Welcome, and thank you for taking a look at my assignment. These are a few notes on the assigment solution:
- The implementation of the assignment was done with React, Node.js and Vite.
- In the folder structure you can see the Home and Profile pages, with their CSS stylings. The data in the pages comes directly from the provided API endpoint.
- If you click on a character's name in the Home page, it will take you to the Profile page of the character, where you can see their details.
- On the Home page you can also see an implementation of pagination for the API data and a search box to sift through the characters.
- I made sure to comment major pieces of code with logical explanations, as a way to maintain the logic for myself and provide clarification if something doesn't make sense on the first read-through.
- I tried to add as much detail into the implementation of the assigment as I could. Thank you for the opportunity.
cd .\genesys-assignment\
npm run dev
You can find the App running locally in the address in the terminal.