A futile attempt to stop the takeover of the snakes by illuminating people on the dangers of them.
You will understand this article a bit more if you're a programmer.
Multiple python
versions cannot live in the same system. To manage them it's highly suggested to use a version manager. pyenv
is the weapon of choice for this work.
pyenv versions
shows the installed python versions:
❯ pyenv versions
* system (set by /Users/giorgio/.pyenv/version)
* 3.11.3 (set by /Users/giorgio/.pyenv/version)
pyenv install --list
shows the installable versions (use grep to filter)
pyenv install/uninstall major.minor.patch
does what it says on the tin
the really important commands are pyenv local/global pythonVersion
, e.g. python local 3.11.3
those sets the global (system) python version or the local (directory + subdirs) version. I never touch the global one, i just set a local in every directory i want to use python with.
Using python local x.y.z
will generate a .python-version
file (it's not a bad idea to put it in gitignore, but it's also quite fine to have it in the repo to esplicitly declare which version should be the "blessed" one for the project. You can omit the patch number in the file.) that will enable pyenv
to understand what python version to invoke. It's a simple text file with a version number:
❯ cat .python-version
Usually latest
is fine, specially after Python 3.9. Before 3.9, there has been some breakages/feature changes in between 3.6->3.9 like new operators, dictionaries (basically hashmaps) became insertion-ordered and so on. Try to stay at least on 3.9, almost forced if you want to use type hints.
We installed pyenv, we can now go try it:
pyenv install 3.11.3
cd ~
mkdir python_test
cd python_test
pyenv local 3.11.3
python --version
And we should see the correct version. Keep in mind it's still a GLOBAL install; even if you control the version per directory, if I have another directory with a 3.11.3 version they will share installed packages, and so on.
To have a real sandbox, we need another step: the virtualenv. Long story short a virtualenv is a copy of the standard library and a series of shell script that redirects installation of packages into the sandbox environment.
Many tools promise to manage venvs for you, but dont let them do that: generate them manually, always in the project directory, always in the .venv
dir. This is a commonly accepted best practice (i.e. pycharm automatically resolved the virtualenv if it's there). How to generate a virtualenv?
python -m venv .venv
This invokes python's stdlib venv
module, which when invoked like this produces a new virtualenv in the directory specified with the first argument, creating the dir if not existing.
Once the virtualenv has been generated, you need to activate it with this command:
source .venv/bin/activate
Your prompt will change to signal you're now "inside" the venv. You can now install packages locally, just for the current virtualenv:
pip install ipython requests
To get out of the venv, just use the deactivate
command (don't do that right now!). In general I just close the shell rather then deactivate, less room for error.
This is Python weakest point. The community is hell-bent on producing package managers and web frameworks in search of the next seat at the rockstar dev table, but almost all of them are of terrible quality, with unclear governance and useless docs.
The only blessed way to install packages is pip
, which does not produce a lockfile and other nasty things.
basic guide:
pip install/unistall foo
- does what it says on the tinpip freeze
- shows all installed packages. transitive dependencies are listed too (i.e. you install foo depending on bar, pip freeze will show foo and bar)pip freeze > requirements.txt
produces a requirements file, the "old" way of telling people what was needed for the projectpip install -r requirements.txt
install a requirements file.
In our org, poetry
is usually used, but I'm not an expert: I installed it, then I get into my manually generated virtualenv and run poetry install
or poetry add foo
to add a dependency. Let's not go deeper than that for now, it's really the worst part of the ecosystem. Be careful as poetry
is misbehaved and they don't use SemVer. Many breaking changes appear in between minors.
If I could have had my choice, pip-tools
is the best package manager as it's basically a wrapper over pip
that automates the production and syncronization of requirement files. But I didn't have my choice and now you have to suffer.
How to package python and to specify project metadata has been changed like a gazillion times in between PEPs (PEP = Python Enhancement Proposal, basically RFCs that are voted and implemented to change the lang).
