Talk to ChatGPT using your voice, and have it respond back to you in text to speech using the Azure API. Now you can talk to the super smart AI. This is a simple chat application that utilizes OpenAI's GPT-4 language model to respond to user input. The app allows users to chat with GPT4 using voice input, or text based input
- Get an API key from OpenAI & Azure, youll need it for the tool.
- Run python to launch the chat application
- Type in your message in the entry field and click the "Send" button to get a response from GPT
- Alternatively, you can click the "Start Talking" button to use your voice, when you've stopped talking it'll take what you said and input it into ChatGPT
- You can export the chat history to a text file by clicking the "Export Chat" button
- You can clear the chat history by clicking the "Clear" button
- You can download the EXE version of GhostGPT from the Releases section. Alternatively, you can clone this repository and follow the instructions below.
- Clone this repository and navigate to the project directory
- Open CMD and install these
pip install speechrecognition
pip install pyttsx3
pip install openai
- Download EXE version in releases section.
- Or CD to the folder where files are and run "python"
- Clone this repository and navigate to the project directory
- Install the required packages using pip install -r requirements.txt
- Get an API key from OpenAI and save it to a file named apikey.txt in the project directory
- Run python to launch the chat application
- Type in your message in the entry field and click the "Send" button to get a response from GPT
- Alternatively, you can click the "Start Talking" button to use your voice, when you've stopped talking it'll take what you said and input it into ChatGPT
- You can export the chat history to a text file by clicking the "Export Chat" button
- You can clear the chat history by clicking the "Clear" button
This project was created by Ghost ( using Python, tkinter, and OpenAI's GPT-3.
License GhostGPT is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.