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math/rand/v2: revised API for math/rand #61716

rsc opened this issue Aug 2, 2023 · 57 comments

math/rand/v2: revised API for math/rand #61716

rsc opened this issue Aug 2, 2023 · 57 comments


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rsc commented Aug 2, 2023

Based on earlier discussions in #60751, #26263, and #21835, as well as discussions with @robpike, I propose adding a new version of math/rand, imported as math/rand/v2, to the standard library. The full text is below but is nearly identical to what we discussed in #60751.

The most direct motivation for this proposal is to clean up math/rand and fix these many lingering problems, especially the use of an outdated generator, slow algorithms, and the unfortunate collision with crypto/rand.Read.

A more indirect but equally important motivation is to set an example for other v2 packages in the standard library. Creating math/rand/v2 will let us work out tooling issues (support for v2 packages in gopls, goimports, and so on) in a relatively rarely used package with fairly low stakes attached before moving on to more commonly used, higher-stakes packages like sync/v2 or encoding/json/v2.

This proposal establishes the pattern for v2 packages in the standard library, namely that they are subdirectories of the original package and that the starting point for the API is the original package, with each deviation clearly justified. In particular, v2 packages are not an opportunity to redesign something from scratch "just because". The existing APIs work well, and deviations should be carefully considered. A from-scratch new API is just as likely (probably more likely) to introduce new problems as it is to fix existing ones.

Once math/rand/v2 has shipped, we would tag and delete x/exp/rand. This would keep programs that already use x/exp/rand working (by reference to the tagged version or older versions of x/exp) but allow us to delete the code from the main branch of x/exp, making clear that development on it has ended.

A prototype of these math/rand/v2 changes can be found at and the CLs below it in the stack.


The math/rand/v2 API would use math/rand as a starting point and then make the following backwards incompatible changes:

  1. Remove Rand.Read and top-level Read. It is almost always a mistake to pretend that a pseudo-random generator is a good source of arbitrarily long byte sequences. The kinds of simulations and non-deterministic algorithms for which math/rand is a good choice almost never need byte sequences. Read is the only common piece of API between math/rand and crypto/rand, and code should essentially always use crypto/rand.Read instead. (math/rand.Read and crypto/rand.Read are problematic because they have the the same signature; math/rand.Int and crypto/rand.Int also both exist, but with different signatures, meaning code never accidentally mistakes one for the other.)

  2. Remove Source.Seed, Rand.Seed, and top-level Seed. Top-level Seed is deprecated as of Go 1.20. Source.Seed and Rand.Seed assume that the underlying source can be seeded by a single int64, which is only true of a limited number of sources. Specific source implementations can provide Seed methods with appropriate signatures, or none at all for generators that cannot be reseeded; the details of seeding do not belong in the general interface.

    Note that removing top-level Seed means that the top-level functions like Int will always be randomly seeded rather than deterministically seeded. math/rand/v2 will not pay attention to the randautoseed GODEBUG setting that math/rand does; auto-seeding for top-level functions is the only mode. This means in turn that the specific PRNG algorithm used by the top-level functions is unspecified and can change from release to release without breaking any existing code.

  3. Change the Source interface to have a single Uint64() uint64 method, replacing Int63() int64. The latter was overfitting to the original Mitchell & Reeds LFSR generator. Modern generators can provide uint64s, and uint64s have fewer special cases at call sites.

  4. Remove Source64, which is unnecessary now that Source provides the Uint64 method.

  5. Use a more straightforward implementation in Float32 and Float64. Taking Float64 as an example, it originally used float64(r.Int63()) / (1<<63), but this has the problem of occasionally rounding up to 1.0, which Float64 must not. We tried changing it to float64(r.Int63n(1<<53) / (1<<53), which avoids the rounding problem, but we decided it was a backwards compatibile change to break the value streams that rand.Rand generators, and instead added a retry loop for the rare 1.0 case. Now we can make the breaking change, which is simpler and faster.

    Note that some people have observed that the simple division does not make use of all the possible float64 values in the range [0, 1). For example values like 1/(1<<54), 1/(1<<55), 3/(1<<55), and so on are not generated at all, both in today's math/rand and in this simpler algorithm. Only the values 0 and 1/(1<<53) are, not the ones in between. It is possible to introduce even more complex algorithms to spread out the low values more while preserving something that can be deemed a uniform distribution, but these algorithms seem like overkill. The simple division should continue to suffice.

  6. (New since #60751.) Correct bias problems in ExpFloat64 and NormFloat64. @flyingmutant reports that these have detectable bias, perhaps due to a mistake in porting the Ziggurat algorithms from float32 to float64. We can take this opportunity to correct those.

  7. Implement Rand.Perm in terms of Rand.Shuffle. Shuffle is a bit more efficient, and then we have only one implementation. It has been suggested elsewhere to remove Rand.Perm instead, but keeping it costs little (especially if implemented in terms of Shuffle) and avoids unnecessary churn for users.

  8. Rename Intn, Int31, Int31n, Int63, Int64n to IntN, Int32, Int32N, Int64, Int64N. The 31 and 63 in the names are unnecessarily pedantic and confusing, and the capitalized N is more idiomatic for a second "word" in the name in Go. Note: The capital N's in the names are a change from #60751.

  9. Add Uint32, Uint32N, Uint64, Uint64N, Uint, UintN, both as top-level functions and methods on Rand. At the least, we need Uint64 to provide access to the widest values that the Source can provide. But we may as well complete the set while we are here. Note: The capital N's in the names are a change from #60751.

  10. (New since #60751) Add a generic top-level function N that is like Int64N or Uint64N but works for any integer type. In particular this allows using rand.N(1*time.Minute) to get a random duration in the range [0, 1*time.Minute).

  11. Use Lemire's algorithm in N, IntN, UintN, and so on. Preliminary benchmarks show a 40% savings compared to v1 Int31n and a 75% savings compared to v1 Int63n. (Like with Float64, since this changes the values returned, it is a breaking change that can only be applied in math/rand/v2.)

  12. Add a new Source implementation, PCG-DXSM, with this API:

    func NewPCG(seed1, seed2 uint64) *PCG
    type PCG struct { ... }
    func (p *PCG) Uint64() uint64
    func (p *PCG) Seed(seed1, seed2 uint64)
    func (p *PCG) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
    func (p *PCG) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error

    PCG is a simple, efficient algorithm with good statistical randomness properties. The DXSM variant was introduced by the author specifically to correct a rare, obscure shortcoming in the original (PCG-XSLRR) and is now the default generator in Numpy.

    PCG is provided for people who are writing simulations and need a seeded, deterministic source of randomness suitable for most purposes. Note that PCG is not assumed in any code. In particular the top-level functions need not use PCG (and in the current prototype do not). If in the future we add another algorithm, it will sit alongside PCG as a true peer.

    Note: MarshalBinary and UnmarshalBinary are new since #60751.

  13. Remove the Mitchell & Reeds LFSR generator and NewSource. An alternative to removing it would be to give it a name like NewLFSR or NewMitchellReeds, but that would serve no purpose. The obvious purpose would be to provide the original math/rand source so that code that needs to reproduce the exact math/rand outputs can do so. But the other changes to Rand, in routines like Intn and Float64, change the derived values from Rand's methods for a given Source input stream. Since preserving the math/rand Source stream would not suffice to preserve the math/rand Rand stream, preserving the math/rand Source is not worthwhile. Programs that need exactly the math/rand value streams can continue to use that package; it will not be removed.

  14. (New since #60751 and the original proposal in this issue) Add a new Source implementation, ChaCha8, with this API:

    func NewChaCha8(seed [32]byte) *ChaCha8
    type ChaCha8 struct { ... }
    func (c *ChaCha8) Uint64() uint64
    func (c *ChaCha8) Seed(seed [32]byte)
    func (c *ChaCha8) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
    func (c *ChaCha8) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error

    ChaCha8 is a cryptographically-strong random number generator derived from the ChaCha8 stream cipher. It provides security equivalent to ChaCha8 encryption.

  15. (New since #60751 and the original proposal in this issue) Use a per-OS-thread ChaCha8 for the global random generator, both in math/rand/v2 and in math/rand (when unseeded). The current implementation uses a per-OS-thread wyrand, which was fine compared to the Mitchell/Reeds/Thompson generator but is not really great compared to PCG or ChaCha8. In particular, it is strange for the top-level randomness to be less studied and less robust than the two concrete implementations provided. Using ChaCha8 also gives the default top-level randomness real cryptographic strength, turning accidental use of math/rand where crypto/rand would be more appropriate into less of a security problem. Using ChaCha8 runs slower than using wyrand, but it is about as fast as the current sync.Mutex-locked generator in math/rand (~6ns per value on my 2019 Intel MacBook Pro).

Differences since previous discussion

The differences between this proposal and what we discussed in #60751 are:

  • Renamed Intn, Int64n, etc to IntN, Int64N, etc, capitalizing the N.

  • Added top-level generic rand.N function, which is like tbe current rand.Int64n or rand.Uint64n but works for any integer type.

  • Added MarshalBinary and UnmarshalBinary methods to the new PCG type.