The latest fad is the pyproject.toml
file, which is used to specify dependencies, metadata, configure some tools. It's best to leave it managed by poetry
for non library projects, as metadata is useful only for publication on PyPI, the package repo.
https://github.com/casavo/casavo-log-formatter/blob/main/pyproject.toml take a look here for a pypi-enabled pyproject toml, or our projects for some more examples.
Python has a moderately good REPL; it's not on Clojure's level, but it's workable. I made you install ipython
, which is way better as it has autocomplete, syntax highlight, and so on.
Run it with the ipython
Python 3.11.3 (main, May 29 2023, 10:23:41) [Clang 14.0.3 (clang-1403.]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.15.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [ ]:
you can now play with the language.
In [ ]: 2 + 2
Out[ ]: 4
In [ ]: name = "Giorgio"
In [ ]: print(f"Hello, {name}!")
Hello, Giorgio!
In [ ]: import requests
In [ ]: response = requests.get("https://httpbin.org/get")
In [ ]: response.json()
Out[ ]:
{'args': {},
'headers': {'Accept': '*/*',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
'Host': 'httpbin.org',
'User-Agent': 'python-requests/2.31.0',
'X-Amzn-Trace-Id': 'Root=1-6501c713-0d5b7a74419632b9319462cc'},
'origin': '',
'url': 'https://httpbin.org/get'}
Some anatomy lessons: returns are annotated on Out
lines, string interpolation is done by prepending f
on a string literal, assignation is =
, packages are imported by doing import foo
or from foo import specific_thing
. String can be specified with ""
or ''
quoting. ""
is more idiomatic. requests
is just a http client library, and we used a function from the package with the .get
You can read docstring in REPL with the help()
command, try help(requests.get)
In python everything is an object, so you can also use dir(foo)
to see all the properties, methods, fields and so on of an instance.
In [ ]: help(requests.get)
In [ ]: dir(response)
Out[ ]:
Use quit()
to quit the REPL. Have fun!
Python is a strongly typed dynamic language. It has structural subtyping aka duck typing. If I want something with a quack()
method, it could be a Duck, Train, Integer instance and it would work nonetheless if it has the correct method.
There is no implicit type coercion, so 1 + "ah"
will fail with a TypeError
Yes python has significant whitespace and no braces. Use 4 spaces. Never use tabs. Never mix them up. It used to be a matter of style but industry standardized on 4 spaces. Use an .editorconfig
aware editor + a formatter and be done with it.
Scopes are delimited by the indentation level.
There is no concept of visibility in python. Everything is public. A convention (which some IDE helps enforce) is to prepend functions/classes/methods names with an _
if they must be considered package private (internal
in Java i think?).
TODO: module or package private?
There is also the double underscore prefix __
that does something called name mangling. Don't use it, it's pointless, but also consider double underscore prefixed things as package private.
By implementing some magic methods on your classes, you can make them behave as primitive types and/or interact with keywords of the language. The magic methods are called dunders (double-underscore, since they are all in the form __methodname__()
Some easy examples are __str__()
+ __repr__()
to have .toString
in py) + cool representation in REPL, __eq__()
to implement the ==
operator, __len__()
to implement the possibility of using len()
on your class and so on.
Many things in python are iterators so they can be iterated on. It's a central python concept and it's implemented in most primitives. you can create your iterators on any class by implementing the dunders __iter__()
and __next__()
Python makes massive use of the decorator pattern which are encoded in the language with the special syntax @decoratorname
before the thing it decorates.
Some common decorators are @property, @classmethod, @staticmethod
and the special things defined by libraries, usually web frameworks like the classic flask @get
You can write your custom decorators obviously.
A python module is a python file containing code. A python package is a directory with 1+ python modules. Can have other packages inside.
Projects are usually structured with a pyproject.toml
at the root level, then a directory with the name of the main package.
