- Easy REST endpoints for your tRPC procedures.
- Perfect for incremental adoption.
- OpenAPI version 3.0.3.
The original repo trpc-openapi no longer appears to be maintained. The goal of this fork is to add more control for error responses, support more frameworks, and support the new procedure types in @trpc v11.x.x. PRs Are welcome
This forked repo fixed the compatible issue with trpc 11, where you will see the error of "unknown procedure type". Hope this can help more people.
If you've pulled the repo. you can run any of the example projects by first running these 2 commands:
yarn install
yarn build
Then select a workspace
yarn workspace with-[WORKSPACE_NAME] run dev
yarn workspace with-nextjs-app run dev
1. Install trpc-swagger
npm install @alex8628/trpc-swagger --save
yarn add @alex8628/trpc-swagger
pnpm add @alex8628/trpc-swagger
bun add @alex8628/trpc-swagger
2. Add OpenApiMeta
to your tRPC instance
// @/server/trpc.ts
import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server'
import { OpenApiMeta } from 'trpc-swagger'
// VERC: This
const t = initTRPC.create()
// VERC: Becomes
const t = initTRPC.meta<OpenApiMeta>().create()
// VERC: Advanced create configs
const t = initTRPC.meta<OpenApiMeta>().create({ ... })
3. Enable openapi
support for a procedure.
// @/server/index.ts
export const appRouter = t.router({
sayHello: t.procedure
openapi: { method: 'GET', path: '/say-hello' }
name: z.string()
greeting: z.string()
.query(({ input }) => {
return { greeting: `Hello ${input.name}!` }
4. Generate an OpenAPI document.
// @/server/swagger.ts
import { generateOpenApiDocument } from 'trpc-swagger'
import { appRouter } from './appRouter'
/* π */
export const openApiDocument = generateOpenApiDocument(appRouter, {
title: 'tRPC Swagger',
version: '1.0.0', // consider making this pull version from package.json
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000', // consider making this dynamic
docsUrl: "https://github.com/vercjames/trpc-swagger",
tags: ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3", "posts"],
5. Add an trpc-swagger
handler to your app.
We currently support adapters for Express
, Next.js
, Next.js 14
, Serverless
, Fastify
, Nuxt
& Node:HTTP
import http from 'http'
import { createOpenApiHttpHandler } from 'trpc-swagger'
import { appRouter } from '../appRouter'
const server = http.createServer(createOpenApiHttpHandler({ router: appRouter })) /* π */
6. Profit π€
// client.ts
const res = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/say-hello?name=Verc', { method: 'GET' })
const body = await res.json() /* { greeting: 'Hello Verc!' } */
Peer dependencies
Your application requires these 2 packages installed
Server v11 (@trpc/server
) must be installed.Zod
v3 (zod@^3.14.4
) must be installed (recommended^3.20.0
Procedure support
For a procedure to support OpenAPI the following must be true:
- Both
parsers are present AND useZod
validation. - Query
parsers extendObject<{ [string]: String | Number | BigInt | Date }>
. - Mutation
parsers extendObject<{ [string]: AnyType }>
. meta.openapi.method
is a string starting with/
parameters exist ininput
parser asString | Number | BigInt | Date
Please note:
- Data
(such assuperjson
) are ignored. - Trailing slashes are ignored.
- Routing is case-insensitive.
Procedures with a GET
method will accept inputs via URL query parameters
. Procedures with a POST
method will accept inputs via the request body
with a application/json
or application/x-www-form-urlencoded
content type.
A procedure can accept a set of inputs via URL path parameters. You can add a path parameter to any OpenAPI procedure by using curly brackets around an input name as a path segment in the meta.openapi.path
Query & path parameter inputs are always accepted as a string
. This library will attempt to coerce your input values to the following primitive types out of the box: number
, boolean
, bigint
and date
. If you wish to support others such as object
, array
etc. please use z.preprocess()
// Router
export const appRouter = t.router({
sayHello: t.procedure
.meta({ openapi: { method: 'GET', path: '/say-hello/{name}' /* π */ } })
.input(z.object({ name: z.string() /* π */, greeting: z.string() }))
.output(z.object({ greeting: z.string() }))
.query(({ input }) => {
return { greeting: `${input.greeting} ${input.name}!` }
// Client
const res = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/say-hello/Verc?greeting=Hello' /* π */, {
method: 'GET',
const body = await res.json() /* { greeting: 'Hello Verc!' } */
// Router
export const appRouter = t.router({
sayHello: t.procedure
.meta({ openapi: { method: 'POST', path: '/say-hello/{name}' /* π */ } })
.input(z.object({ name: z.string() /* π */, greeting: z.string() }))
.output(z.object({ greeting: z.string() }))
.mutation(({ input }) => {
return { greeting: `${input.greeting} ${input.name}!` }
// Client
const res = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/say-hello/Verc' /* π */, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({ greeting: 'Hello' }),
const body = await res.json() /* { greeting: 'Hello Verc!' } */
Any custom headers can be specified in the meta.openapi.headers
array, these headers will not be validated on request. Please consider using Authorization for first-class OpenAPI auth/security support.
Status codes will be 200
by default for any successful requests. In the case of an error, the status code will be derived from the thrown TRPCError
or fallback to 500
You can modify the status code or headers for any response using the responseMeta
function. Extra responses can be documented in the meta.openapi.extraResponses
// Router
export const appRouter = t.router({
sayHello: t.procedure
.meta({ openapi: {
method: 'POST',
path: '/say-hello/{name}',
extraResponses: {
400: {
description: 'Bad request',
content: z.object({ reason: z.string().describe("The reason") }),
.input(z.object({ name: z.string(), greeting: z.string() }))
.output(z.object({ greeting: z.string() }))
.mutation(({ input }) => {
return { greeting: `${input.greeting} ${input.name}!` }
Please see error status codes here.
