This library adds simple versioning to an ActiveRecord module. ActiveRecord is required.
To use, go into your model definitions, and simply add:
git clone git://
Look over the code, run tests, etc. Satisfy yourself that nothing bad will happen by installing and/or using this gem.
rake install
Are you verifying cryptographic signatures on your rubygems? No? Then don’t run gem install acts_as_versioned. (Besides, that’s someone else’s version of acts_as_versioned.)
Rails 3.2 or newer. It might work on older versions, but I’m testing with 3.2.13.
The tests require the sqlite3 gem.
This was initially written by Rick Olson <[email protected]>. Thanks, Rick!
His acknowledgments:
Special thanks to Dreamer on ##rubyonrails for help in early testing. His ServerSideWiki ( was the first project to use acts_as_versioned in the wild.