Imports are absolute in the package structure if you did everything correctly, so an app/handlers
package, that has a user.py
module, and inside the module a add_user()
function, should be importable like this:
from app.handlers.user import add_user
Every python package (a directory basically) must have an __init__.py
file inside in order to be recognized as a package. This is a rule. Just do it. Quirks. Don't write anything inside it. It's usually used to fake visibility so people should just import stuff declared there in other packages, but no one does it anymore. Curse of popularity.
Everything should be in lowercase_kebab_case
. Classes should be named in PascalCase
Use #
for comments. No special syntax for multiline comments and can comment inline.
Literals declared with ""
or ''
. Can interpolate if prepended by an f""
(called f-strings). Are basically bytes, UTF-8.
They are of type str
which has a corresponding str()
Useful methods:
"Gio" + "rgio"
# 'Giorgio'
"Gio" * 3
# 'GioGioGio'
# True
# False
# True
", ".join(["Foo", "Bar", "Qux"])
# 'Foo, Bar, Qux'
"Foo, Bar, Qux".split(", ")
# ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Qux']
This is a multiline
string for your
editing pleasure
# '\nThis is a multiline\nstring for your\nediting pleasure\n'
# notice the starting and ending \n ;)
Some libraries wants bytes()
instead of strings. Bytes are string literals prepended by a b
, i.e. b"Giorgio"
and are usually a sign of python 2 legacy. Your best bet is to immediately .decode("utf-8")
them to strings. .encode()
on a string transform it to bytes.
# b'Giorgio'
# 'Giorgio'
Type int()
for integers, arbitrarily big. I think the constructor also accepts strings.
2349324234902349023 + 8923448923
# 2349324243825797946
# usual suspects here, most important division and integer division
30 / 2
# 15.0 - a float
30 // 2
# 15 - an int
Type float()
for ... floats. If a number has a dot, it's a float literal. IEEE classic float implementation, bad precision. Use Decimal
in the standard library if you want arbitrary precision. float()
with "NaN" or "inf"/"-inf" values makes NaN and the signed infinites, useful if you need to accumulate a counter over a loop and there are signed numbers as the infinites are greather than/lesser than every other number.
# -inf
# nan
# 0.30000000000000004
Not much to say, True
and False
. Use the bool()
constructor to check if something is truthy or falsy:
# True
# False
# False
I need to introduce some datatypes beforehand but bear with me: the following are falsy values in Python:
- The number zero (
) - An empty stringÂ
- An empty listÂ
- An empty tupleÂ
- An empty dictionaryÂ
everything else is truthy. This is important because py relies a lot on truthy-falsy values for constructs like if
Just null, but it's written None
Usually enabled by implementing dunders.
assigns+ - * / < > ==
do what they say on the tin barring some strange cases (like string multiplication)**
checks if left hand is inside right hand collectionis
is identity equality (are they the same object, occupying the same memory space).False, True, None
are singletons so usually those checks are done withif foo is None
and not with normal equality==
and or ^
boolean operators, i think XOR is^
if left hand side and right hand side are both bools. I never used a xor in 8 years of python. They short circuit.
set/dict union, also used in type annotations to create something similar to a tagged union from functional languages*name
the operator is*
, "absorbs" stuff into a list that will be bound toname
, used in destructuring and stuff like that**dict
splats the dict, where possible
Before going with other primitives, be aware that python has a lot of builtins functions that can be invoked from everywhere (yay, PHP!). You can list them by doing
import builtins
# ...omitted
The most useful are isinstance()
to check type membership, type()
to know a type of something (don't use it to compare, use isinstance for that), len()
to see the length of things, any()
and all()
on iterables to know if at least one or all the values are truthy, sum()
and sorted()
are pretty intuitive (sorted returns a copy, it's not in place). I will be using some datatypes I'll explain later.
