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SystemC Model for a ESP32 System and Board.


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ESPMOD is a SystemC model of the ESP32 based boards from Espressif. It provieds a way to check firmware intended for an ESP32 board without programming the board.

Why a model

Easier to debug Well, the answer is, let's say you are writing firmware for a project, you program the board and you come up with a bug. You know the board is not behaving as you would expect. Then you are left with a question: what is going on. If you had been writing code to run on the local machine you can add debug statements, run a local debugger (i.e. gdb) and single step the code until you get to the place, and see what is going on. But what do you do when the firmware is not on the local CPU.

One way to solve this problem is to use a debugging port of a CPU. Some systems have quite sophisticated mechanisms to monitor internal registers of a CPU, set break points or watch points and even single step through systems. This is a way to get a view into the system, but they are cumbersome to use, and sometimes quite expensive. Using a model, there is no issue as the firmware is running on the local machine, so standard debugging environments can be used.

Easier to test An additional benefit for models is for enhancing testing. Let's say you have a FIFO or buffer and you wrote code to implement it. You need to test all the cases of this FIFO to make sure the code behaves properly when the FIFO is empty, full, near full, and perhaps there are some other cases. On a finished product that can be quite tedious if not impossible. The alternative though is to do nothing and hope it does not break on your client or professor. With a model, instead, you can quickly setup an environment to test several cases that would take weeks or months to check manually. You can also use a sophisticated testing environment if you need that kind of quality.

Less chance of damage A model also can protect you from damaging equipment. If you are writing to the flash and you accidentally overwrite the bootloader, you might as well throuw the chip away. A good model though can catch this bug and flag it so that you repair it before you program it again.

Start testing without a board An additiona reason to use a model is to test even if the board is not available. If the board has not arrived yet or it will be modified, a model helps you validate the concept before it has been prepared. Perhaps it will save some money too.

A warning Of course the model is not a copy of the world. It does not perfectly do everything the real system will do. There are places where the model does a simplification of the real world and there are places where there has not been time to finish implementing parts of the work. Therefore this is not a substitution to the physical testing nor a guarantee that the system will work at the end. The model is intended only to help find bugs in firmware and remove as many as possible before doing the physical testing.

Viewing Waveforms For those that like to see waveforms, the model provides a way to do that. Waves can be exported to VCD format and viewed in GTK. Unfortunatelly, only the pins and top level signals can be viewed now. Later, hopefully this will be expanded.

Attaching to other models In addition, the model can be attached to other models and simulators. These can be digital or analog simulated. Unfortunatelly, for free tools this is still limited. If you have a sophisticated tool like Cadence, Mentor Graphics, or Synopsys VCD, it is quite simple to be done. For free tools, it is possible with some effort to connect NGSPICE to this model using the d_hdl XSPICE module, but it is not easy to use. I hope to be able to improve this soon.

Why SystemC

SystemC is a whole simulator language similar to Verilog and VHDL intended to model circuits. It is implemented as a set of C++ classes, so the environment can be downloaded and installed on a number of systems with a C++ compiler. Being it is intended for system modeling it already provides an entire infrastructure for modeling wires, tracing waveforms, modeling time, writing test cases. In addirion being SystemC it is in C++ it can simply be attached to the C/C++ firmware. One more benefit is SystemC can be downloaded for free from the Accelera website.

More information on SystemC: Quick Tutorial, a bit out of date: Official Website:


To install it is quite simple.

First download the latest version of SystemC and follow the steps in the instructions to install it.

NOTE: if you have an old version of GCC, like 4.x, you will have to force it to use C++11, as Arduino-IDF ESP32 libraries require it. You then need to set SC_CPLUSPLUS=201103L when you build SystemC and use the CPPSTANDARD variable in the Makefile.vars for the ESP model. Newer versions of GCC should not need this.

Download and install the esp IDF and the Arduino IDF. The esp IDF can be inside the Arduino directory. It should work with the latest versions but I used model Arduino 1.8.9 and ESP-IDF github from July 8th.

Next download the ESPMOD and set the Makefile.vars and Makefile to point to your SystemC, Arduino and ESP directories. This is because the ESPMOD attempts to not override all files but only the ones that were adapted to work with the tool. Once done just do:

% make

It should produce two .a lib files. Once done, enter one of the examples in the examples directory and and compile it also using make:

% cd examples

% cd Blink

% make

And execute the model:

% ./Blink.x

You should see the simulation run. You can optionally use the +waveform option to get a VCD file and view it using gtkwaves or some other viewer. If the file is large, you can use vcd2fst to convert it to the FST format and then gtkwaves can still process it.

