You need a powerful GPU for training. After 12 hours of training for each game on GTX-1070 I got this result:
You need anaconda, tensorflow, gym, and tflearn to run this project.
Once you install anaconda, you might need the following commands helpful to create and destroy your conda virtual environment.
$ export PATH=~/anaconda3/bin/:$PATH # Add it to your path.
$ conda -V # You can check conda version
$ conda update conda # You can update your conda
$ conda search "^python$" # See python versions
$ conda create -n <env-name> python=<version> anaconda # Create a virtual env
$ source activate <env-name> # Activate your virtual env
$ conda info -e # List your virtual envs
$ conda install -n <env-name> [package] # Install more packages
$ source deactivate # Deactivate current virtual env
$ conda remove -n <env-name> --all # Delete your environment <env-name>
Follow tensorflow installation on anaconda. If you want to use your GPU, follow the Cuda installation and gpu-enabled tensorflow installation. If you are installing gpu-enabled tensorflow, you might find this video helpful. If you are building gpu-enabled tensorflow from scratch, follow this.
TFLearn setup is as easy as running the following command.
pip install tflearn
Following commands install gym on your virtual environment.
$ apt-get install -y python-dev cmake zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev xvfb libav-tools xorg-dev python-opengl libboost-all-dev libsdl2-dev swig
$ pip install gym[atari]
I had to run the following commands to fix the problems that appeared after gym installation.
$ conda install -f numpy
$ conda install libgcc
We have custom games and gym atari games. The custom games takes considerably shorter time to train.
Here is a training command.
python train my-Catch \
--experiment=catch1 \
--num_random_steps=5000 \
--num_training_steps=2500 \
--num_validation_steps=1250 \
--epsilon_annealing_steps=50000 \
--experience_buffer_size=225000 \
--summary_dir=/tmp/summaries \
--checkpoint_dir=/tmp/checkpoints \
--target_update_frequency=5000 \
--tau=0.0 \
See for all options.
The custom games I created using the code provided by this blog post.
- my-Catch
- my-Avoid
Popular atari games are Breakout-v0, Pong-v0, SpaceInviders-v0, etc. See gym atari environments for the full list of atari games.
You can use tensorboard
to follow the training progress.
tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/summaries/catch1
Go to
python test my-Catch /tmp/checkpoints/catch1.ckpt-XXXX --eval_dir=/tmp/catch1
python /tmp/summaries/catch1/plot.csv --x_axis=epoch --y_axis=reward
python /tmp/summaries/catch1/plot.csv --x_axis=epoch --y_axis=maxq
python /tmp/summaries/catch1/plot.csv --x_axis=epoch --y_axis=epsilon