Logging Checklist [ pdf ]
1. Thou shalt not write log by yourself
- Make use of syslog or similar systems as they handle auto-ration and more.
2. Thou shalt log at the proper level
- TRACE track code routines.
- DEBUG activated during troubleshooting for debugging.
- INFO user-driven or system specific actions.
- NOTICE notable events that are not errors (default level for prod), always add context.
- WARN events that could result in error, e.g low disk space, always add context.
- ERROR for all errors, always add context.
- FATAL signifies the end of a program (exit program), always add context.
3. Honor thy log category
- The category allows classification of the log message. E.g. my.service.api.
- Log categories are hierarchical to allow inherited behaviours, rules and filters.
4. Thou shalt write meaningful logs
- Treat logging as if there is no access to the program source-code.
- Log should not depend on previous log for context as it may not be there (async).
5. Thy log shalt be written in English
- English is an internationally recognized language.
- English is a better suited technical language.
- English can be written in ASCII characters (stays the same over UTF-8, Unicode, etc).
6. Thou shalt log with context
- Treat logging as if there is no access to the program source-code.
- Log messages without context are just noise.
- Ensure that at least the local scope of variables are included in the log context.
7. Thou shalt log in machine parsable format
- Text logs are good for humans but very poor for machines.
- Use a simple international standard format, like JSON.
- Simplifies automation processing for alerting/auditing.
- Log parsers require less processing of messages.
- Log search engine indexing becomes straightforward.
8. Thou shalt not log too much or too little
- Too much logging generates too much clutter (time consuming to browse).
- Too little logging leads to troubleshooting problems (not enough context).
- Log more than enough in dev, then tighten it up before shipping to prod.
9. Thou shalt think to the reader
- The whole purpose of logging is so that someone will read it one day.
- Readers deserve consistency, so stick to standards like RFC3339 (datetime).
- Log parsers are readers too, so ensure consistency of log format/dictionary.
10. Thou shalt not log only for troubleshooting
- Auditing management/legal events, describe what users of the system are doing.
- Profiling logs are time stamped this allows us to infer performance metrics.
- Statistics compute user behaviours, e.g. alert when too many errors detected in a row.
go get github.com/go-diary/diary
package main
import (
func main() {
instance := diary.Dear("uprate", "go-diary", "diary", diary.M{}, "[email protected]:go-diary/diary.git", "084c59f", []string{}, diary.M{}, diary.LevelTrace, diary.HumanReadableHandler)
instance.Page(-1, 1000, true, "main", diary.M{}, "", "", nil, func(p diary.Page) {
x := 100
p.Debug("x", x)
package main
import (
var channel = make(chan []byte)
var instance diary.IDiary
func main() {
group := sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {
defer group.Done()
instance = diary.Dear("uprate", "go-diary", "diary", diary.M{}, "[email protected]:go-diary/diary.git", "084c59f", []string{}, diary.M{}, diary.LevelTrace, diary.HumanReadableHandler)
instance.Page(-1, 1000, true, "main", diary.M{}, "", "", nil, func(p diary.IPage) {
x := 100
p.Debug("x", x)
channel <- p.ToJson()
func routine() {
select {
case data := <-channel:
instance.Load(data, "routine", func(p diary.IPage) {
y := 200
p.Debug("y", y)
- Use
git config --get remote.origin.url
to get repository URL using script. - Use
git rev-parse --short HEAD
to get short commit has using script.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.