Setting up a new simulation

Probably the best way to do this is by copying one of the existing examples into your work area and then replace the .ino file with your firmware. Depending on if you are using Arduino-IDF or ESP-IDF, you will need to setup a directory with the make file and your .ino file, for Arduino or appmain for ESP-IDF.

As an example for Arduino-IDF, create a directory, copy in your .ino file (or link it), then you need your test files. Look at examples/Blink for an example. The directory should be as below. All files you can copy from examples/Blink. Then modify sc_main.cpp, Makefile to change the name of the test. The test.h instantiates the model and connects the wires. The test.cpp drives the signals and checks the results.

  • /.ino
  • /test.cpp
  • /test.h
  • /sc_main.cpp
  • /Makefile

For ESP-IDF, you can look at examples/ledc. For this one you will need the folloing files. As above, the test.h instantiates the module and hooks it up. test.cpp drives and checks the results. main.cpp and main.h you just copy in, they will invoke the app_main() function. sc_main.cpp and Makefile need to be modified to have the name of your test and the Makefile should have the name of .c. More on this soon. Note: although SystemC runs on C++ your code can be all pure C. All functions that the ESP-IDF need are in C.

  • /.c
  • /test.cpp
  • /test.h
  • /main.cpp
  • /main.h
  • /sc_main.cpp
  • /Makefile

you are using the ESP-IDF style, then have the setup function in the .ino call your app_main() function and include the file in the Makefile.


There is still a lot to implement, as of yet the following has been done:

  • GPIOs (several subfunctions are not ready yet)
  • WiFi (AP mode, STA mode)
  • Multiple ports, sockets communication
  • Flash (user data only and one predefined partition)
  • PCNT
  • ADC1 and ADC2
  • UART0, 1 and 2
  • I2C (partially done, implemented via cchan)
  • LEDc and Interrupts are work in progress.

The model has been tested successfully with the Arduino or ESP-IDF libraries:

  • Adafruit RTClib
  • TaskScheduler
  • Nextion and NeoNextion
  • WebServer
  • NTPClient
  • Preferences

Some libraries needed modifications and the modified versions were included:

  • TFT_eSPI (modified with new driver comming soon)


The system is not perfect. A model will imitate the real world but it is not a copy of it. Below are some of them.

  • For performance, the CPU has not been modeled. The firmware then is run directly on the local computer just wrapped in the simulation.
  • There is no real way to tell how long a piece of firmware will run for. So the only thing that will advance the simulation time is the delay() or del1cycle() functions. Usually, this is not a problem as in embedded systems, usually time is dominated by delay of the delay commands. Plus this does not hinder the main motivation in the model to help find and debug problems.
  • We do not have an SRAM model. All code is ran from inside the computer's SRAM. So the model will not tell you if you are going to fill up limited resources on very small CPUs. This perhaps can be improved later but the limitation is still there.
  • Internally the ESP libraries use memory mapped I/O (i.e. GPIO and PCNT structs). In the model, anytime a memory mappeed I/O register is called, an update function needs to be called to notify the model. Either this or just stick with using library functions and leave this to the model developers.
  • Some of the interfaces are not yet modeled, just for lack of time. For example the Flash QSPI, the I2C and the serial connected to the WiFi module. For now, these are represented using what I called a cchan interface. This is like a 8 bit wide UART interface that passes characters each time. Then messages are being passed telling the model what to do. This should be replaced later but for now it is there.
  • As said above, this is a model, it is not a copy of reality. Therefore there are things that will have to be checked at the top level.

Future Development

Work in Progress The project is far from ready. There is still lots to do. Several interfaces are not yet written. Some need to be ported as well. Others modeled. So contributions are welcome. Below are some big issues still missing:

  • Needing to put in a real I2C master/slave model
  • Needing to put in a QSPI Flash model. As of now the CCHAN works well so the regular esp_partition functions will work, but it could be better. We are also missing a model of the partition table, currently a set compiled-in table is used.
  • Needing to put in a SPI interface model
  • Needing to put in a bus model to emulate memory mapped I/O accesses.
  • Model Interrupts. Still lots to do here.
  • And of course, if you model the system you have to model the test interface too. There are some in place, like a WiFi client, flash chip and other blocks, but there is still a lot to do here.
  • Documentation is lacking still. Lots to come here.


Please do so. But read up on the basic of SystemC. The model is not doing any real fancy SystemC stuff, the basic is good enough.


SystemC Model for a ESP32 System and Board.



Apache-2.0 and 2 other licenses found

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