Version: 1.0.0
Date: July 31, 2019
Andrea Lamparelli
Ghareeb Falazi
Uwe Breitenbücher
Florian Daniel
Frank Leymann
This document specifies the Smart Contract Locator (SCL) extension to the URL scheme intended for the technology-agnostic addressing of permissioned and permissionless blockchain smart contracts.
Given the IETF specification of the generic URL format:
URL = scheme ":" [userinfo "@" ] host [":" port] path ["?" query] ["#" fragment]
An SCL is defined as a specialization of a URL composed of a standard URL (up to the path
element included), which identifies a gateway that provides access to the blockchain platform on which the designated smart contract is hosted, and of an SCL query, which identifies the target smart contract inside the blockchain network:
SCL = scheme ":" [userinfo "@" ] host [":" port] path "?" scl_query
scl_query = "blockchain=" bc "&blockchain-id=" id "&address=" addr
bc = "ethereum" | "bitcoin" | "fabric" | "eosio" | ...
id = NetworkIdentifier // not further detailed here
addr = eth_addr | bit_addr | fab_addr | eos_addr | ...
eth_addr = 40ByteHexString // not further detailed here
bit_addr = Bech32Address // not further detailed here
fab_addr = PathString // not further detailed here
eos_addr = 12CharacterString // not further detailed here
Therefore, an SCL identifies:
- Which type of blockchain is addressed via the
query parameter - Which exact blockchain network is addressed (especially useful for permissioned blockchains where a gateway could connect to multiple instances of the same type).
- The blockchain-internal smart contract address (technology-specific)
In the following, we list example SCL addresses for a set of the supported blockchains that are accessed using the https scheme via a hypothetical gateway hosted at
- The proposal of SCL is compliant with standard URLs, which makes it natively ready for the Internet. The examples here use a schema binding of http or https, but nothing prohibits the use of SMTP or any other transport protocol.