  • Adjust the ExpFloat64 and NormFloat64 algorithms to remove bias. (Thanks to @zephyrtronium.)

  • Add ChaCha8 alongside PCG.

  • Use ChaCha8 for global generator.

These differences are also marked above.

Discussion Summary

Summarizing the discussion on #60751:

  • There was a suggestion to parameterize the top-level Intn, Uintn, Int64n, Uint64n etc functions. The single N function does that instead.

  • There was a suggestion to make PCG implement BinaryMarshaler and BinaryUnmarshaler, which has been accepted.

  • There was a suggestion to use more efficient algorithms for ExpFloat64 and NormFloat64, which has been accepted.

  • There was a suggestion to use more efficient but subtly biased fixed-point multiplication-based algorithms for Int64N and related functions. Careful benchmarks do not seem to bear out the benefits of these, so I've left them using a variant of Lemire's algorithm that is less efficient only in the rare cases where it is correcting the subtle bias.

  • There was a suggestion to use a more complex implementation of Float64 that spreads some of the probability of very small values around to even smaller values that would otherwise never be generated. Specifically, values betwen 0 and 1/2⁵³ are never generated, so the suggestion is to generate 0 and 1/2⁵³ with probability less than the current 1-in-2⁵³ and reuse some of that probability for values in between. This does not seem worth the cost for two reasons. First, the simple division algorithm produces numbers that have uniform gaps between them. That is, the gaps near 1 are the same size as the gaps near zero. That specific uniformity is lost if you get clever about creating smaller gaps near zero. Second, many times the result of Float32 or Float64 is scaled or translated or both (Float64()*X + Y). The +Y undoes all the work to create those gaps, and the *X scales the gaps so that in the new range it's still not true that every possible floating point value in the range will be generated. (This basic rationale is in the proposal text below as well, since it was included in the text used to begin the discussion at #60751.)

  • There was a suggestion to remove the indirection of the Source abstraction, but that abstraction is important for being able to substitute a different pseudo-random algorithm, especially in simulations that care about the algorithm. The suggestion was motivated by performance reasons, but I am confident any performance problems can be handled by devirtualization in the compiler.

  • There was a suggestion to use v2/math/rand instead, but generally the v2 seems like a "lower order bit" than the package path, and so it should come after the package path. That form would also break 'go test math...' or at least not include math/rand. Another, related problem with v2/math/rand is that at some point we may want to break the standard library into separate modules. For example a crypto module could provide crypto/.... If some crypto packages are v2, like crypto/tls/v2, then there is no problem with the module named crypto providing both crypto/tls and crypto/tls/v2. However, the module named crypto cannot provide v2/crypto/tls, because strings.HasPrefix(v2/crypto/tls, crypto/) == false. I don't know whether it's a good idea to break the standard library up this way or not, but I think we want to at least leave that door accessible in case we want to walk through it. v2/crypto/tls or v2/math/rand would block that door. It is worth noting that the standard library is not special in being allowed to introduce v2 subdirectories for specific packages. Any module can do this, and in particular v1 modules can do this.

  • There was a suggestion to leave the top-level Read removed but add back rand.Rand.Read. The need for this is unclear, so it seems worth leaving out for now.

  • There was a suggestion to provide access to a goroutine-safe implementation of Source. That is not a common need, and it can be implemented trivially as a wrapper around rand.Uint64.

  • There was a suggestion to rename the package from math/rand to math/pseudorand, to try to draw more of a distinction between math/rand and crypto/rand. I have not done this, for a few reasons. First, even crypto/rand can be pseudo-random, just in a cryptographically stronger way. Second, the names are long and not Go-like. Third, there is already an established name for this package, and it is math/rand. If you notice there are packages named math/rand and math/rand/v2, the relationship is clear. If you notice packages named math/rand and math/pseudorand, the relationship is much less clear. Just as we are conservative about changing established API from v1 to v2, we should be conservative about changing established names.

  • There was a hyperbolic suggestion that Go "would do a great service to its users by making it as hard as possible to use any RNG other than crypto/rand." We are not going to take that approach, but we've added ChaCha8 as a source you can construct explicitly, and we've also changed the top-level functions to use ChaCha8 underneath, although this is not a documented guarantee.

@rsc rsc added the Proposal label Aug 2, 2023
@gopherbot gopherbot added this to the Proposal milestone Aug 2, 2023
@rsc rsc added this to Proposals Aug 2, 2023
@rsc rsc moved this to Incoming in Proposals Aug 2, 2023
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rsc commented Aug 2, 2023

This proposal has been added to the active column of the proposals project
and will now be reviewed at the weekly proposal review meetings.
— rsc for the proposal review group

@rsc rsc moved this from Incoming to Active in Proposals Aug 2, 2023
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Adjust the ExpFloat64 and NormFloat64 algorithms to remove bias. (Not implemented yet.)

I have an example implementation of this in which I used to verify that it does resolve the bias detected by practrand. My approach uses recalculated 1024-step ziggurats specifically built for 64-bit PRNGs to improve the rejection procedure efficiency, which gives about -6% ns/op versus the 128-step normal ziggurat and +4% ns/op versus the 256-step exponential one (possibly due to bounds checking? I can't investigate at the moment), at the cost of the tables being a collective 48 kB instead of 4.5 kB.

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: math/rand
cpu: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1235U
               │ /home/branden/old.bench │      /home/branden/new.bench       │
               │         sec/op          │   sec/op     vs base               │
NormFloat64-12               3.961n ± 2%   3.709n ± 0%  -6.35% (p=0.000 n=20)
ExpFloat64-12                3.801n ± 1%   3.974n ± 0%  +4.56% (p=0.000 n=20)
geomean                      3.880n        3.840n       -1.04%

An alternative implementation is to use the same tables but adjusting the input to avoid reusing random bits between the step selection and the final output, which would leave tables unchanged and should result in the same performance but still resolve the bias.

This is out of band for the proposal per se, but would it be appropriate for me to send in a CL based on 502506 implementing the new ziggurats? I don't know whether or how I can do that.

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rsc commented Aug 2, 2023

@zephyrtronium If you can send a CL with the new code that'd be great. We will not be able to submit it as is, but I can lift it from there and add it to the v2 stack. 48kB of table is a lot more than 4.5kB, so your alternative leaving the tables unchanged sounds like the right approach. Thanks!

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joeshaw commented Aug 2, 2023

Creating math/rand/v2 will let us work out tooling issues (support for v2 packages in gopls, goimports, and so on)

Typically packages are identified in code by the last portion of their import path. This would be undesirable for packages versioned this way, so is the subtext here that tools like goimports would recognize math/rand/v2 and write import statements with renamed identifiers (import rand "math/rand/v2")?

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rsc commented Aug 2, 2023

@joeshaw Tools like goimports already recognize math/rand/v2 and understand that it is 'rand' even without a renamed import. Such paths are common already for the root package of a module that is >=v2.

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Change mentions this issue: math/rand: don't reuse bits in ziggurat variates

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Change mentions this issue: math/rand/v2: add, optimize N, UintN, Uint32N, Uint64N

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Change mentions this issue: math/rand/v2: delete Mitchell/Reeds source

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Change mentions this issue: math/rand/v2: add ChaCha8

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Change mentions this issue: math/rand/v2: rename various functions

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Change mentions this issue: math/rand/v2: simplify Perm

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Change mentions this issue: math/rand/v2: update benchmarks

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Change mentions this issue: math/rand/v2: remove Read

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Change mentions this issue: math/rand/v2: clean up regression test

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Change mentions this issue: math/rand/v2: change Source to use uint64

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Change mentions this issue: math/rand, math/rand/v2: use ChaCha8 for global rand

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Change mentions this issue: math/rand/v2: optimize Float32, Float64

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Change mentions this issue: math/rand/v2: add PCG-DXSM

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Change mentions this issue: math/rand/v2: start of new API

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Change mentions this issue: math/rand/v2: remove Rand.Seed

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rsc commented Aug 8, 2023

People seem overall happy with this proposal, since we already hashed almost everything out in the previous discussion. I've updated the CL stack with recent adjustments and updated benchmarks. Thanks to @zephyrtronium for contributing fixes for ExpFloat64 and NormFloat64, now included in the stack.

After discussion with @FiloSottile, I've added a ChaCha8 source alongside the PCG source, so that people who want cryptographically strong randomness can have it.

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rsc commented Aug 8, 2023

Also based on discussion with @FiloSottile, I've changed the implementation of the top-level random functions to use an unexported per-OS-thread ChaCha8 source. (Anyone who wants this in Source form can build a trivial Source out of rand.Uint64, as noted before.)

The top-level per-thread ChaCha8 source is slower than the per-thread wyrand source I had been using in the stack, but it's about the same speed as the top-level locked source in math/rand. We eliminate the lock but use the cost savings to pay for cryptographic randomness by default instead. This seems like a reasonable trade. In particular, wyrand is less well understood than either PCG or ChaCha8, so it seems strange to have a package that exports PCG and ChaCha8 and then uses something less robust implicitly in the top-level functions.