To create protected endpoints, add protect: true
to the meta.openapi
object of each tRPC procedure. By default, you can then authenticate each request with the createContext
function using the Authorization
header with the Bearer
scheme. If you wish to authenticate requests using a different/additional methods (such as custom headers, or cookies) this can be overwritten by specifying securitySchemes
Explore a complete example here.
import { TRPCError, initTRPC } from '@trpc/server'
import { OpenApiMeta } from 'trpc-swagger'
type User = { id: string, name: string }
const users: User[] = [
id: 'usr_123',
name: 'Verc',
export type Context = { user: User | null }
export const createContext = async ({ req, res }): Promise<Context> => {
let user: User | null = null
if (req.headers.authorization) {
const userId = req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1]
user = users.find((_user) => _user.id === userId)
return { user }
const t = initTRPC.context<Context>().meta<OpenApiMeta>().create()
export const appRouter = t.router({
sayHello: t.procedure
.meta({ openapi: { method: 'GET', path: '/say-hello', protect: true /* π */ } })
.input(z.void()) // no input expected
.output(z.object({ greeting: z.string() }))
.query(({ input, ctx }) => {
if (!ctx.user) {
throw new TRPCError({ message: 'User not found', code: 'UNAUTHORIZED' })
return { greeting: `Hello ${ctx.user.name}!` }
const res = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/say-hello', {
method: 'GET',
headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer usr_123' } /* π */,
const body = await res.json() /* { greeting: 'Hello Verc!' } */
For advanced use-cases, please find examples in our complete test suite.
Please see full example here.
import { createExpressMiddleware } from '@trpc/server/adapters/express'
import express from 'express'
import { createOpenApiExpressMiddleware } from 'trpc-swagger'
import { appRouter } from '../appRouter'
const app = express()
app.use('/api/trpc', createExpressMiddleware({ router: appRouter }))
app.use('/api', createOpenApiExpressMiddleware({ router: appRouter })) /* π */
Please see full example here.
// pages/api/[...trpc].ts
import { createOpenApiNextHandler } from 'trpc-swagger'
import { appRouter } from '../../server/appRouter'
export default createOpenApiNextHandler({ router: appRouter })
Please see full example here.
import { createOpenApiAwsLambdaHandler } from 'trpc-swagger'
import { appRouter } from './appRouter'
export const openApi = createOpenApiAwsLambdaHandler({ router: appRouter })
Please see full example here.
import { fastifyTRPCPlugin } from '@trpc/server/adapters/fastify'
import Fastify from 'fastify'
import { fastifyTRPCOpenApiPlugin } from 'trpc-swagger'
import { appRouter } from './router'
const fastify = Fastify()
async function main() {
await fastify.register(fastifyTRPCPlugin, { router: appRouter })
await fastify.register(fastifyTRPCOpenApiPlugin, { router: appRouter }) /* π */
await fastify.listen({ port: 3000 })
Please see full typings here.
Property | Type | Description | Required |
title |
string |
The title of the API. | true |
description |
string |
A short description of the API. | false |
version |
string |
The version of the OpenAPI document. | true |
baseUrl |
string |
The base URL of the target server. | true |
docsUrl |
string |
A URL to any external documentation. | false |
tags |
string[] |
A list for ordering endpoint groups. | false |
securitySchemes |
Record<string, SecuritySchemeObject> |
Defaults to Authorization header with Bearer scheme |
false |
Please see full typings here.
Property | Type | Description | Required | Default |
enabled |
boolean |
Exposes this procedure to trpc-swagger adapters and on the OpenAPI document. |
false |
true |
method |
HttpMethod |
HTTP method this endpoint is exposed on. Value can be GET , POST , PATCH , PUT or DELETE . |
true |
undefined |
path |
string |
Pathname this endpoint is exposed on. Value must start with / , specify path parameters using {} . |
true |
undefined |
protect |
boolean |
Requires this endpoint to use a security scheme. | false |
false |
summary |
string |
A short summary of the endpoint included in the OpenAPI document. | false |
undefined |
description |
string |
A verbose description of the endpoint included in the OpenAPI document. | false |
undefined |
tags |
string[] |
A list of tags used for logical grouping of endpoints in the OpenAPI document. | false |
undefined |
headers |
ParameterObject[] |
An array of custom headers to add for this endpoint in the OpenAPI document. | false |
undefined |
contentTypes |
ContentType[] |
A set of content types specified as accepted in the OpenAPI document. | false |
['application/json'] |
extraResponses |
ResponsesObject * |
An array of custom responses to add for this endpoint in the OpenAPI document in addition to the default response. | false |
undefined |
deprecated |
boolean |
Whether or not to mark an endpoint as deprecated | false |
false |
- The
field in ResponsesObject is expected to be az.ZodType
Please see full typings here.
Property | Type | Description | Required |
router |
Router |
Your application tRPC router. | true |
createContext |
Function |
Passes contextual (ctx ) data to procedure resolvers. |
false |
responseMeta |
Function |
Returns any modifications to statusCode & headers. | false |
onError |
Function |
Called if error occurs inside handler. | false |
maxBodySize |
number |
Maximum request body size in bytes (default: 100kb). | false |
Still using tRPC v9? See our .interop()
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.