A service for meal kits, categories, categories, ingredients and such. Darn, what's excluded?: orders, payments, users
Create a .env
file at the project root to store the required environment variables:
# .env
is used as an linter aggregator.
It runs as a Github action on the main branch. However, to run it locally, you'll need to first install and then run:
golangci-lint run
in the main directory.
go run
can be used for standalone execution with a .env
file added to the project root:
go run ./cmd/campaign/main.go --env ./.env
go get -u ./... && go mod tidy -compat=1.17
The AWS API Gateway should validate the JWT token, so the service should only extract the required information from the token (like if the requester is an admin etc).
A reason for using
in REST URI when the user id can be extracted from the JWT and the user only manage data of themselves: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/a/362064/374006