A Ruby library for analyzing the results of dat-science experiments. For the motivation behind this library, and documentation on setting up experiments, go check out dat-science's documentation.
Once you've started a dat-science
experiment and published some results,
you'll want to analyze the mismatches from your experiment. In dat-analysis
you'll find an analysis toolkit to help understand experiment results.
We designed the analysis tools to be run from your ruby console (irb
if you're doing science on a Rails app). You create an analyzer
and then interactively fetch experiment results and study them to determine the
reason the control method's results differ from the candidate method's results.
The Dat::Analysis
base class provides a number of tools for analysis. Since
the process of retrieving your experiment results depends on how you used
in your experiment, you'll need to create a subclass of Dat::Analysis
which implements methods to handle reading and processing results.
You will need to define read
and count
to return the next published experiment
result, and the count of remaining published experiment results, respectively.
You can optionally define cook
to do any decoding, un-marshalling, or whatever
other pre-processing you desire on the raw experiment result returned by read
require 'dat/analysis'
module MyApp
# Public: Perform dat analysis on a dat-science experiment.
# This is a subclass of Dat::Analysis which provides the concrete implementation
# of the `#read`, `#count`, and `#cook` methods to interact with our Redis data
# store, and decodes our science mismatch results from JSON.
class Analysis < Dat::Analysis
# Public: Read the next available science mismatch result.
# Returns the next raw science mismatch result from Redis.
def read
Redis.rpop "dat-science.#{experiment_name}.results"
# Public: Get the number of pending science mismatch results.
# Returns the number of pending science mismatch results from redis.
def count
Redis.llen "dat-science.#{experiment_name}.results"
# Public: "Cook" a raw science mismatch result.
# raw_result - a raw science mismatch result
# Returns nil if raw_result is nil.
# Returns the JSON-parsed raw_result.
def cook(raw_result)
return nil unless raw_result
This analyzer can be used with many experiments, so you'll need to instantiate an analyzer instance for your current experiment:
irb> a = MyApp::Analysis.new('widget-permissions')
=> #<MyApp::Analysis:0x007fae4a0101f8 ...>
First, let's look at how you can work with single experiment mismatch results.
The #result
method (also available as #current
) will show you the most
recently fetched experiment result. Before you've fetched any results, this
will be empty:
irb> a.result
=> nil
irb> a.current
=> nil
We can use the #more?
predicate method to see if there are experiment results
pending, and #count
to see just how many results are available:
irb> a.more?
=> true
irb> a.count
=> 103
Let's fetch a result:
irb> a.fetch
=> {"experiment"=>"widget-permissions", "user"=>{ ... } .... }
irb> a.result
=> {"experiment"=>"widget-permissions", "user"=>{ ... } .... }
irb> a.result.keys
=> ["experiment", "user", "timestamp", "candidate", "control", "first"]
irb> a.result.experiment_name
=> "widget-permissions"
irb> a.result['first']
=> "candidate"
irb> a.result.first
=> "candidate"
irb> a.result['control']
=> {"duration"=>12.307, "exception"=>nil, "value"=>false}
irb> a.result.control
=> {"duration"=>12.307, "exception"=>nil, "value"=>false}
irb> a.result['candidate']
=> {"duration"=>12.366999999999999, "exception"=>nil, "value"=>true}
irb> a.result.candidate
=> {"duration"=>12.366999999999999, "exception"=>nil, "value"=>true}
irb> a.result['first']
=> "control"
irb> a.result['timestamp']
=> "2013-04-22T13:31:32-05:00"
irb> a.result.timestamp
=> 2013-04-22 13:31:32 -0500
irb> a.result.timestamp.class
=> Time
irb> a.result.timestamp.to_i
=> 1366655492
irb> a.result['user']
=> {"login"=>"somed00d", ... }
Results will contain entries for the duration (in milliseconds), exceptions,
and values returned by both the candidate and control methods for the experiment;
the time when the result was recorded; whether the candidate or the control method
was run first; and an entry for every object saved via a context
call during
the experiment.
Note that the #result
method will continue to return the previously fetched
result, until we overwrite it with another #fetch
, #skip
, or #analyze
(see below).
Sometimes we make changes to the code we're running experiments against, and
sometimes those changes cause experiment results to be out of date -- if we've
fixed a bug we found via science, it's not much point in looking at results
generated while our code still had that bug. To jump past a batch of results,
use #skip
, giving it a block to test for the condition we want to skip
irb> a.skip {|r| 5.minutes.ago < a.result.timestamp }
=> 43
irb> a.skip {|r| true }
=> nil
After sifting through a handful of results from an experiment, it usually becomes obvious that a single behavior in our studied code is often responsible for many results published in an experiment. If a behavior difference can be easily fixed by improving the candidate code, and your production release cycle is short, then you just update the candidate method and continuing running your experiment.
It's often the case that the relevant code can't be changed that quickly. Perhaps the assumptions made when writing the candidate code were wrong in a way that requires deeper consideration and discussion with your team. It could be that the experiment results actually turn up bugs in the implementation of the control method -- in which case there will likely be even more discussion needed, and possibly a fairly long cycle to get production behaving properly.
That doesn't mean that analysis can't continue, but it could well be that a majority of the experimental results to analyze are already examples of already known behaviors. In this case, it's useful to be able to identify these results and skip over them, to find results which can't be accounted for by any currently known explanation.
The #analyze
method, in conjunction with "matcher classes", makes this possible.
