal @SaumiaSinghal
- #2244 Dark theme is not applied to the main menu when user load settings from collect.settings file
- Grzegorz Orczykowski @grzesiek2010 (Nafundi)
- #2287 Expander icons should be replaced with vectors and better visible in DarkTheme
- Grzegorz Orczykowski @grzesiek2010 (Nafundi)
- #2291 GeoPointMapActivity's Location Listener triggering a NullPointerException
- Joel Dean @jd-alexander
- #2263 FileUriExposedException when taking a picture for an image question
- Joel Dean @jd-alexander
- #2305 Unify geoshape_google_layout and geoshape_osm_layout using fragments
- Ka-Ping Yee @zestyping
Thanks to @dcbriccetti and @shobhitagarwal1612 for code quality improvements, and @ekigamba for code review, and @MartijnR for his work on ODK XForms spec!