FindGS searches for your starred repositories in Github that are matched your input text to README, Name, Topic, Description.
Maybe you have many starred repositories in github for using it in someday.
With stacking more and more your starred repositories, you can difficult to find wanted repositories in starred repositories.
Because github site doesn't officially support to search for it in README.
FindGS is an interactive CLI using your github token for searching repositories.
Notice that FindGS makes internally caching db and indexing in local. Because Github API is limited 5000 per hourly, so it's required something for caching and for searching with higher performance.
So It would slow it boots somewhat for caching and indexing if the first run it.
And FindGS updates cached data an interval of 1 hour when running it.
If you have had starred repositories more than 5000, you should run findgs an interval of 1 hour for caching rest repositories.(Github API is limited 5000 per hourly)
As a result, All of starred repositories can store caching db and indexing in local.
It's implemented using Golang.
It's required github personal access token. (But scopes of token aren't required.)
This token should set global environment or pass to findgs.
# ex 1)
$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=your-github-token # .zshrc or .bash_profile
$ findgs run
# ex 2)
$ findgs run -t your-github-token
Use to Homebrew if you want to install mac, but also you can download from releases.
# mac
$ brew tap gjbae1212/findgs
$ brew install findgs
# linux
$ wget
# window
$ wget
FindGS is currently to support the following features:
findgs run
findgs clear
Run an interactive CLI for searching your starred repositories in Github.
# 1)
$ findgs run # need to `export GITHUB_TOKEN=your-token`
# 2)
$ findgs run -t your-github-token
An interactive CLI is currently to support the following commands:
1. search
This command searches your starred repositories using input text. Also it's to support wildcard searching.
>> search [searhing text(ex cli tool, hello* ...)]
2. open
This command show your selected repository to browser.
>> open name [searched repositories name]
>> open num [searched column num]
3. list
This command show recently searched result.
>> list
4. score
This command sets a score that can search repositories equal to or higher than the score.( 0 <= score)
# default score 0.1
>> score 0.5 # change score to 0.5
5. exit
This program.
>> exit
Delete cached db and indexed data in local.
$ findgs clear
This project is following The MIT.