I've timed using each of them, and ChaCha8 is a little faster than PCG on 32-bit, a little slower on 64-bit, but overall quite similar. Both are slower than wyrand, but wyrand is fairly trivial. Given the choice between PCG and ChaCha8 for the top-level randomness, ChaCha8 has a similar cost but provides cryptographic strength. That makes accidental use of math/rand/v2 instead of crypto/rand much less of a problem.

ChaCha8 requires maintaining 304 bytes of extra state in the per-OS-thread m structure in the runtime.

[This is a separate comment so people can thumbs-up or thumbs-down the idea of using ChaCha8 as the global generator separate from the other update.]

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rsc commented Aug 8, 2023

If we do keep ChaCha8 as the global generator and commit to having some cryptographic global generator like ChaCha8 in the future, we could potentially bring back both the top-level Read function and the Rand.Read method.

In the earlier discussion, some people asked what to do about getting short byte sequences from the PRNG. We essentially sacrificed the convenience of Read for the security of forcing people over to crypto/rand. But if we make the top-level Read backed by a cryptographic generator, we could bring Read back and have both convenience and security.

Not entirely sure whether this is worth doing, but it seems worth discussing.

[This is a separate comment so people can thumbs-up or thumbs-down the idea of bringing Read back separate from the other updates.]

@dmitshur dmitshur added this to the Go1.22 milestone Oct 30, 2023
gopherbot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Oct 30, 2023
Removing Rand.Seed lets us remove lockedSource as well,
along with the ambiguity in globalRand about which source
to use.

For #61716.

Change-Id: Ibe150520dd1e7dd87165eacaebe9f0c2daeaedfd
Reviewed-by: Dmitri Shuralyov <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Rob Pike <[email protected]>
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <[email protected]>
Auto-Submit: Russ Cox <[email protected]>
gopherbot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Oct 30, 2023
Change the benchmarks to use the result of the calls,
as I found that in certain cases inlining resulted in
discarding part of the computation in the benchmark loop.
Add various benchmarks that will be relevant in future CLs.

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 220860f76f.amd64 │
                        │      sec/op      │
SourceUint64-32                1.555n ± 1%
GlobalInt64-32                 2.071n ± 1%
GlobalInt63Parallel-32        0.1023n ± 1%
GlobalUint64-32                5.193n ± 1%
GlobalUint64Parallel-32       0.2341n ± 0%
Int64-32                       2.056n ± 2%
Uint64-32                      2.077n ± 2%
GlobalIntN1000-32              4.077n ± 2%
IntN1000-32                    3.476n ± 2%
Int64N1000-32                  3.059n ± 1%
Int64N1e8-32                   2.942n ± 1%
Int64N1e9-32                   2.932n ± 1%
Int64N2e9-32                   2.925n ± 1%
Int64N1e18-32                  3.116n ± 1%
Int64N2e18-32                  4.067n ± 1%
Int64N4e18-32                  4.054n ± 1%
Int32N1000-32                  2.951n ± 1%
Int32N1e8-32                   3.102n ± 1%
Int32N1e9-32                   3.535n ± 1%
Int32N2e9-32                   3.514n ± 1%
Float32-32                     2.760n ± 1%
Float64-32                     2.284n ± 1%
ExpFloat64-32                  3.757n ± 1%
NormFloat64-32                 3.837n ± 1%
Perm3-32                       35.23n ± 2%
Perm30-32                      208.8n ± 1%
Perm30ViaShuffle-32            111.7n ± 1%
ShuffleOverhead-32             101.1n ± 1%
Concurrent-32                  2.108n ± 7%

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: Apple M1
                       │ 220860f76f.arm64 │
                       │      sec/op      │
SourceUint64-8                2.316n ± 1%
GlobalInt64-8                 2.183n ± 1%
GlobalInt63Parallel-8        0.4331n ± 0%
GlobalUint64-8                4.377n ± 2%
GlobalUint64Parallel-8       0.9237n ± 0%
Int64-8                       2.538n ± 1%
Uint64-8                      2.604n ± 1%
GlobalIntN1000-8              3.857n ± 2%
IntN1000-8                    3.822n ± 2%
Int64N1000-8                  3.318n ± 0%
Int64N1e8-8                   3.349n ± 1%
Int64N1e9-8                   3.317n ± 2%
Int64N2e9-8                   3.317n ± 2%
Int64N1e18-8                  3.542n ± 1%
Int64N2e18-8                  5.087n ± 0%
Int64N4e18-8                  5.084n ± 0%
Int32N1000-8                  3.208n ± 2%
Int32N1e8-8                   3.610n ± 1%
Int32N1e9-8                   4.235n ± 0%
Int32N2e9-8                   4.229n ± 1%
Float32-8                     3.468n ± 0%
Float64-8                     3.447n ± 0%
ExpFloat64-8                  4.567n ± 0%
NormFloat64-8                 4.821n ± 0%
Perm3-8                       28.89n ± 0%
Perm30-8                      175.7n ± 0%
Perm30ViaShuffle-8            153.5n ± 0%
ShuffleOverhead-8             119.8n ± 1%
Concurrent-8                  2.433n ± 3%

goos: linux
goarch: 386
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 220860f76f.386 │
                        │     sec/op     │
SourceUint64-32             2.370n ±  1%
GlobalInt64-32              3.569n ±  1%
GlobalInt63Parallel-32     0.3221n ±  1%
GlobalUint64-32             8.797n ± 10%
GlobalUint64Parallel-32    0.6351n ±  0%
Int64-32                    2.612n ±  2%
Uint64-32                   3.350n ±  1%
GlobalIntN1000-32           5.892n ±  1%
IntN1000-32                 4.546n ±  1%
Int64N1000-32               14.59n ±  1%
Int64N1e8-32                14.76n ±  2%
Int64N1e9-32                16.57n ±  1%
Int64N2e9-32                14.54n ±  1%
Int64N1e18-32               16.14n ±  1%
Int64N2e18-32               18.10n ±  1%
Int64N4e18-32               18.65n ±  1%
Int32N1000-32               3.560n ±  1%
Int32N1e8-32                3.770n ±  2%
Int32N1e9-32                4.098n ±  0%
Int32N2e9-32                4.179n ±  1%
Float32-32                  21.18n ±  4%
Float64-32                  20.60n ±  2%
ExpFloat64-32               13.07n ±  0%
NormFloat64-32              7.738n ±  2%
Perm3-32                    36.73n ±  1%
Perm30-32                   211.9n ±  1%
Perm30ViaShuffle-32         165.2n ±  1%
ShuffleOverhead-32          133.9n ±  1%
Concurrent-32               3.287n ±  2%

For #61716.

Change-Id: I2f0938eae4b7bf736a8cd899a99783e731bf2179
Auto-Submit: Russ Cox <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Dmitri Shuralyov <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Rob Pike <[email protected]>
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <[email protected]>
gopherbot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Oct 30, 2023
This should make Uint64-using functions faster and leave
other things alone. It is a mystery why so much got faster.
A good cautionary tale not to read too much into minor
jitter in the benchmarks.

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 220860f76f.amd64 │           11ad9fdddc.amd64           │
                        │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                │
SourceUint64-32                1.555n ± 1%    1.335n ± 1%  -14.15% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32                 2.071n ± 1%    2.046n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.016 n=20)
GlobalInt63Parallel-32        0.1023n ± 1%   0.1037n ± 1%   +1.37% (p=0.002 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32                5.193n ± 1%    2.075n ± 0%  -60.06% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32       0.2341n ± 0%   0.1013n ± 1%  -56.74% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-32                       2.056n ± 2%    1.726n ± 2%  -16.10% (p=0.000 n=20)
Uint64-32                      2.077n ± 2%    1.673n ± 1%  -19.46% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32              4.077n ± 2%    3.895n ± 2%   -4.45% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-32                    3.476n ± 2%    3.403n ± 1%   -2.10% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                  3.059n ± 1%    3.053n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.131 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                   2.942n ± 1%    2.718n ± 1%   -7.60% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                   2.932n ± 1%    2.712n ± 1%   -7.50% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                   2.925n ± 1%    2.690n ± 1%   -8.03% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                  3.116n ± 1%    3.084n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.425 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                  4.067n ± 1%    4.026n ± 1%   -1.02% (p=0.007 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                  4.054n ± 1%    4.049n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.204 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                  2.951n ± 1%    2.730n ± 0%   -7.49% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                   3.102n ± 1%    2.916n ± 2%   -6.03% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                   3.535n ± 1%    3.375n ± 1%   -4.54% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                   3.514n ± 1%    3.292n ± 1%   -6.30% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float32-32                     2.760n ± 1%    2.673n ± 1%   -3.13% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float64-32                     2.284n ± 1%    2.485n ± 1%   +8.80% (p=0.000 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                  3.757n ± 1%    3.577n ± 2%   -4.78% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-32                 3.837n ± 1%    3.797n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.204 n=20)
Perm3-32                       35.23n ± 2%    35.79n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.298 n=20)
Perm30-32                      208.8n ± 1%    205.1n ± 1%   -1.82% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32            111.7n ± 1%    111.2n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.273 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32             101.1n ± 1%    100.5n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.878 n=20)
Concurrent-32                  2.108n ± 7%    2.188n ± 5%        ~ (p=0.417 n=20)

