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Job dispatching and executing library written in Clojure. Submit jobs that will be executed at specific point in time to named queues that have a configurable level of concurrency. lambdaroyal-dispatch handles hundreds of thousands of jobs on on bounded resources (threads, memory) for the price of CPU utilization


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Job dispatching and executing library written in Clojure. Submit jobs that will be executed at specific point in time to named queues that have a configurable level of concurrency. lambdaroyal-dispatch handles hundreds of thousands of jobs on on bounded resources (threads, memory) for the price of CPU utilization


:dependencies [[org.clojars.gixxi/lambdaroyal-dispatch "0.8"]]


Main features

  • dispatch jobs to queues
  • jobs are self-contained and given by
    • ts timestamp to execute (unix epoch)
    • queue to use
    • λ function with no parameters
  • mark failed jobs
  • rerun failed jobs


Creating a dispatcher

(require '[lambdaroyal.dispatch.core :refer :all])

(def d (dispatcher))

Creating a dispatcher with custom parameters

(require '[lambdaroyal.dispatch.core :refer :all])

(def d (dispatcher
         :verbose true
         :frequency 100
         :on-failed (fn [job] (println (format "job [%s] failed. execution (ms) [%s] error message [%s]" (:id job) (- (:stopped-at job) (:started-at job)) (:error-message job))))
         :on-done (fn [job] (println (format "jobs [%s] done")))
         :on-start (fn [job] (println (format "jobs [%s] started")))))

Dispatch a job

(dispatch d
          "Datasink" ;; Queuename
          (+ (System/currentTimeMillis) 1000) ;; execute in future - one second ahead
          (fn [] 
            (println "job done")))


lein midje


Queue Name

The name of a queue is an arbitrary scalar, e.g. one of the following

  • String literals "Foo"
  • Numbers like 1 or 5.4
  • Keywords like :Bar

Execution order of jobs

Assume two Jobs A,B on Queue Q. It is ensured that Job A starts and finishes before B whene the execution time of A is below the execution time of B.

If Two jobs A,B on Queue have the same execution time, then the execution order of both is non-deterministic.


The integrity of the queues is guaranteed using software transactional memory. Pending Jobs are executed in bulk after the queues where modified by the dispatcher.

Side-effects are allowed in job lambdas and lifecycle methods like on on-stop.


Planing and executing jobs considering a certain schedule is a common task of information systems. Lambdaroyal-dispatch helps to group jobs as per the execution unit (the queue) in order to allow to pose certain concurrency constraints on jobs. Furthermore lambdaroyal-dispatch keeps track of the job state and manages resource utilization to allow for handling hundreds of thousands of jobs on bounded resources.

The alternatives

One could use Clojure's concurrency abstractions - delays, futures, promises - or even the Java abstractions. BUT one has to to take care about resource utilization and pose certain constraints on the jobs to be dispatched to achieve correct behaviour.

Job execution order

If job A gets dispatched at dispatch time (DT) DT1 for execution time (ET) ET1 and job B gets dispatched at DT2 for execution time ET2 and the following holds true

DT1 < DT2 < now && ET1 > ET2

then there is no guarantee using a fixed-bound thread pool that job B gets executed before job A since there is the possibility that the number of jobs that gets dispatched after job A and before job B exceeds the number of remaining threads in the bounded-size thread pool. ENSURES CORRECT EXECUTION ORDER

Concurrent jobs in one queue

One could use core/async channels with limited buffer size or thread-pools with the size as per the desired level of parallelism. Or one could use a semaphore which is exactly what lambdaroyal-dispatch does. HIDES BOILERPLATE


Job dispatching and executing library written in Clojure. Submit jobs that will be executed at specific point in time to named queues that have a configurable level of concurrency. lambdaroyal-dispatch handles hundreds of thousands of jobs on on bounded resources (threads, memory) for the price of CPU utilization







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