isinstance("", str)
# True
# int
# 8
any(item > 1 for item in [-1,2,3])
# True
all(item > 1 for item in [-1,2,3])
# False
# 6
sorted(["cap2_1", "cap1", "cap2"])
# ['cap1', 'cap2', 'cap2_1']
Your basic conditional keyword is if..elif..else
. Really not that much to say other than it's idiomatic to rely on falsy values as conditions rather than explicit checks (i.e. a common idiom is if not list
to check if a list is empty, not if len(list) == 0
stock_list = []
if not stock_list:
print("you're poor")
# you're poor
debt_list = [100_000] # you can use _ as a separator for integers
if debt_list:
print("you're in debt")
# you're in debt
bank_account = 0
if bank_account > 100_000:
elif bank_account > 50_000:
# :(
Ternaries expressions have the form result_true if condition else result_false
. They are very expressive but beware as coverage tools won't spot if you're not walking both branches.
weather = "sunny"
return "Go for a walk" if weather == "sunny" else "Stay inside"
Two basic constructs: for
and while
. for
walks over iterables (no counter management in the loop declaration), while
needs counter management.
for number in range(0, 4): # range produces an iterable that goes from first argument inclusive to last argument exclusive
# 0
# 1
# 2
# 3
while True:
print("I would be an infinite loop but...")
break # break interrupts the loop
# I would be an infinite loop but...
counter = 0
while counter < 3:
counter += 1
# 0
# 1
# 2
for item in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
print(item ** 2)
# 1
# 4
# 9
# 16
# 25
for item in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
if item % 2 == 0:
continue # stop and go to the next iteration
print(item ** 2)
# 1
# 9
# 25
Try to use comprehensions (we will see them later) instead of for
s and while
List literals are declared with []
and can contain heterogenous types. Some example of classical operations on lists:
names = ["Giorgio", "Egle", "Giovanna"]
# ['Giorgio', 'Egle', 'Giovanna', 3]
# 3
names[0] # indexed access
# 'Giorgio'
names[0:1] # slice syntax, from:to. to is exclusive.
# ['Giorgio']
names[1:] # From 1 until the end
# ['Egle', 'Giovanna']
names[:2] # From 0 until 1
# ['Giorgio', 'Egle']
names[::-1] # Creates a new list by walking the current list, but specifies the step of the walk, so this actually reverses a list
# ['Giovanna', 'Egle', 'Giorgio']
names[-1] # Can access from the back with negative indexes
# 'Giovanna'
for name in names: # iterates over a list
# Giorgio
# Egle
# Giovanna
# Use `for index, item in enumerate(items):` if you need the index and the item
first_name, *rest = names # List destructuring
# first_name='Giorgio'
# rest=['Egle', 'Giovanna']
unsorted_nums = [7, 1, 33, 55, -8]
sorted(unsorted_nums) # returns a copy
# [-8, 1, 7, 33, 55]
unsorted_nums.sort() # in place, returns None
# [-8, 1, 7, 33, 55]
Very important. Python don't use map/filter/reduce and LINQ-like functional methods, we just use listcomps.
nums = [1, 2, 3, 4]
[n * 2 for n in nums]
# [2, 4, 6, 8]
[n * 2 for n in nums if n % 2 == 0]
# [4, 8]
["FizzBuzz" if n % 15 == 0 else "Buzz" if n % 5 == 0 else "Fizz" if n % 3 == 0 else n for n in range(1, 31)] # look ma, unreadable
# [1, 2, 'Fizz', 4, 'Buzz', 'Fizz', 7, 8, 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 11, Fizz', 13, 14, 'FizzBuzz', 16, 17, 'Fizz', 19, 'Buzz', 'Fizz', 22, 23, 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 26, 'Fizz', 28, 29, 'FizzBuzz']
You can use ()
instead of []
so they become generators, basically lazy lists. It is possible to chain for
expressions but it's super unreadable, don't do that. The comprehension syntax is used for other things so internalize it well.