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: math/rand/v2
                       │ 220860f76f.arm64 │           11ad9fdddc.arm64           │
                       │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                │
SourceUint64-8                2.316n ± 1%    2.272n ± 1%   -1.86% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64-8                 2.183n ± 1%    2.155n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.122 n=20)
GlobalInt63Parallel-8        0.4331n ± 0%   0.4352n ± 0%   +0.48% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64-8                4.377n ± 2%    2.173n ± 1%  -50.35% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-8       0.9237n ± 0%   0.4340n ± 0%  -53.02% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-8                       2.538n ± 1%    2.544n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.189 n=20)
Uint64-8                      2.604n ± 1%    2.552n ± 1%   -1.98% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-8              3.857n ± 2%    3.856n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.051 n=20)
IntN1000-8                    3.822n ± 2%    3.820n ± 0%   -0.05% (p=0.001 n=20)
Int64N1000-8                  3.318n ± 0%    3.219n ± 2%   -2.98% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e8-8                   3.349n ± 1%    3.221n ± 2%   -3.79% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e9-8                   3.317n ± 2%    3.276n ± 2%   -1.24% (p=0.001 n=20)
Int64N2e9-8                   3.317n ± 2%    3.217n ± 0%   -3.01% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e18-8                  3.542n ± 1%    3.502n ± 2%   -1.16% (p=0.001 n=20)
Int64N2e18-8                  5.087n ± 0%    4.968n ± 1%   -2.33% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N4e18-8                  5.084n ± 0%    4.963n ± 0%   -2.39% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-8                  3.208n ± 2%    3.189n ± 1%   -0.58% (p=0.001 n=20)
Int32N1e8-8                   3.610n ± 1%    3.514n ± 1%   -2.67% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-8                   4.235n ± 0%    4.133n ± 0%   -2.40% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-8                   4.229n ± 1%    4.137n ± 0%   -2.19% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float32-8                     3.468n ± 0%    3.468n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.350 n=20)
Float64-8                     3.447n ± 0%    3.478n ± 0%   +0.90% (p=0.000 n=20)
ExpFloat64-8                  4.567n ± 0%    4.563n ± 0%   -0.10% (p=0.002 n=20)
NormFloat64-8                 4.821n ± 0%    4.768n ± 0%   -1.09% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm3-8                       28.89n ± 0%    28.94n ± 0%   +0.17% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-8                      175.7n ± 0%    175.9n ± 0%   +0.14% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-8            153.5n ± 0%    152.6n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.010 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-8             119.8n ± 1%    119.6n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.147 n=20)
Concurrent-8                  2.433n ± 3%    2.452n ± 3%        ~ (p=0.616 n=20)

goos: linux
goarch: 386
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 220860f76f.386 │            11ad9fdddc.386            │
                        │     sec/op     │    sec/op     vs base                │
SourceUint64-32             2.370n ±  1%    2.091n ± 1%  -11.75% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32              3.569n ±  1%    3.514n ± 2%   -1.56% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt63Parallel-32     0.3221n ±  1%   0.3197n ± 0%   -0.76% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32             8.797n ± 10%    3.542n ± 1%  -59.74% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32    0.6351n ±  0%   0.3218n ± 0%  -49.33% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-32                    2.612n ±  2%    2.552n ± 2%   -2.30% (p=0.000 n=20)
Uint64-32                   3.350n ±  1%    2.566n ± 1%  -23.42% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32           5.892n ±  1%    5.965n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.082 n=20)
IntN1000-32                 4.546n ±  1%    4.652n ± 1%   +2.33% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1000-32               14.59n ±  1%    14.48n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.652 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                14.76n ±  2%    14.67n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.836 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                16.57n ±  1%    16.80n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.016 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                14.54n ±  1%    14.52n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.533 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32               16.14n ±  1%    16.16n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.606 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32               18.10n ±  1%    17.95n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.062 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32               18.65n ±  1%    18.35n ± 2%   -1.61% (p=0.010 n=20)
Int32N1000-32               3.560n ±  1%    3.608n ± 1%   +1.33% (p=0.001 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                3.770n ±  2%    3.767n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.155 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                4.098n ±  0%    4.130n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.016 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                4.179n ±  1%    4.206n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.011 n=20)
Float32-32                  21.18n ±  4%    22.18n ± 4%   +4.70% (p=0.003 n=20)
Float64-32                  20.60n ±  2%    20.75n ± 4%   +0.73% (p=0.000 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32               13.07n ±  0%    12.58n ± 3%   -3.82% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-32              7.738n ±  2%    7.920n ± 3%        ~ (p=0.066 n=20)
Perm3-32                    36.73n ±  1%    40.27n ± 1%   +9.65% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-32                   211.9n ±  1%    213.2n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.262 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32         165.2n ±  1%    164.2n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.029 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32          133.9n ±  1%    134.7n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.551 n=20)
Concurrent-32               3.287n ±  2%    3.301n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.330 n=20)

For #61716.

Change-Id: I8d2f73f87dd3603a0c2ff069988938e0957b6904
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <[email protected]>
Auto-Submit: Russ Cox <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Dmitri Shuralyov <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Rob Pike <[email protected]>
gopherbot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Oct 30, 2023
Now that we can break the value stream, we can take advantage
of better algorithms that have been suggested since the original
code was written.

Also optimizes IntN, Int32N, Int64N, Perm (indirectly).

All the N variants (IntN, Int32N, Int64N, UintN, N, etc) now
return the same values given a Source and parameter n, so that
for example uint(r.IntN(10)) and r.UintN(10) and r.N(uint(10))
are completely interchangeable.

Int64N4e18 gets slower but that is a near worst case for
the algorithm and is extremely unlikely in practice.

32-bit Int32N variants got slower too, by 15-30%, in exchange
for speeding up everything on 64-bit systems and consistency
across the N functions.

Also rename previously missed benchmark
GlobalInt63Parallel to GlobalInt64Parallel.

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 11ad9fdddc.amd64 │            4d84a369d1.amd64            │
                        │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                  │
SourceUint64-32                1.335n ± 1%    1.348n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.335 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32                 2.046n ± 1%    2.082n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.310 n=20)
GlobalInt63Parallel-32        0.1037n ± 1%
GlobalInt64Parallel-32                       0.1036n ± 1%
GlobalUint64-32                2.075n ± 0%    2.077n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.228 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32       0.1013n ± 1%   0.1012n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.878 n=20)
Int64-32                       1.726n ± 2%    1.750n ± 0%   +1.39% (p=0.000 n=20)
Uint64-32                      1.673n ± 1%    1.707n ± 2%   +2.03% (p=0.002 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32              3.895n ± 2%    3.192n ± 1%  -18.05% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-32                    3.403n ± 1%    2.462n ± 2%  -27.65% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                  3.053n ± 2%    2.470n ± 1%  -19.11% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                   2.718n ± 1%    2.503n ± 2%   -7.91% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                   2.712n ± 1%    2.487n ± 1%   -8.31% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                   2.690n ± 1%    2.487n ± 1%   -7.57% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                  3.084n ± 2%    3.006n ± 2%   -2.53% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                  4.026n ± 1%    3.368n ± 1%  -16.33% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                  4.049n ± 2%    4.763n ± 1%  +17.62% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                  2.730n ± 0%    2.403n ± 1%  -11.94% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                   2.916n ± 2%    2.405n ± 1%  -17.53% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                   3.375n ± 1%    2.402n ± 2%  -28.83% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                   3.292n ± 1%    2.384n ± 1%  -27.58% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float32-32                     2.673n ± 1%    2.641n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.147 n=20)
Float64-32                     2.485n ± 1%    2.483n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.804 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                  3.577n ± 2%    3.486n ± 2%   -2.57% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-32                 3.797n ± 2%    3.648n ± 1%   -3.92% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm3-32                       35.79n ± 2%    33.04n ± 1%   -7.68% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-32                      205.1n ± 1%    171.9n ± 1%  -16.14% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32            111.2n ± 2%    100.3n ± 1%   -9.76% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32             100.5n ± 2%    102.5n ± 1%   +1.99% (p=0.007 n=20)
Concurrent-32                  2.188n ± 5%    2.101n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.013 n=20)

