A minimal example of a Telegram Bot on Cloudflare Workers
A modernized version of the Microsoft 3D Movie Maker release
Building a full-fledged code editor for iPad
🚀 Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. It’s 100% JavaScript/TypeScript, fully customizable, and developer-first.
A Mac OS Menu Bar app to perform common Home Assistant functions
A React app which updates Spotify playlists to use Taylor Swift's re-released tracks
SoCo (Sonos Controller) is a Python project that allows you to programmatically control Sonos speakers.
An iOS app for quickly creating or modifying Spotify playlists.
AirConnect package for Synology NAS and Synology Router
Node module for getting your weatherdata from osanywhereweather
OUTDATED! This clone hosts pre-build binaries compatible with Raspberry Pi 1/Zero
A beautiful web dashboard for Linux
Safari extension that converts YouTube videos on any site into HTML5 video tags
An Alfred 2 workflow that makes it easy to kill misbehaving processes. It is, in essence, a way to easily find processes by name and kill them using `kill -9`.