Role to install the Antigen plugin manger for Zsh and use it to configure Zsh.
This role has a companion role that enables you to conditionally install particular Antigen bundles. You can find details of that role at gantsign.antigen_budles.
Ansible >= 2.8
Linux Distribution
Debian Family
- Jessie (8)
- Stretch (9)
- Xenial (16.04)
- Bionic (18.04)
RedHat Family
- 7
- 31
SUSE Family
- 15.1
Note: other versions are likely to work but have not been tested.
The following variables will change the behavior of this role:
# Antigen version number
antigen_version: '2.0.2'
# SHA256 sum for the redistributable package
antigen_redis_sha256sum: 'f47ec933b32c578abe8cb39b24e0ddd114ef5cc01b3c05bcb634859ead31493f'
# Should Oh-My-Zsh be installed with Antigen (doesn't call `antigen use`)
antigen_install_oh_my_zsh: yes
# Mirror location for Antigen download
antigen_redis_mirror: '{{ antigen_version }}'
# Directory to store files downloaded for Antigen installation on the remote box
antigen_download_dir: "{{ x_ansible_download_dir | default(ansible_env.HOME + '/.ansible/tmp/downloads') }}"
# Antigen is installed per user so you need to specify the users to install it for
- username: # The username of the user to install Antigen for
- name: # The name of the library (e.g. oh-my-zsh or prezto) must be unique
url: # Optional. If you're using a custom library you must specify the Git URL
args: # Optional. Command line arguments to pass to Antigen
- '--exampleParam1'
- 'paramValue1' # example with value passed as a separate arg
- '--exampleParam2=paramValue2' # example with value passed in the same arg
env: # Optional. Environnement variables to set
EXAMPLE_ENV1: 'envValue1'
EXAMPLE_ENV2: '"${HOME}/.example"' # the single quotes are for YAML the double quotes are for the shell
# more libraries here
name: # The name of the library (e.g. one of the themes that come with Oh-My-Zsh)
url: # Optional. If the theme doesn't come with Oh-My-Zsh you must specify the Git URL
env: {} # Optional. Environnement variables to set
- name: # The name of the Antigen bundle (e.g. one of the plugins that come with Oh-My-Zsh)
url: # Optional. If the it's not one of the Oh-My-Zsh plugins you must specify the URL (use owner/repo shorthand for GitHub)
location: # Optional. The directory in the repository containing the plugin
branch: # Optional. Git branch to checkout.
tag: # Optional. Git tag to checkout (takes preference over branch)
args: [] # Optional. Command line arguments to pass to Antigen
env: {} # Optional. Environnement variables to set
# more bundles here
# more users here
The following achieves the same as the example in the Antigen README.mkd.
- hosts: servers
- role: gantsign.antigen
- username: example
- name: oh-my-zsh
name: robbyrussell
# Bundles from the default repo (robbyrussell's oh-my-zsh).
- name: git
- name: heroku
- name: pip
- name: lein
- name: command-not-found
# Syntax highlighting bundle.
- name: zsh-syntax-highlighting # `name` is required (any valid file name will do so long as it's unique for the bundles)
url: zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
The following achieves the same as the example in the gantsign.oh-my-zsh
- hosts: servers
- role: gantsign.antigen
- username: example
- name: oh-my-zsh
DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE: '"true"' # Optional (this was hard-coded in the .zshrc of the `gantsign.oh-my-zsh` role)
name: robbyrussell # This role has no default theme (unlike the `gantsign.oh-my-zsh` role)
- name: git # This role has no default bundles/plugins (unlike the `gantsign.oh-my-zsh` role)
You can find more roles from GantSign on Ansible Galaxy.
This project uses Molecule to aid in the development and testing; the role is unit tested using Testinfra and pytest.
To develop or test you'll need to have installed the following:
Because the above can be tricky to install, this project includes Molecule Wrapper. Molecule Wrapper is a shell script that installs Molecule and it's dependencies (apart from Linux) and then executes Molecule with the command you pass it.
To test this role using Molecule Wrapper run the following command from the project root:
./moleculew test
Note: some of the dependencies need sudo
permission to install.
John Freeman
GantSign Ltd. Company No. 06109112 (registered in England)