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: Apple M1
                       │ 11ad9fdddc.arm64 │            4d84a369d1.arm64            │
                       │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                  │
SourceUint64-8                2.272n ± 1%    2.261n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.172 n=20)
GlobalInt64-8                 2.155n ± 1%    2.160n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.482 n=20)
GlobalInt63Parallel-8        0.4352n ± 0%
GlobalInt64Parallel-8                       0.4299n ± 0%
GlobalUint64-8                2.173n ± 1%    2.169n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.262 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-8       0.4340n ± 0%   0.4293n ± 1%   -1.08% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-8                       2.544n ± 1%    2.473n ± 1%   -2.83% (p=0.000 n=20)
Uint64-8                      2.552n ± 1%    2.453n ± 1%   -3.90% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-8              3.856n ± 0%    2.814n ± 2%  -27.02% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-8                    3.820n ± 0%    2.933n ± 2%  -23.22% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1000-8                  3.219n ± 2%    2.934n ± 2%   -8.85% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e8-8                   3.221n ± 2%    2.935n ± 2%   -8.91% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e9-8                   3.276n ± 2%    2.934n ± 2%  -10.44% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e9-8                   3.217n ± 0%    2.935n ± 2%   -8.78% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e18-8                  3.502n ± 2%    3.778n ± 1%   +7.91% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e18-8                  4.968n ± 1%    4.359n ± 1%  -12.26% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N4e18-8                  4.963n ± 0%    6.546n ± 1%  +31.92% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-8                  3.189n ± 1%    2.940n ± 2%   -7.81% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-8                   3.514n ± 1%    2.937n ± 2%  -16.41% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-8                   4.133n ± 0%    2.938n ± 0%  -28.91% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-8                   4.137n ± 0%    2.938n ± 2%  -28.97% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float32-8                     3.468n ± 1%    3.486n ± 0%   +0.52% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float64-8                     3.478n ± 0%    3.480n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.063 n=20)
ExpFloat64-8                  4.563n ± 0%    4.533n ± 0%   -0.67% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-8                 4.768n ± 0%    4.764n ± 0%   -0.07% (p=0.001 n=20)
Perm3-8                       28.94n ± 0%    26.66n ± 0%   -7.88% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-8                      175.9n ± 0%    143.4n ± 0%  -18.50% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-8            152.6n ± 1%    142.9n ± 0%   -6.29% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-8             119.6n ± 1%    120.7n ± 0%   +0.96% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-8                  2.452n ± 3%    2.360n ± 2%   -3.73% (p=0.007 n=20)

goos: linux
goarch: 386
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 11ad9fdddc.386 │             4d84a369d1.386             │
                        │     sec/op     │    sec/op     vs base                  │
SourceUint64-32              2.091n ± 1%    2.101n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.672 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32               3.514n ± 2%    3.518n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.723 n=20)
GlobalInt63Parallel-32      0.3197n ± 0%
GlobalInt64Parallel-32                     0.3206n ± 0%
GlobalUint64-32              3.542n ± 1%    3.538n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.304 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32     0.3218n ± 0%   0.3231n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.071 n=20)
Int64-32                     2.552n ± 2%    2.554n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.693 n=20)
Uint64-32                    2.566n ± 1%    2.575n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.606 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32            5.965n ± 2%    6.292n ± 1%   +5.46% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-32                  4.652n ± 1%    4.735n ± 1%   +1.77% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1000-32               14.485n ± 1%    5.489n ± 2%  -62.11% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                14.675n ± 1%    5.528n ± 2%  -62.33% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                16.805n ± 2%    5.438n ± 2%  -67.64% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                14.515n ± 1%    5.474n ± 1%  -62.28% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32               16.165n ± 1%    9.053n ± 1%  -44.00% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32               17.945n ± 2%    9.685n ± 2%  -46.03% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                18.35n ± 2%    12.18n ± 1%  -33.62% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                3.608n ± 1%    4.862n ± 1%  +34.77% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                 3.767n ± 1%    4.758n ± 2%  +26.31% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                 4.130n ± 2%    4.772n ± 1%  +15.54% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                 4.206n ± 1%    4.847n ± 0%  +15.24% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float32-32                   22.18n ± 4%    22.18n ± 4%        ~ (p=0.195 n=20)
Float64-32                   20.75n ± 4%    21.21n ± 3%        ~ (p=0.394 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                12.58n ± 3%    12.39n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.032 n=20)
NormFloat64-32               7.920n ± 3%    7.422n ± 1%   -6.29% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm3-32                     40.27n ± 1%    38.00n ± 2%   -5.65% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-32                    213.2n ± 2%    212.7n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.995 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32          164.2n ± 2%    187.5n ± 2%  +14.22% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32           134.7n ± 2%    159.7n ± 1%  +18.52% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-32                3.301n ± 2%    3.470n ± 0%   +5.10% (p=0.000 n=20)

For #61716.

Change-Id: Id1481b04202883cd0b23e21bb58d1bca4e482bd3
Reviewed-by: Rob Pike <[email protected]>
Auto-Submit: Russ Cox <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: David Chase <[email protected]>
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <[email protected]>
gopherbot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Oct 30, 2023
We realized too late after Go 1 that float64(r.Uint64())/(1<<64)
is not a correct implementation: it occasionally rounds to 1.
The correct implementation is float64(r.Uint64()&(1<<53-1))/(1<<53)
but we couldn't change the implementation for compatibility, so we
changed it to retry only in the "round to 1" cases.

The change to v2 lets us update the algorithm to the simpler,
faster one.

Note that this implementation cannot generate 2⁻⁵⁴, nor 2⁻¹⁰⁰,
nor any of the other numbers between 0 and 2⁻⁵³. A slower algorithm
could shift some of the probability of generating these two boundary
values over to the values in between, but that would be much slower
and not necessarily be better. In particular, the current
implementation has the property that there are uniform gaps between
the possible returned floats, which might help stability. Also, the
result is often scaled and shifted, like Float64()*X+Y. Multiplying by
X>1 would open new gaps, and adding most Y would erase all the
distinctions that were introduced.

The only changes to benchmarks should be in Float32 and Float64.
The other changes remain a cautionary tale.

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 4d84a369d1.amd64 │           2703446c2e.amd64           │
                        │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                │
SourceUint64-32                1.348n ± 2%    1.337n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.662 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32                 2.082n ± 2%    2.225n ± 2%   +6.87% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32        0.1036n ± 1%   0.1043n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.171 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32                2.077n ± 2%    2.058n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.560 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32       0.1012n ± 1%   0.1009n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.995 n=20)
Int64-32                       1.750n ± 0%    1.719n ± 2%   -1.74% (p=0.000 n=20)
Uint64-32                      1.707n ± 2%    1.669n ± 1%   -2.20% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32              3.192n ± 1%    3.321n ± 2%   +4.04% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-32                    2.462n ± 2%    2.479n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.417 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                  2.470n ± 1%    2.477n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.664 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                   2.503n ± 2%    2.490n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.245 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                   2.487n ± 1%    2.458n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.032 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                   2.487n ± 1%    2.486n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.507 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                  3.006n ± 2%    3.215n ± 2%   +6.94% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                  3.368n ± 1%    3.588n ± 2%   +6.55% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                  4.763n ± 1%    4.938n ± 2%   +3.69% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                  2.403n ± 1%    2.673n ± 2%  +11.19% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                   2.405n ± 1%    2.631n ± 2%   +9.42% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                   2.402n ± 2%    2.628n ± 2%   +9.41% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                   2.384n ± 1%    2.684n ± 2%  +12.56% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float32-32                     2.641n ± 2%    2.240n ± 2%  -15.18% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float64-32                     2.483n ± 1%    2.253n ± 1%   -9.26% (p=0.000 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                  3.486n ± 2%    3.677n ± 1%   +5.49% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-32                 3.648n ± 1%    3.761n ± 1%   +3.11% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm3-32                       33.04n ± 1%    33.55n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.180 n=20)
Perm30-32                      171.9n ± 1%    173.2n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.050 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32            100.3n ± 1%    115.9n ± 1%  +15.55% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32             102.5n ± 1%    101.9n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.266 n=20)
Concurrent-32                  2.101n ± 0%    2.107n ± 6%        ~ (p=0.212 n=20)

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: Apple M1
                       │ 4d84a369d1.arm64 │          2703446c2e.arm64           │
                       │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base               │
SourceUint64-8                2.261n ± 1%    2.275n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.082 n=20)
GlobalInt64-8                 2.160n ± 1%    2.154n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.490 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-8        0.4299n ± 0%   0.4298n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.663 n=20)
GlobalUint64-8                2.169n ± 1%    2.160n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.292 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-8       0.4293n ± 1%   0.4286n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.155 n=20)
Int64-8                       2.473n ± 1%    2.491n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.317 n=20)
Uint64-8                      2.453n ± 1%    2.458n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.941 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-8              2.814n ± 2%    2.814n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.972 n=20)
IntN1000-8                    2.933n ± 2%    2.933n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.287 n=20)
Int64N1000-8                  2.934n ± 2%    2.962n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.062 n=20)
Int64N1e8-8                   2.935n ± 2%    2.960n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.183 n=20)
Int64N1e9-8                   2.934n ± 2%    2.935n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.367 n=20)
Int64N2e9-8                   2.935n ± 2%    2.934n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.455 n=20)
Int64N1e18-8                  3.778n ± 1%    3.777n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.995 n=20)
Int64N2e18-8                  4.359n ± 1%    4.359n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.122 n=20)
Int64N4e18-8                  6.546n ± 1%    6.536n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.920 n=20)
Int32N1000-8                  2.940n ± 2%    2.937n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.149 n=20)
Int32N1e8-8                   2.937n ± 2%    2.937n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.620 n=20)
Int32N1e9-8                   2.938n ± 0%    2.936n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.046 n=20)
Int32N2e9-8                   2.938n ± 2%    2.938n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.455 n=20)
Float32-8                     3.486n ± 0%    3.441n ± 0%  -1.28% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float64-8                     3.480n ± 0%    3.441n ± 0%  -1.13% (p=0.000 n=20)
ExpFloat64-8                  4.533n ± 0%    4.486n ± 0%  -1.03% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-8                 4.764n ± 0%    4.721n ± 0%  -0.90% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm3-8                       26.66n ± 0%    26.65n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.019 n=20)
Perm30-8                      143.4n ± 0%    143.2n ± 0%  -0.17% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-8            142.9n ± 0%    143.0n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.522 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-8             120.7n ± 0%    120.6n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.488 n=20)
Concurrent-8                  2.360n ± 2%    2.399n ± 5%       ~ (p=0.062 n=20)

