- In this repository, we develop and deploy a feature store system serving trip records from the Yellow and Green taxi fleets of the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC). Various services are employed to meet the specific requirements of each stream. Pyspark, PostgreSQL, Flink, Kafka, DBT, and Airflow are among the prominent services utilized for these purposes. Additionally, monitoring tools such as Prometheus and Grafana are integrated to ensure effective performance monitoring.
- stream_processing folder: contain streaming data source and streaming processing service (kafka for data source and flink for processing)
- jars folder: contain used jars file for data pipeline (Pyspark)
- airflow folder: contain airflow dag,configuration,and deployment
- utils folder: helper funtions
- pyspark folder: contain scripts for batch processing
- ansible folder: contain ansible playbook for deploying data pipeline, monitoring tools, and airflow on Google Compute Engine
- monitoring folder: contain configuration for monitoring tools (Prometheus, Grafana)
- data folder: contain data raw and streaming data
- data-validation folder: contain great_expectations for data validation
- dbt_nyc folder: contain dbt project for data transformation nyctaxi data
- src folder: contain source code for data pipeline
- This repo is implemented on 170GB nyc taxi data
- Tested on Python 3.9.12 (recommended to use a virtual environment such as Conda)
conda create -n mle python=3.9
pip install -r requirements.txt
Data: You can dowload and use this dataset in here: https://www.nyc.gov/site/tlc/about/tlc-trip-record-data.page. The format data I used in this Project is parquet/csv file
Docker engine
You can use list command in
to run service -
For example: Run all service by command
make run_all
You can run monitoring service by commands
make monitoring_up
make elk_up
Access at http://localhost:3000/ to for Grafana for tracking resource usage (username/password
is admin/admin
Access at http://localhost:5601/ to for Kibana for tracking logs (
is elastic/changeme
You can see datalake/README.MD
for details guide (setup,srcipts,...)
You can see dbt_nyc/README.MD
for details guide (setup,srcipts,...)
You can see airflow/README.MD
for details guide (setup,srcipts,...)
You can see stream_processing/README.MD
for details guide (setup,srcipts,...)
Great Expectations:
You can find examples of data validation using Great Expectations in the notebooks
folder full_flow.ipynb
and reload_and_validate.ipynb
Great Expectations is a Python-based library that allows you to define, manage, and validate expectations about data in your data pipelines and projects.
You can explore data validation using Deequ in the file pyspark/validation.py
Deequ is a library primarily built for Spark that enables data validation and quality checks within Spark data processing pipelines.
Pyspark helps efficiently handle big data, speeding up data reading and writing, and processing much faster as data grows.
In this problem, we leverage Pyspark to transform and store data into a data warehouse, as well as quickly validate data.