Fork of xerrors with explicit Wrap instead of %w
Clear is better than clever.
go get
errors.Wrap(err, "message")
- Using
is the most explicit way to wrap errors - Wrapping with
fmt.Errorf("foo: %w", err)
is implicit, redundant and error-prone - Parsing
"foo: %w"
is implicit, redundant and slow - The pkg/errors and xerrors are not maintainted
- The cockroachdb/errors is too big
- The
has no caller stack trace
Call errors.DisableTrace
or use build tag noerrtrace
Generic type assertion for errors.
// Into finds the first error in err's chain that matches target type T, and if so, returns it.
// Into is type-safe alternative to As.
func Into[T error](err error) (val T, ok bool)
if pathError, ok := errors.Into[*os.PathError](err); ok {
fmt.Println("Failed at path:", pathError.Path)
Must is a generic helper, like template.Must, that wraps a call to a function returning (T, error) and panics if the error is non-nil.
func Must[T any](val T, err error) T
BSD-3-Clause, same as Go sources