goos: linux
goarch: 386
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 4d84a369d1.386 │            2703446c2e.386             │
                        │     sec/op     │    sec/op      vs base                │
SourceUint64-32              2.101n ± 2%    2.072n ±  2%        ~ (p=0.273 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32               3.518n ± 2%    3.546n ± 27%   +0.78% (p=0.007 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32      0.3206n ± 0%   0.3211n ±  0%        ~ (p=0.386 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32              3.538n ± 1%    3.522n ±  2%        ~ (p=0.331 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32     0.3231n ± 0%   0.3172n ±  0%   -1.84% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-32                     2.554n ± 2%    2.520n ±  2%        ~ (p=0.465 n=20)
Uint64-32                    2.575n ± 2%    2.581n ±  1%        ~ (p=0.213 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32            6.292n ± 1%    6.171n ±  1%        ~ (p=0.015 n=20)
IntN1000-32                  4.735n ± 1%    4.752n ±  2%        ~ (p=0.635 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                5.489n ± 2%    5.429n ±  1%        ~ (p=0.324 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                 5.528n ± 2%    5.469n ±  2%        ~ (p=0.013 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                 5.438n ± 2%    5.489n ±  2%        ~ (p=0.984 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                 5.474n ± 1%    5.492n ±  2%        ~ (p=0.616 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                9.053n ± 1%    8.927n ±  1%        ~ (p=0.037 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                9.685n ± 2%    9.622n ±  1%        ~ (p=0.449 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                12.18n ± 1%    12.03n ±  1%        ~ (p=0.013 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                4.862n ± 1%    4.817n ±  1%   -0.94% (p=0.002 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                 4.758n ± 2%    4.801n ±  1%        ~ (p=0.597 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                 4.772n ± 1%    4.798n ±  1%        ~ (p=0.774 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                 4.847n ± 0%    4.840n ±  1%        ~ (p=0.867 n=20)
Float32-32                   22.18n ± 4%    10.51n ±  4%  -52.61% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float64-32                   21.21n ± 3%    20.33n ±  3%   -4.17% (p=0.000 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                12.39n ± 2%    12.59n ±  2%        ~ (p=0.139 n=20)
NormFloat64-32               7.422n ± 1%    7.350n ±  2%        ~ (p=0.208 n=20)
Perm3-32                     38.00n ± 2%    39.29n ±  2%   +3.38% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-32                    212.7n ± 1%    219.1n ±  2%   +3.03% (p=0.001 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32          187.5n ± 2%    189.8n ±  2%        ~ (p=0.457 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32           159.7n ± 1%    158.9n ±  2%        ~ (p=0.920 n=20)
Concurrent-32                3.470n ± 0%    3.306n ±  3%   -4.71% (p=0.000 n=20)

For #61716.

Change-Id: I1933f1f9efd7e6e832d83e7fa5d84398f67d41f5
Auto-Submit: Russ Cox <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Rob Pike <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Dmitri Shuralyov <[email protected]>
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <[email protected]>
gopherbot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Oct 30, 2023
The original implementation of the ziggurat algorithm was designed for
32-bit random integer inputs. This necessitated reusing some low-order
bits for the slice selection and the random coordinate, which introduces
statistical bias. The result is that PractRand consistently fails the
math/rand normal and exponential sequences (transformed to uniform)
within 2 GB of variates.

This change adjusts the ziggurat procedures to use 63-bit random inputs,
so that there is no need to reuse bits between the slice and coordinate.
This is sufficient for the normal sequence to survive to 256 GB of
PractRand testing.

An alternative technique is to recalculate the ziggurats to use 1024
rather than 128 or 256 slices to make full use of 64-bit inputs. This
improves the survival of the normal sequence to far beyond 256 GB and
additionally provides a 6% performance improvement due to the improved
rejection procedure efficiency. However, doing so increases the total
size of the ziggurat tables from 4.5 kB to 48 kB.

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 2703446c2e.amd64 │           e1bbe739fb.amd64           │
                        │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                │
SourceUint64-32                1.337n ± 1%    1.316n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.024 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32                 2.225n ± 2%    2.048n ± 1%   -7.93% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32        0.1043n ± 2%   0.1037n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.587 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32                2.058n ± 1%    2.039n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.030 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32       0.1009n ± 1%   0.1013n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.984 n=20)
Int64-32                       1.719n ± 2%    1.692n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.085 n=20)
Uint64-32                      1.669n ± 1%    1.643n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.049 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32              3.321n ± 2%    3.287n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.298 n=20)
IntN1000-32                    2.479n ± 1%    2.678n ± 2%   +8.01% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                  2.477n ± 1%    2.684n ± 2%   +8.38% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                   2.490n ± 1%    2.663n ± 2%   +6.99% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                   2.458n ± 1%    2.633n ± 1%   +7.12% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                   2.486n ± 2%    2.657n ± 1%   +6.90% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                  3.215n ± 2%    3.125n ± 2%   -2.78% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                  3.588n ± 2%    3.476n ± 1%   -3.15% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                  4.938n ± 2%    4.795n ± 1%   -2.91% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                  2.673n ± 2%    2.485n ± 2%   -7.02% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                   2.631n ± 2%    2.457n ± 1%   -6.63% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                   2.628n ± 2%    2.452n ± 1%   -6.70% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                   2.684n ± 2%    2.453n ± 1%   -8.61% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float32-32                     2.240n ± 2%    2.254n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.878 n=20)
Float64-32                     2.253n ± 1%    2.262n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.963 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                  3.677n ± 1%    3.777n ± 2%   +2.71% (p=0.004 n=20)
NormFloat64-32                 3.761n ± 1%    3.606n ± 1%   -4.15% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm3-32                       33.55n ± 2%    33.12n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.402 n=20)
Perm30-32                      173.2n ± 1%    176.1n ± 1%   +1.67% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32            115.9n ± 1%    109.3n ± 1%   -5.69% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32             101.9n ± 1%    112.5n ± 1%  +10.35% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-32                  2.107n ± 6%    2.099n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.051 n=20)

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: Apple M1
                       │ 2703446c2e.arm64 │          e1bbe739fb.arm64           │
                       │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base               │
SourceUint64-8                2.275n ± 0%    2.290n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.044 n=20)
GlobalInt64-8                 2.154n ± 1%    2.180n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.068 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-8        0.4298n ± 0%   0.4294n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.079 n=20)
GlobalUint64-8                2.160n ± 1%    2.170n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.129 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-8       0.4286n ± 0%   0.4283n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.350 n=20)
Int64-8                       2.491n ± 1%    2.481n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.330 n=20)
Uint64-8                      2.458n ± 0%    2.464n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.351 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-8              2.814n ± 2%    2.814n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.325 n=20)
IntN1000-8                    2.933n ± 0%    2.934n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.079 n=20)
Int64N1000-8                  2.962n ± 1%    2.957n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.259 n=20)
Int64N1e8-8                   2.960n ± 1%    2.935n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.276 n=20)
Int64N1e9-8                   2.935n ± 2%    2.935n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.984 n=20)
Int64N2e9-8                   2.934n ± 0%    2.933n ± 4%       ~ (p=0.463 n=20)
Int64N1e18-8                  3.777n ± 1%    3.781n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.516 n=20)
Int64N2e18-8                  4.359n ± 1%    4.362n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.256 n=20)
Int64N4e18-8                  6.536n ± 1%    6.576n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.224 n=20)
Int32N1000-8                  2.937n ± 0%    2.942n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.312 n=20)
Int32N1e8-8                   2.937n ± 1%    2.941n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.463 n=20)
Int32N1e9-8                   2.936n ± 0%    2.938n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.044 n=20)
Int32N2e9-8                   2.938n ± 2%    2.982n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.174 n=20)
Float32-8                     3.441n ± 0%    3.441n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.064 n=20)
Float64-8                     3.441n ± 0%    3.441n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.826 n=20)
ExpFloat64-8                  4.486n ± 0%    4.472n ± 0%  -0.31% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-8                 4.721n ± 0%    4.716n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.051 n=20)
Perm3-8                       26.65n ± 0%    26.66n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.080 n=20)
Perm30-8                      143.2n ± 0%    143.3n ± 0%  +0.10% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-8            143.0n ± 0%    142.9n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.642 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-8             120.6n ± 1%    121.1n ± 1%  +0.41% (p=0.010 n=20)
Concurrent-8                  2.399n ± 5%    2.379n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.365 n=20)

