Build a Docker image for a Virtual Cloud Operator with the VCO Terraform plugin and Commandline interface tools to manage resources in the VCO.
This repository provides a Dockerfile and accompanying scripts to build an image that will contain relevant tools to manage your resources in a VCO portal. One must have access to their customer account in the VCO portal to be able to build this image and obtain a valid JWT from the API page in the VCO portal. The URL for the VCO is also passed as an environment variable.
Docker container runtime must be installed on the machine from which this build will be done, valid JWT and URL for VCO portal.
Clone the repository and switch to the directory with Dockerfile
git clone
cd gig_tools/cli_terraform/
export ARG_JWT
Run the command to build a docker image from Dockerfile
docker build --build-arg ARG_JWT --build-arg ARG_VCO_API_URL -t <VCO_NAME> .
To use the build image, run the command below to access the container.
docker run -w /root/home/ -i -t <VCO_NAME> /bin/bash
JWT is set during the image built but after a while, the token expires. To renew the token in the container run the command below
echo $JWT | <VCO_CLI_NAME> config auth-token update
echo $JWT | ateam config auth-token update