Basically immutable lists. Use the ()
literal syntax, or the tuple()
constructor. Not really used that much in modern python.
Use the set()
constructor or the {}
literal syntax. Unordered.
names_set = {"Giorgio", "Giorgio", "Egle", "Giovanna"}
# {'Egle', 'Giorgio', 'Giovanna'}
# {'Egle', 'Giorgio', 'Giovanna', 'Marco'}
# True
# True
# False
{"Egle"} | {"Giorgio"} # union
# {'Egle', 'Giorgio'}
{"Egle"} == {"Egle"} # equality
# True
{num for num in [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]} # set comprehension
# {1, 2, 3}
Use the dict()
constructor or the {k: v}
literal syntax. They have guaranteed insertion order, so iteration will start from the earliest inserted one.
ages = {"Giorgio": 39, "Egle": 2, "Giovanna": 41}
[key for key in ages.keys()]
# ['Giorgio', 'Egle', 'Giovanna']
[value for value in ages.values()]
# [39, 2, 41]
[mmm for mmm in ages] # common error: iteration over a dict yield keys, not k:v pairs
# ['Giorgio', 'Egle', 'Giovanna']
[f"{name} has {age} years" for name, age in ages.items()] # .items() return tuples, which gets destructured into the variables of the loop
# ['Giorgio has 39 years', 'Egle has 2 years', 'Giovanna has 41 years']
# 39
# 39
# KeyError: 'Carlo' - ouch, an exceptions
print(ages.get("Carlo")) # print to see the None - .get() does not excepts and emit a default value
# None
ages.get("Carlo", 33) # which can be specified
# 33
ages["Carlo"] = 33 # update in place
# {'Giorgio': 39, 'Egle': 2, 'Giovanna': 41, 'Carlo': 33}
ages.update({"Marco": 22}) # update in place
# {'Giorgio': 39, 'Egle': 2, 'Giovanna': 41, 'Carlo': 33, 'Marco': 22}
{"Roberto": 70} | ages # unions of two sets
# {'Roberto': 70, 'Giorgio': 39, 'Egle': 2, 'Giovanna': 41, 'Carlo': 33, 'Marco': 22}
{"Roberto": 70, **ages} # yet another syntax
# {'Roberto': 70, 'Giorgio': 39, 'Egle': 2, 'Giovanna': 41, 'Carlo': 33, 'Marco': 22}
# dict comprehension. also notice zip(), a builtin that mixes lists into tuples. works with other iterable also.
{name: age for name, age in zip(["Giorgio", "Egle"], [39, 2])}
# {'Giorgio': 39, 'Egle': 2}
Functions are declared with the def
def greet(name):
return f"Hello, {name}"
# 'Hello, Giorgio'
Arguments are usually positional, but can also be called via keyword, out of order:
def greet_with_age(name, age):
return f"Hello, {name}, you are {age} years old"
greet_with_age(age=22, name="Giorgio")
# 'Hello, Giorgio, you are 22 years old'
Arguments can have defaults:
def better_greet(name="person"):
return f"Hello, {name}"
# 'Hello, person'
You can have variadic functions by adding *args
to the signature, and those arguments will be packed in a list. *
is a special syntax that says "absorb every positional arguments after the last positional argument in the signature"
def multi_greeter(*args):
return f"Hello, {', '.join(args)}"
# 'Hello, Giorgio'
multi_greeter("Giorgio", "Egle", "Giovanna")
# 'Hello, Giorgio, Egle, Giovanna'
A best practice, not really super common as of now, is to have keyword only arguments in functions. Imagine the *
absorbing every positional argument and binding them to nothing:
def kw_greeter(*, name, age):
return f"Hello, {name}, you are {age} years old"
kw_greeter("Giorgio", 22)
# TypeError: kw_greeter() takes 0 positional arguments but 2 were given - nice, more safety, more help from autocomplete, more chances to see if we're doing the wrong thing contextually
kw_greeter(name="Giorgio", age=22)
# 'Hello, Giorgio, you are 22 years old'
You can also pass variadic keyword arguments with the **kwargs
special syntax at the end of a function. The variadic arguments will be unpacked inside a dictionary. This is a super useful technique for libraries, specially ORMs (see django orm):
def kwargs_greeter(**kwargs):
name = kwargs["name"]
age = kwargs["age"]
# rest of the kwargs are not handled, but program won't crash if it has them
return f"Hello, {name}, you are {age} years old"
kwargs_greeter(name="Giorgio", age=22, fav_food="Pasta", profile_pic=None)
# {'name': 'Giorgio', 'age': 22, 'fav_food': 'Pasta', 'profile_pic': None} - the print
# 'Hello, Giorgio, you are 22 years old'
Don't use them if not in very very specific situations, like passing a sorting function to .sort()
or to the map()
builtin. Lambdas in py are restricted to single statement and the functional style is, in general, frowned upon.
