NextQL plugin for feathers. I not sure it for production, but it demonstrate how easy to extend NextQL
- NextQL : Yet Another Data Query Language. Equivalent GraphQL but much more simple.
- Featherjs : A REST and realtime API layer for modern applications.
Notice: Current nextql-feathers only work with nextql >= 5.0.0
npm install --save nextql-feathers
NextQL just a data query engine. It required a client-side component, a transport and a data access component to complete. Featherjs just happen provide all of features. So shall we marry?
In fact, NextQL match perfect with Feathers:
- NextQL use JS object as model, Feathers use JS object as service.
- NextQL's methods could map to Feathers methods.
- Finally, NextQL will complete Feathers with robust data/relationship query language.
const NextQL = require("nextql");
const nextql = new NextQL();
const feathers = require("feathers");
const app = feathers();
const NeDB = require("nedb");
const service = require("feathers-nedb");
// Create a NeDB instance
const Model = new NeDB({
filename: "./data/messages.db",
autoload: true
// Use nextql-feathers plugin
nextql.use(require("nextql-feathers"), {
// Define NextQL model which also a feathers service
nextql.model("messages", {
feathers: {
path: "/messages",
service: service({ Model })
fields: {
_id: 1,
text: 1,
newText: 1
computed: {
owner() {
return {
name: "Giap Nguyen Huu"
// Now NextQL work seamlessly with Feathers
await app.service("messages").find({
query: {
$params: { $limit: 2 }, // featherjs find params
_id: 1,
text: 1,
owner: {
name: 1 // !!! NextQL resolve computed value for featherjs
await app.service("messages").get(1, {
query: {
_id: 1,
text: 1,
owner: {
name: 1
await app.service("messages").patch(
newText: "Text 2"
query: {}
Please check out featherjs-chat example with NextQL.
- NextQL could real-time over Featherjs
- Featherjs methods called with NextQL query. So you can query user information directly from messages service. Orginial version require you query addtional user service.
query: {
$params: {
$sort: { createdAt: -1 },
$limit: 25
total: 1,
limit: 1,
skip: 1,
data: {
text: 1,
owner: {
name: 1
.then(page => {;
- When you call create message, you provide NextQL query which filter data from Featherjs event - it's work like GraphQL subscription or Relay Fat Query without coding.
text: input.value
query: {
text: 1,
owner: {
name: 1
.then(() => {
input.value = "";
- Thus event listenning from all clients will receive above NextQL query data.
// Listen to created events and add the new message in real-time
client.service("messages").on("created", addMessage);
PASS test/index.test.js
✓ find messages (8ms)
✓ get message (5ms)
✓ create message (2ms)
✓ update message (5ms)
✓ patch message (2ms)
✓ remove message (3ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 6 passed, 6 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 0.908s, estimated 2s
Ran all test suites.
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
All files | 97.92 | 89.29 | 100 | 97.87 | |
index.js | 97.92 | 89.29 | 100 | 97.87 | 121 |