This is a Puppet module to install and configure Homer (
Define a structure like this:
/root/homer-ui (source code for homer-ui)
/root/homer-api (source code for homer-api)
cd /root/puppet
Depending on your strategy (hieradata, role/profile, etc) things may change, but you can just define the puppet/site.pp like:
node default {
class { 'homer':
manage_mysql => true,
mysql_password => 'astrongone',
mysql_root_password => 'averystrongone',
ui_admin_password => 'theadmin123',
and apply:
sudo puppet apply --debug --modulepath=/etc/puppet/modules:modules/ site.pp --show_diff --noop
sudo puppet apply --debug --modulepath=/etc/puppet/modules:modules/ site.pp --show_diff
- 'puppetlabs-stdlib'
- 'puppetlabs-mysql'
- 'puppetlabs-apt'
(see Modulefile)
Ubuntu 14.04 Debian 8.3
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