sum2 = lambda a, b: a + b
# 7
# sorted accepts a `key` kwarg with the data to be used to sort on, in this case length of the string
sorted(["11111", "22", "3"], key=lambda x: len(x))
# ['3', '22', '11111']
Never never never use mutable things (lists, dicts, etc.) as default fn arguments or nasty things will happen:
def bugged(a=[]):
return a
# [1]
# [1, 1]
# [1, 1, 1]
# [1, 1, 1, 1]
Classes are defined by the class
keyword. Python has multiple inheritance: don't use it unless you have a good reason. It's strange and involves things with bad names like MRO - Module Resolution Order
class Person:
originating_planet = "earth" # this is a class variable...they're not used that much, so don't mind them, just don't be surprised when you see some frameworks (django specially) inheriting and setting those outside the constructor. They exist. Mainly used to avoid having big constructors with default parameters.
def __init__(self, name, age):
# __init__ is the special name for the constructor.
# All methods must have self as the first parameter,
# and it will be automatically passed when used.
self.name = name
self.age = age
def __str__(self):
# basically the .toString()
return f"<Person {self.name=}>"
def __repr__(self):
# enables cool REPL repr-esentation
return self.__str__()
def is_adult(self):
return self.age >= 18
@property # our first decorator - @property on a method makes it behave like a field and not a method (you can omit ())
def is_giorgio(self):
return self.name == "Giorgio"
@classmethod # takes cls as first arg, basically "things that in kotlin/scala go in the companion object"
def from_string(cls, person_string):
Constructs a person from a "name, age" string.
By the way, this special syntax of having a
multiline string after a definition is called
the docstring, and it's the thing that gets
pulled out when help()-ing something or from the
name, age = person_string.split(",")
return cls(name, int(age))
# no need for new
person = Person("Giorgio", 39)
# getters and setters are not in python style.
# 'Giorgio'
person.name = "Girgio"
# 'Girgio'
person_2 = Person.from_string("Marco, 33")
# see our cool repl representaiton enabled by __repr__
# <Person self.name='Marco'>
# True
# False
Python is exception based, not checked, and the basic construct to handle errors is by wrapping potential excepting functions with try...except...finally
. All python exceptions inherit from Exception
and there is a wealth of builtin exceptions. except
can catch specific exceptions and it's good practice to do so rather than be naked.
ages = {"Giorgio": 39, "Egle": 2, "Giovanna": 41}
def fetch_age(name):
return ages[name]
except KeyError: # Key error is emitted when trying to access a non-present key
return "Unknown name"
print("I will be executed anyway")
# I will be executed anyway
# 'Unknown name'
You can throw via the raise
keyword, and can also create custom exceptions:
class CustomException(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
def raiser():
raise CustomException("I'm broken!")
except CustomException as e:
# I'm broken!
Handled exception can be put in scope with the as
keyword as shown.