The BankingApi docs are hosted on postman
Users can register, sign in, transfer and withdraw money from it.
When an User sign up, he receives R$1000,00.
When withdrawing, the user receives an email. (Only on dev, check how to test below)
Users can't have negative balance.
As an User, you can login on the BackOffice and export a CSV File with all your transactions.
This app is hosted on Gigalixir
There are already two users with a deposit (our initial credit), a withdraw and a transfer on the database, you can check by logging in with one of them:
email: [email protected]
password: password
email: [email protected]
password: password
You can setup this project on your machine with the following steps:
git clone [email protected]:gkpacker/banking_api.git
cd banking_api
cp .env{.sample,}
Next, you'll need to set a SECRET_KEY_BASE
at your .env
You can get one by running:
mix do deps.get, phx.gen.secret
Or use this one, just to speed up: OVZpBvQs9gCFnYZeP63sJtMSwVgE+nqg+4uxGbtqiTfx7vLSGtF9RZJTE/w55Ula
Then, run:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up web
And you're ready to go! 🚀
Check your http://localhost:4000!
When withdrawing money, you should "receive" an email. You can check sent emails at: http://localhost:4000/sent_emails
You can run BankingApi tests with:
docker-compose run --rm test
Sadly, I didn't figured out how to setup chromedriver
as a service for integration tests, but as soon as I learn, I'll update this repo!
I've followed this article to name models, not sure if they're the best, but at least I'm able to share this document in order to facilitate understanding of the domain.
I couldn't find articles about how to record a transfer in the DB to satisfy the Accounting Equation, so I decided to credit and debit from user's accounts only.
I also was concerned about having a dependent: :delete_all
on accounts
, postings
and transactions
, because it would mess with other's accounts balance, so I left it as :do_nothing