A reusable Bootstrap 4 theme and set of React components for use across faa.st products.
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run examples at http://localhost:8080/ with webpack dev server:
npm start
Install faast-ui and peer-dependencies via NPM:
npm install --save go-faast/faast-ui reactstrap react react-dom
Import faast-ui CSS somewhere in in the entrypoint of your app (e.g. src/index.js
for create-react-app):
import 'faast-ui/dist/css/faast-ui.css'
or, directly import in your scss to have access to all bootstrap variables and mixins:
@import '~faast-ui/src/style/index.scss';
Import the components you need:
import { Button } from 'reactstrap'
These libraries are not bundled with faast-ui and are required at runtime: