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Stefano Pacifici edited this page Jul 3, 2020 · 1 revision


  • Java 8 to compile the Ghostery flavored Fenix
  • Java 9 to sign the APKs (apksigner), I suggest to use sdkman in order to have both versions installed simultanously
  • The Android Sdk
  • Android Sdk build-tools version 30.0.0-rc2


From the project root folder

./gradlew -PversionName=<version> assembleGhostery

version should be something like 3.0.0.

The above will generate unsigned APKs in the directory app/build/outputs/apk/geckoBeta/ghostery. These APKs are unsigned, so you need to sign them with apksigner. Please notice, you need to use Java 9 to use this program, otherwise it will crash complaining about the class version.

Assuming the Android Sdk is installed in ANDROID_HOME run the following command.

ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/30.0.0-rc2/apksigner sign --ks <keyfile> \
    --ks-key-alias <keyalias> \
    --in <app-flavor>-unsigned.apk \
    --out <app-flavor>.apk

You may have to call this on multiple APKs (depending on the architectures you want to support). At least, the arm64-v8a and the armeabi-v7a must be signed, as PlayStore force you to upload both 64bits and 32bits versions for a given architecture.

Upload and release the signed APKs to the PlayStore.

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