- Create a new virtual environment for the project using
(optional but recommended) - Install a Fortrain compiler like
to this directory- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt --no-cache-dir
(replace tensorflow-gpu with tensorflow if your machine doesn't have a gpu) - Download MNIST dataset from here and unzip to
directory - Copy the file
to<PYTHON PATH>/lib/<PYTHON VERSION>/site-packages/GPy/kern/src
- Copy the contents of the file
and replace the contents of the file<PYTHON PATH>/lib/<PYTHON VERSION>/site-packages/scipydirect/__init__.py
with the copied contents. - Add the line
from .src.exp_kern import ExpKernel
to<PYTHON PATH>/lib/<PYTHON VERSION>/site-packages/GPy/kern/__init__.py
- Add the line
from .exp_kern import ExpKernel
to<PYTHON PATH>/lib/<PYTHON VERSION>/site-packages/GPy/kern/src/__init__.py
- Run the code via
python run_bo_bos.py
Code for the following paper:
Zhongxiang Dai, Haibin Yu, Kian Hsiang Low and Patrick Jaillet. "Bayesian Optimization Meets Bayesian Optimal Stopping." In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Long Beach, CA, Jun 9-15, 2019.
Description of the scripts:
- bayesian_optimization.py: the BO algorithm; implements both standard GP-UCB and BO-BOS
- helper_funcs.py: some helper functions (e.g. acquisition functions) for the BO algorithm
- bos_function.py: contains the Bayesian optimal stopping algorithm
- objective_functions.py: contains several objective functions for hyper-parameter tuning
- run_bo_bos.py: the wrapper script which calls the BO-BOS algorithm
- analyze_results.ipynb: an ipython notebook script analyzing the results obtained by running the "run_bo_bos.py" script (assuming "objective_function_LR_MNIST" is used as the objective function)
- generate_mnist_training_validation.py: generate the training set/validation set split for the MNIST dataset
Description of the directories:
- datasets: contains the datasets used for hyper-parameter tuning MNIST: please download the "mnist-original.zip" from "https://www.kaggle.com/avnishnish/mnist-original", and unzip to folder "datasets/"; then, run "generate_mnist_training_validation.py", which will generate the training set/validation set split. SVHN: please download the files "train.tar.gz" and "test.tar.gz" from "http://ufldl.stanford.edu/housenumbers/", and put then in the folder "datasets/" CIFAR-10: this dataset will be automatically downloaded by the keras package
- dependencies: contains some dependency scripts, which are explained in more detail below
- saved_init: contains the initializations used by the BO/BO-BOS algorithm; since we would like to use the same initializations for both GP-UCB and BO-BOS
- saved_results: contains the results of the BO/BO-BOS algorithm; the results are saved/updated after every iteration
key dependencies (excluding commonly used packages such as scipy, numpy, tensorflow, keras, etc.)
- GPy
- install GPy
- add the line "from .src.exp_kern import ExpKernel" to "PYTHON_PATH/lib/python3.5/site-packages/GPy/kern/__init__.py"
- add the line "from .exp_kern import ExpKernel" to "PYTHON_PATH/lib/python3.5/site-packages/GPy/kern/src/__init__.py"
- place the script "exp_kern.py" in the "dependencies" folder to the folder "PYTHON_PATH/lib/python3.5/site-packages/GPy/kern/src/"
- scipydirect: this package uses the DIRECT method to optimize the acquisition function
- install scipydirect with "pip install scipydirect"
- replace the content of the script "PYTHON_PATH/lib/python3.5/site-packages/scipydirect/__init__.py" with the content of the script "scipydirect_for_bo_bos.py" in the "dependencies" folder; this step is required since we modified the interface of the scipydirect minimize function