goos: linux
goarch: 386
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 2703446c2e.386 │           e1bbe739fb.386            │
                        │     sec/op     │    sec/op     vs base               │
SourceUint64-32             2.072n ±  2%    2.087n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.440 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32              3.546n ± 27%    3.538n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.101 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32     0.3211n ±  0%   0.3207n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.753 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32             3.522n ±  2%    3.543n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.071 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32    0.3172n ±  0%   0.3170n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.507 n=20)
Int64-32                    2.520n ±  2%    2.548n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.267 n=20)
Uint64-32                   2.581n ±  1%    2.565n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.143 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32           6.171n ±  1%    6.300n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.037 n=20)
IntN1000-32                 4.752n ±  2%    4.750n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.984 n=20)
Int64N1000-32               5.429n ±  1%    5.515n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.292 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                5.469n ±  2%    5.527n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.013 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                5.489n ±  2%    5.531n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.256 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                5.492n ±  2%    5.514n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.606 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32               8.927n ±  1%    9.059n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.229 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32               9.622n ±  1%    9.594n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.703 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32               12.03n ±  1%    12.05n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.733 n=20)
Int32N1000-32               4.817n ±  1%    4.840n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.941 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                4.801n ±  1%    4.832n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.228 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                4.798n ±  1%    4.815n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.560 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                4.840n ±  1%    4.813n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.015 n=20)
Float32-32                  10.51n ±  4%    10.90n ± 2%  +3.71% (p=0.007 n=20)
Float64-32                  20.33n ±  3%    20.32n ± 4%       ~ (p=0.566 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32               12.59n ±  2%    12.95n ± 3%  +2.86% (p=0.002 n=20)
NormFloat64-32              7.350n ±  2%    7.570n ± 1%  +2.99% (p=0.007 n=20)
Perm3-32                    39.29n ±  2%    37.80n ± 2%  -3.79% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-32                   219.1n ±  2%    214.0n ± 1%  -2.33% (p=0.002 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32         189.8n ±  2%    188.7n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.147 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32          158.9n ±  2%    160.8n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.176 n=20)
Concurrent-32               3.306n ±  3%    3.288n ± 0%  -0.54% (p=0.005 n=20)

For #61716.

Change-Id: I4c5fe710b310dc075ae21c97d1805bcc20db5050
Auto-Submit: Russ Cox <[email protected]>
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Dmitri Shuralyov <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Rob Pike <[email protected]>
gopherbot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Oct 30, 2023
The compiler says Perm is being inlined into BenchmarkPerm,
and yet BenchmarkPerm30ViaShuffle, which you'd think is the
same code, still runs significantly faster.

The benchmarks are mystifying but this is clearly still a step in
the right direction, since BenchmarkPerm30ViaShuffle is still
the fastest and we avoid having two copies of that logic.

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ e1bbe739fb.amd64 │           8993506f2f.amd64           │
                        │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                │
SourceUint64-32                1.316n ± 2%    1.325n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.208 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32                 2.048n ± 1%    2.240n ± 1%   +9.38% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32        0.1037n ± 1%   0.1041n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.774 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32                2.039n ± 2%    2.072n ± 3%        ~ (p=0.115 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32       0.1013n ± 1%   0.1008n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.417 n=20)
Int64-32                       1.692n ± 2%    1.716n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.122 n=20)
Uint64-32                      1.643n ± 2%    1.665n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.062 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32              3.287n ± 1%    3.335n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.147 n=20)
IntN1000-32                    2.678n ± 2%    2.484n ± 1%   -7.24% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                  2.684n ± 2%    2.502n ± 2%   -6.80% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                   2.663n ± 2%    2.484n ± 2%   -6.76% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                   2.633n ± 1%    2.502n ± 0%   -4.98% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                   2.657n ± 1%    2.502n ± 0%   -5.87% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                  3.125n ± 2%    3.201n ± 1%   +2.43% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                  3.476n ± 1%    3.504n ± 1%   +0.83% (p=0.009 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                  4.795n ± 1%    4.873n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.106 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                  2.485n ± 2%    2.639n ± 1%   +6.20% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                   2.457n ± 1%    2.686n ± 2%   +9.34% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                   2.452n ± 1%    2.636n ± 1%   +7.52% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                   2.453n ± 1%    2.660n ± 1%   +8.44% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float32-32                     2.254n ± 1%    2.261n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.888 n=20)
Float64-32                     2.262n ± 1%    2.280n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.040 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                  3.777n ± 2%    3.891n ± 1%   +3.03% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-32                 3.606n ± 1%    3.711n ± 1%   +2.91% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm3-32                       33.12n ± 2%    32.60n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.045 n=20)
Perm30-32                      176.1n ± 1%    204.2n ± 0%  +15.96% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32            109.3n ± 1%    121.7n ± 2%  +11.30% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32             112.5n ± 1%    106.2n ± 2%   -5.56% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-32                  2.099n ± 0%    2.190n ± 5%   +4.36% (p=0.001 n=20)

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: Apple M1
                       │ e1bbe739fb.arm64 │           8993506f2f.arm64           │
                       │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                │
SourceUint64-8                2.290n ± 1%    2.271n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.015 n=20)
GlobalInt64-8                 2.180n ± 1%    2.161n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.180 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-8        0.4294n ± 0%   0.4303n ± 0%   +0.19% (p=0.001 n=20)
GlobalUint64-8                2.170n ± 1%    2.164n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.673 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-8       0.4283n ± 0%   0.4287n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.128 n=20)
Int64-8                       2.481n ± 1%    2.478n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.867 n=20)
Uint64-8                      2.464n ± 1%    2.460n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.763 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-8              2.814n ± 0%    2.814n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.969 n=20)
IntN1000-8                    2.934n ± 2%    3.003n ± 2%   +2.35% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1000-8                  2.957n ± 1%    2.954n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.285 n=20)
Int64N1e8-8                   2.935n ± 2%    2.956n ± 0%   +0.73% (p=0.002 n=20)
Int64N1e9-8                   2.935n ± 2%    3.325n ± 0%  +13.29% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e9-8                   2.933n ± 4%    2.956n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.163 n=20)
Int64N1e18-8                  3.781n ± 1%    3.780n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.805 n=20)
Int64N2e18-8                  4.362n ± 0%    4.385n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.077 n=20)
Int64N4e18-8                  6.576n ± 1%    6.527n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.024 n=20)
Int32N1000-8                  2.942n ± 2%    2.964n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.073 n=20)
Int32N1e8-8                   2.941n ± 1%    2.964n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.058 n=20)
Int32N1e9-8                   2.938n ± 2%    2.963n ± 2%   +0.87% (p=0.003 n=20)
Int32N2e9-8                   2.982n ± 2%    2.961n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.056 n=20)
Float32-8                     3.441n ± 0%    3.442n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.030 n=20)
Float64-8                     3.441n ± 0%    3.442n ± 0%   +0.03% (p=0.001 n=20)
ExpFloat64-8                  4.472n ± 0%    4.472n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.877 n=20)
NormFloat64-8                 4.716n ± 0%    4.734n ± 0%   +0.38% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm3-8                       26.66n ± 0%    26.55n ± 0%   -0.39% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-8                      143.3n ± 0%    181.9n ± 0%  +26.97% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-8            142.9n ± 0%    143.1n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.669 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-8             121.1n ± 1%    120.6n ± 1%   -0.41% (p=0.004 n=20)
Concurrent-8                  2.379n ± 2%    2.357n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.337 n=20)

goos: linux
goarch: 386
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ e1bbe739fb.386 │            8993506f2f.386            │
                        │     sec/op     │    sec/op     vs base                │
SourceUint64-32              2.087n ± 1%    2.102n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.507 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32               3.538n ± 2%    3.542n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.425 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32      0.3207n ± 1%   0.3202n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.963 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32              3.543n ± 1%    3.507n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.034 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32     0.3170n ± 0%   0.3170n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.920 n=20)
Int64-32                     2.548n ± 1%    2.516n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.139 n=20)
Uint64-32                    2.565n ± 2%    2.544n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.394 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32            6.300n ± 1%    6.237n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.029 n=20)
IntN1000-32                  4.750n ± 0%    4.670n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.034 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                5.515n ± 2%    5.412n ± 1%   -1.86% (p=0.009 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                 5.527n ± 0%    5.414n ± 2%   -2.05% (p=0.002 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                 5.531n ± 2%    5.473n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.047 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                 5.514n ± 2%    5.487n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.298 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                9.059n ± 1%    8.901n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.037 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                9.594n ± 1%    9.521n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.051 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                12.05n ± 2%    11.92n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.357 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                4.840n ± 2%    4.785n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.189 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                 4.832n ± 2%    4.748n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.042 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                 4.815n ± 2%    4.810n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.878 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                 4.813n ± 1%    4.812n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.542 n=20)
Float32-32                   10.90n ± 2%    10.48n ± 4%   -3.85% (p=0.007 n=20)
Float64-32                   20.32n ± 4%    19.79n ± 3%        ~ (p=0.553 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                12.95n ± 3%    12.91n ± 3%        ~ (p=0.909 n=20)
NormFloat64-32               7.570n ± 1%    7.462n ± 1%   -1.44% (p=0.004 n=20)
Perm3-32                     37.80n ± 2%    35.98n ± 2%   -4.79% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-32                    214.0n ± 1%    241.5n ± 1%  +12.85% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32          188.7n ± 2%    187.3n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.029 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32           160.8n ± 1%    160.2n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.180 n=20)
Concurrent-32                3.288n ± 0%    3.308n ± 3%        ~ (p=0.037 n=20)

For #61716.