You can run #analyze
to automate the fetching of pending results. If a result
is identifiable by a matcher class, then a summary of the identified result will
be printed and that result will skipped. This process continues until either an
unidentifiable result is found, or there are no more results available. When an
unidentifiable result is found, a summary of the identified results is output,
and then the first unidentified result is displayed in detail.
irb> a.analyze
User [somed00d] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)
Permission [totesadmin] is obsolete (see http://github.com/dat/thing/issues/5234)
User [somed00d] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)
Permission [totesadmin] is obsolete (see http://github.com/dat/thing/issues/5234)
User [0th3rd00d] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)
Permission [totesadmin] is obsolete (see http://github.com/dat/thing/issues/5234)
User [0th3rd00d] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)
Permission [totesadmin] is obsolete (see http://github.com/dat/thing/issues/5234)
Permission [totesadmin] is obsolete (see http://github.com/dat/thing/issues/5234)
Permission [totesadmin] is obsolete (see http://github.com/dat/thing/issues/5234)
User [0th3rd00d] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)
Permission [totesadmin] is obsolete (see http://github.com/dat/thing/issues/5234)
User [somed00d] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)
User [somed00d] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)
Permission [totesadmin] is obsolete (see http://github.com/dat/thing/issues/5234)
User [0th3rd00d] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)
User [0th3rd00d] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)
User [0th3rd00d] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)
Permission [totesadmin] is obsolete (see http://github.com/dat/thing/issues/5234)
User [somed00d] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)
User [somed00d] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)
User [0th3rd00d] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)
User [0th3rd00d] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)
Permission [totesadmin] is obsolete (see http://github.com/dat/thing/issues/5234)
Summary of identified results:
StaffFunninessMatcher: 14
ZOMGIssue5423Matcher: 10
First unidentifiable result:
Experiment [widget-permissions] first: candidate @ 2013-04-19T18:55:23-05:00
Duration: control ( 0.01) | candidate ( 1.36)
Control value: [false]
Candidate value: [true]
user => {
id => 1234876
login => "somed00d"
=> 32
Note that the number of pending results is returned as the result of the analysis.
The purpose of a matcher class is to identify a behavior which results in mismatches in your experiment. For example, if permissions for staff users are not implemented properly by your candidate code, you might create a matcher that recognizes when the user involved is a staff user.
You create a matcher class by subclassing Dat::Analysis::Matcher
and writing a
method that returns true if the experiment result (available as
) is an example of the behavior we know about:
class StaffFunninessMatcher < Dat::Analysis::Matcher
# our staff role permissions are just soooo busted
def match?
def readable
"User [#{result['user']['login']}] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)"
If you create a matcher class in the console, use #add_matcher
to let your
analyzer know about it:
irb> a.add_matcher StaffFunninessMatcher
Loading matcher class [StaffFunninessMatcher]
=> [StaffFunninessMatcher]
Now, when you run #analyze
, all the results with staff users recorded in the
context will be tallied and skipped.
See "Maintaining a library of matchers and wrappers" below for a more durable way to let your analyzers keep track of your helper classes.
The #summary
method on the analyzer will return a readable version of the
current result. This is by default a fairly voluminous output (it's what you saw
at the end of an #analyze
run above), but if your matcher defines a
irb> a.summary
=> "User [somed00d] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)"
The #analyze
method uses these #readable
methods to produce a more succinct
summary of identified results, like we showed above.
Define a #readable
method for cleaner #analyze
For many experiments there is information in the results which is used often
enough that you'll get tired of doing repetitive lookups in the results hash.
When this happens, you can create result wrapper classes for your experiment
which can add methods to every result returned. Simply subclass
and define the instance methods you want:
class PermissionsWrapper < Dat::Analysis::Result
def user
"Could not find user, id=[#{result['actor']['id']}]"
def permission
"Could not find permission, handle=[#{result['permission']['handle']}]"
alias_method :perm, :permission
Then, add the wrapper to your analyzer:
irb> a.add_wrapper(PermissionsWrapper)
=> [PermissionsWrapper]
irb> a.result.user
=> #<User id: 1234876, login: "somed00d", ...>
These wrappers can also be used in your matchers classes:
class StaffFunninessMatcher < Dat::Analysis::Matcher
# our staff role permissions are just soooo busted
def match?
def readable
"User [#{result.user.login}] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)"
Inventing new non-conflicting class names for matcher and wrapper classes is a
bit of a pain. Often we just declare an anonymous class and skip the naming
altogether. If you do this, you'll probably want to define a readable .name
method for your class, so that #analyze
summaries are readable:
Class.new(Dat::Analysis::Matcher) do
def self.name
"Staff Permission Silliness"
def match?
def readable
"User [#{result.user.login}] is staff (see http://github.com/our/project/issues/123)"
Being able to add matchers and result wrappers to an analyzer during a console
session is a fast way to iteratively identify problems and work through a batch of
results. Keeping those matchers around for the next session is usually in order.
Your Dat::Analysis
subclass can define a #path
instance method, which points
to the place on the filesystem where your matcher and wrapper classes live. The
analyzer will look here, in a sub-directory named for your experiment, and load
any ruby files it finds there:
require 'dat/analysis'
module MyApp
# Public: Perform dat analysis on a dat-science experiment.
# This is a subclass of Dat::Analysis which provides the concrete implementation
# of the `#read`, `#count`, and `#cook` methods to interact with our Redis data
# store, and decodes our science mismatch results from JSON.
class Analysis < Dat::Analysis
def path
In this example, the analyzer for the widget-permissions
experiment will look
in /path/to/dat-science/experiments/widget-permissions/
for matcher and
wrapper classes.
Be on a Unixy box. Make sure a modern Bundler is available. script/test
the unit tests. All development dependencies will be installed automatically if
they're not available. Dat science happens primarily on Ruby 1.9.3 and 1.8.7,
but science should be universal.
@jbarnette and @rick