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Glysellin is a Rails lightweight e-commerce solution that helps you get simple products, orders and payment gateways without the whole set of functionalities a real e-commerce needs.

In order to stay simple, we choosed for now to keep with some strong dependencies that may not fit to your app.

Also, no admin interface is provided so you can integrate it, but we always use RailsAdmin.



Glysellin is under development and can now be used, but documentation is poor, there are no tests and API can change quickly while we don't have tested it within enough projects.


To process to glysellin's installation, you shall use the install generator which will :

  • Create an initializer file to configure the shop's behavior
  • Copy all needed migrations
  • Migrate and seed default data
  • Mount the engine
  • Copy the actions and mailers views to be overriden

The install generator command :

rails generate glysellin:install


To make Glysellin work, your application needs some configuration. Here are the needed steps :

  • Configure javascript plugins integration
  • Create a default store for your stocks
  • Add the shipping methods you want to make available
  • Add the payment methods
  • Create a Devise user model and configure it

Configure javascript plugins integration

There are some javascript plugins that ease glysellin's order integration.

You can add them by creating a specific file ( and choosing from those plugins :

# Require the plugins
#= require glysellin/base

# Use on('ready') if you don't use turbolinks or on('page:change') if you use it
$(document).on 'page:change', ->
  # Handles "Add to cart" button and "Added to cart" modal as a Bootstrap modal
    handleAddedToCartModal: ($modal) -> $modal.modal()

  # Handle the "Choose another address for shipping" form switch

  # Allows updating the cart recap asynchornously when marked as "Editable"

Create a default store for your stocks

Configure the default store for your stocks :

rails runner "Glysellin::Store.create(name: 'default')"

If you need multi-stores handling, that's something possible, but not implemented to be easily usable for now. Feel free to open an issue to discuss it.

Add the shipping methods you want to make available

Glysellin implements some shipping carrier interfaces by default, which can, for a french setup be enough most of the time. If the interface you need does not exist, you can create one yourself using the ShippingCarrier API.

Once you know which carrier you want to choose, just create them referencing the carrier in the ShippingMethod#identifier field :

rails runner "Glysellin::ShippingMethod.create(name: 'Colissimo', identifier: 'colissimo')"

Existing carrier integrations :

  • colissimo : La Poste Colissimo prices grid driven by a CSV file
  • lettre_max : La Poste Lettre Max prices grid driven by a CSV file
  • fixed_price : Allows to add a shipping method with a fixed price
  • free_shipping : Allows creating shipping methods that are free, like actual shop withdrawal.

Creating a carrier intragration :

Create a carrier class in lib/ and require it from an initializer, like the glysellin.rb initializer generated by the install generator.

Please check the existing carriers, and subclass them.

Add the payment methods

Just like the shipping methods, payment methods work the same and are base on payment gateways.

Create the ones you need :

rails runner "Glysellin::PaymentMethod.create(name: 'Credit Card', identifier: 'atos')"
rails runner "Glysellin::PaymentMethod.create(name: 'Credit Card', identifier: 'system_pay')"

Existing gateway integrations :

  • paypal_integral : Paypal integral simple integration
  • atos : Atos integration for the banks that use it (BNP, Societe Generale, LCL, and more ...)
  • cic : CIC / Credit mutuel system integration
  • system_pay : Banque Populaire / Credit du nord system integration
  • check : An integration that displays a message with the direction to send a check to pay the order.

SystemPay needs youbook's SystemPay gem. Please include it to your app Gemfile

gem 'system_pay', github: 'youboox/system_pay'

You then need to set up a config/system_pay.yml file as described in (the Readme)[]

Create a Devise user model and configure it

Glysellin depends on Devise and needs a user model to attach a customer to. The customer is the model that holds carts, orders, and customer informations. The user model is only used for authentication.

Create a user model, and configure its class in the glysellin.rb initializer. The default is 'User'.

# config/initializers/glysellin.rb

module Glysellin
  self.config do |config|
    config.user_class_name = 'User'

Then add to your user model the relation to the customer :

# app/models/user.rb

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_one :customer, class_name: 'Glysellin::Customer'

Using the Cart

The shopping cart contents are stored in the Cart model and the cart id in a permanent cookie.

The abandonned carts can be used as a metric, to contact back the users, or be cleaned with a custom rake task. This is up to you and not managed by Glysellin.

Displaying the cart

To display the cart you must render it's partial in your layout :

<%= render_cart %>

Filling the cart

To fill the cart, you can use the pre-built helper to create a simple "Add to cart" form that asynchronously updates user's cart contents.

You must pass the helper a Glysellin::Sellable instance :

<%= add_to_cart_form(@sellable) %>

Managing orders

By default, being bound to Devise, Glysellin automatically generates anonymous users to bind orders to. You can choose to keep this behavior alone, or add real subscription in the ordering process or remove the default behavior to force users to create an account by switching off the default functionality in the initializer (default parameter is commented) :

# config/initializers/glysellin.rb
Glysellin.config do |config|
  # Allows creating fake accounts for customers with automatic random
  # password generation
  # Defaults to true
  config.allow_anonymous_orders = true

Customizing Order behavior

Since the Order object is implemented with the state_machine gem, it emits state transition events. On install, a sample observer is copied to app/models/order_observer.rb in your application. To be able to use it, you must configure your app to allow the OrderObserver to listen to Order state transitions by uncommenting and editing the following active_record.observers config line in your application.rb file :

# config/application.rb

# Activate observers that should always be running.
config.active_record.observers = :order_observer

Gateway integration

The routes to redirect the payments gateways to are :

  • For the automatic Server to Server response :<glysellin_mount_point>/orders/gateway/:gateway where :gateway is the gateway slug
  • For the "Return to shop" redirections :
    • Success response :<glysellin_mount_point>/orders/gateway/response/paid
    • Error response :<glysellin_mount_point>/orders/gateway/response/cancel


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