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The description in Japanese is available on the following blog page. -> Blog

The description in English is available on the following blog page. -> Blog

What is

CLI tool to search AWS Lambda runtime values and versions.

By filtering by regions, runtime and versions, or part of the function name, you can find a list of functions across regions.

This will allow you can see the following.

  • What Lambda functions exist in which regions
  • Whether there are any functions that have reached EOL
  • Whether there is a function in an unexpected region
  • Whether a function exists based on a specific naming rule

Also this tool can support output results as a CSV file.



  • Homebrew

    brew install go-to-k/tap/lamver
  • Linux, Darwin (macOS) and Windows

    curl -fsSL | sh
    lamver -h
    # To install a specific version of lamver
    # e.g. version 0.8.0
    curl -fsSL | sh -s "v0.8.0"
    lamver -h
  • aqua

    aqua g -i go-to-k/lamver
  • Binary

  • Git Clone and install(for developers)

    git clone
    cd lamver
    make install

How to use

lamver [-p <profile>] [-r <default region>] [-o <output file path>] [-k <keyword for function name>]


  • -p, --profile: optional
    • AWS profile name
  • -r, --region: optional
    • Default AWS region
      • The region to output is selected interactively and does not need to be specified.
  • -o, --output: optional
    • Output file path for CSV format
  • -k, --keyword: optional
    • Keyword for function name filtering (case-insensitive)

Input flow

Enter lamver

❯ lamver

You can specify -k, --keyword option. This is a keyword for function name filtering (case-insensitive).

❯ lamver -k goto

Choose regions

? Select regions you want to search.
  [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
  [x]  ap-northeast-1
  [ ]  ap-northeast-2
  [ ]  ap-northeast-3
  [ ]  ap-south-1
  [ ]  ap-southeast-1
  [ ]  ap-southeast-2
  [ ]  ca-central-1
  [ ]  eu-central-1
  [ ]  eu-north-1
  [ ]  eu-west-1
  [ ]  eu-west-2
  [ ]  eu-west-3
  [ ]  sa-east-1
  [x]  us-east-1
> [x]  us-east-2
  [ ]  us-west-1
  [ ]  us-west-2

Choose runtime values

? Select runtime values you want to search.
  [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
> [ ]  dotnet6
  [ ]  dotnet8
  [ ]  dotnetcore1.0
  [ ]  dotnetcore2.0
  [ ]  dotnetcore2.1
  [ ]  dotnetcore3.1
  [x]  go1.x
  [ ]  java8
  [ ]  java8.al2
  [ ]  java11
  [ ]  java17
  [ ]  java21
  [ ]  nodejs
  [ ]  nodejs4.3
  [ ]  nodejs4.3-edge
  [ ]  nodejs6.10
  [ ]  nodejs8.10
  [ ]  nodejs10.x
  [x]  nodejs12.x
  [ ]  nodejs14.x
  [ ]  nodejs16.x
  [ ]  nodejs18.x
  [ ]  nodejs20.x
  [ ]  nodejs22.x
  [ ]  provided
  [x]  provided.al2
  [ ]  provided.al2023
  [ ]  python2.7
  [ ]  python3.6
  [ ]  python3.7
  [ ]  python3.8
  [ ]  python3.9
  [ ]  python3.10
  [ ]  python3.11
  [ ]  python3.12
  [ ]  python3.13
  [ ]  ruby2.5
  [ ]  ruby2.7
  [ ]  ruby3.2
  [ ]  ruby3.3

Enter part of the function name

You can search function names in a case-insensitive.

Empty input will output all functions.

This phase is skipped if you specify -k option.

Filter a keyword of function names(case-insensitive): test-goto

The result will be output

|   RUNTIME    |     REGION     |     FUNCTIONNAME     |         LASTMODIFIED         |
| go1.x        | ap-northeast-1 | Test-goto-function2  | 2023-01-07T14:54:23.406+0000 |
| go1.x        | ap-northeast-1 | test-Goto-function10 | 2023-01-07T15:29:11.658+0000 |
| go1.x        | us-east-2      | TEST-goto-function6  | 2023-01-07T15:28:08.507+0000 |
| nodejs12.x   | ap-northeast-1 | test-GOTO-function1  | 2023-01-07T14:53:49.141+0000 |
| nodejs12.x   | us-east-1      | TEST-GOTO-function4  | 2023-01-07T15:18:14.191+0000 |
| nodejs12.x   | us-east-1      | test-goto-function7  | 2023-01-07T15:28:20.921+0000 |
| nodejs12.x   | us-east-2      | test-goto-function5  | 2023-01-07T15:18:34.408+0000 |
| provided.al2 | ap-northeast-1 | test-goto-function8  | 2023-01-07T15:28:34.968+0000 |
| provided.al2 | us-east-1      | test-goto-function3  | 2023-01-07T15:17:35.965+0000 |
| provided.al2 | us-east-2      | test-goto-function9  | 2023-01-07T15:29:16.107+0000 |
INF 10 counts hit!

CSV output mode

By default, results are output as table format on the screen.

If you add -o option, then results can be output as a CSV file.

lamver -o ./result.csv