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Initial basic app using truffle.js framework for election/voting with solidity contracts.

Tons of credit to: Dapp University's tutorials

Initialize the project

  1. Install the truffle framework npm install -g truffle
  2. Install the ganache gui or cli npm install -g ganache-cli
  3. git clone && cd voting-dapp && npm install
  4. In the background, simply run ganache-cli, the accounts/private keys will be generated and an in memory ETH blockchain will start.

Run Test

  1. To add aditional tests, edit the test/election.js file.
  2. From project root (make sure ganache-cli is running) run truffle test. If all passes, you're ready to deploy.

Deploy Contracts

  1. The deploy methods have been added to /migrations/ and will be run in the order specified. e.g. 1_ 2_ .... To deploy (run a migration), from project root, run tuffle migrate.
  2. If making changes to existing contracts, like adding an additional struct to a function that's been deployed, you'll need to run truffle migrate -reset for it work properly.

Start Server

  1. npm run dev from project root will open localhost:3000.

Cast Vote

  1. Ensure Metamask is installed, and pop ups are not blocked. Within Metamask, click your accounts' icon to access the menu, and select import account.
  2. Copy one of the seeds that ganache-cli spit out upon starting it and paste it into Metamask. You've now loaded your Ethers in Metamask.
  3. Make a candidate selection and vote. Your results should be displayed. Continue, importing other accounts, as needed.


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