Change-Id: I342b611456c3569520d3c91c849d29eba325d87e
Reviewed-by: Dmitri Shuralyov <[email protected]>
Auto-Submit: Russ Cox <[email protected]>
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Rob Pike <[email protected]>
gopherbot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Oct 30, 2023
For the original math/rand, we ported Plan 9's random number
generator, which was a refinement by Ken Thompson of an algorithm
by Don Mitchell and Jim Reeds, which Mitchell in turn recalls as
having been derived from an algorithm by Marsaglia. At its core,
it is an additive lagged Fibonacci generator (ALFG).

Whatever the details of the history, this generator is nowhere
near the current state of the art for simple, pseudo-random

This CL adds an implementation of Melissa O'Neill's PCG, specifically
the variant PCG-DXSM, which she defined after writing the PCG paper
and which is now the default in Numpy. The update is slightly slower
(a few multiplies and adds, instead of a few adds), but the state
is dramatically smaller (2 words instead of 607). The statistical
output properties are better too.

A followup CL will delete the old generator.

PCG is the only change here, so no benchmarks should be affected.
Including them anyway as further evidence for caution.

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 8993506f2f.amd64 │           01ff938549.amd64           │
                        │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                │
SourceUint64-32                1.325n ± 1%    1.352n ± 1%   +2.00% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32                 2.240n ± 1%    2.083n ± 0%   -7.03% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32        0.1041n ± 1%   0.1035n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.064 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32                2.072n ± 3%    2.038n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.089 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32       0.1008n ± 1%   0.1006n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.804 n=20)
Int64-32                       1.716n ± 1%    1.687n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.045 n=20)
Uint64-32                      1.665n ± 1%    1.674n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.878 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32              3.335n ± 1%    3.135n ± 1%   -6.00% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-32                    2.484n ± 1%    2.478n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.085 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                  2.502n ± 2%    2.455n ± 1%   -1.88% (p=0.002 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                   2.484n ± 2%    2.467n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.048 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                   2.502n ± 0%    2.454n ± 1%   -1.92% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                   2.502n ± 0%    2.482n ± 1%   -0.76% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                  3.201n ± 1%    3.349n ± 2%   +4.62% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                  3.504n ± 1%    3.537n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.185 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                  4.873n ± 1%    4.917n ± 0%   +0.90% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                  2.639n ± 1%    2.386n ± 1%   -9.57% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                   2.686n ± 2%    2.366n ± 1%  -11.91% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                   2.636n ± 1%    2.355n ± 2%  -10.70% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                   2.660n ± 1%    2.371n ± 1%  -10.88% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float32-32                     2.261n ± 1%    2.245n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.752 n=20)
Float64-32                     2.280n ± 1%    2.235n ± 1%   -1.97% (p=0.007 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                  3.891n ± 1%    3.813n ± 3%        ~ (p=0.087 n=20)
NormFloat64-32                 3.711n ± 1%    3.652n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.021 n=20)
Perm3-32                       32.60n ± 2%    33.12n ± 3%        ~ (p=0.107 n=20)
Perm30-32                      204.2n ± 0%    205.1n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.358 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32            121.7n ± 2%    110.8n ± 1%   -8.96% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32             106.2n ± 2%    113.0n ± 1%   +6.36% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-32                  2.190n ± 5%    2.100n ± 0%   -4.13% (p=0.001 n=20)
PCG_DXSM-32                                   1.490n ± 0%

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: Apple M1
                       │ 8993506f2f.arm64 │           01ff938549.arm64           │
                       │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                │
SourceUint64-8                2.271n ± 0%    2.258n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.167 n=20)
GlobalInt64-8                 2.161n ± 1%    2.167n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.693 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-8        0.4303n ± 0%   0.4310n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.051 n=20)
GlobalUint64-8                2.164n ± 1%    2.182n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.042 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-8       0.4287n ± 0%   0.4297n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.082 n=20)
Int64-8                       2.478n ± 1%    2.472n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.151 n=20)
Uint64-8                      2.460n ± 1%    2.449n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.013 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-8              2.814n ± 2%    2.814n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.821 n=20)
IntN1000-8                    3.003n ± 2%    2.998n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.024 n=20)
Int64N1000-8                  2.954n ± 0%    2.949n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.192 n=20)
Int64N1e8-8                   2.956n ± 0%    2.953n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.109 n=20)
Int64N1e9-8                   3.325n ± 0%    2.950n ± 0%  -11.26% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e9-8                   2.956n ± 2%    2.946n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.027 n=20)
Int64N1e18-8                  3.780n ± 1%    3.779n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.815 n=20)
Int64N2e18-8                  4.385n ± 0%    4.370n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.402 n=20)
Int64N4e18-8                  6.527n ± 0%    6.544n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.140 n=20)
Int32N1000-8                  2.964n ± 1%    2.950n ± 0%   -0.47% (p=0.002 n=20)
Int32N1e8-8                   2.964n ± 1%    2.950n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.013 n=20)
Int32N1e9-8                   2.963n ± 2%    2.951n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.062 n=20)
Int32N2e9-8                   2.961n ± 2%    2.950n ± 2%   -0.37% (p=0.002 n=20)
Float32-8                     3.442n ± 0%    3.441n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.211 n=20)
Float64-8                     3.442n ± 0%    3.442n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.067 n=20)
ExpFloat64-8                  4.472n ± 0%    4.481n ± 0%   +0.20% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-8                 4.734n ± 0%    4.725n ± 0%   -0.19% (p=0.003 n=20)
Perm3-8                       26.55n ± 0%    26.55n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.833 n=20)
Perm30-8                      181.9n ± 0%    181.9n ± 0%   -0.03% (p=0.004 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-8            143.1n ± 0%    142.9n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.204 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-8             120.6n ± 1%    120.8n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.102 n=20)
Concurrent-8                  2.357n ± 2%    2.421n ± 6%        ~ (p=0.016 n=20)
PCG_DXSM-8                                   2.531n ± 0%

goos: linux
goarch: 386
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 8993506f2f.386 │           01ff938549.386            │
                        │     sec/op     │    sec/op     vs base               │
SourceUint64-32              2.102n ± 2%    2.069n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.021 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32               3.542n ± 2%    3.456n ± 1%  -2.44% (p=0.001 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32      0.3202n ± 0%   0.3252n ± 0%  +1.56% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32              3.507n ± 1%    3.573n ± 1%  +1.87% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32     0.3170n ± 1%   0.3159n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.167 n=20)
Int64-32                     2.516n ± 1%    2.562n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.016 n=20)
Uint64-32                    2.544n ± 1%    2.592n ± 0%  +1.85% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32            6.237n ± 1%    6.266n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.268 n=20)
IntN1000-32                  4.670n ± 2%    4.724n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.644 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                5.412n ± 1%    5.490n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.159 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                 5.414n ± 2%    5.513n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.129 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                 5.473n ± 1%    5.476n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.723 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                 5.487n ± 1%    5.501n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.481 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                8.901n ± 2%    9.043n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.330 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                9.521n ± 1%    9.601n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.703 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                11.92n ± 1%    12.00n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.489 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                4.785n ± 1%    4.829n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.402 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                 4.748n ± 1%    4.825n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.218 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                 4.810n ± 1%    4.830n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.794 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                 4.812n ± 1%    4.750n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.057 n=20)
Float32-32                   10.48n ± 4%    10.89n ± 4%       ~ (p=0.162 n=20)
Float64-32                   19.79n ± 3%    19.60n ± 4%       ~ (p=0.668 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                12.91n ± 3%    12.96n ± 3%       ~ (p=1.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-32               7.462n ± 1%    7.516n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.051 n=20)
Perm3-32                     35.98n ± 2%    36.78n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.033 n=20)
Perm30-32                    241.5n ± 1%    238.9n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.126 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32          187.3n ± 2%    189.7n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.387 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32           160.2n ± 1%    159.8n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.256 n=20)
Concurrent-32                3.308n ± 3%    3.286n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.038 n=20)
PCG_DXSM-32                                 7.613n ± 1%

For #61716.

Change-Id: Icb274ca1f782504d658305a40159b4ae6a2f3f1d
Auto-Submit: Russ Cox <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Dmitri Shuralyov <[email protected]>
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Rob Pike <[email protected]>
gopherbot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Oct 30, 2023
These slowdowns are because we are now using PCG instead of the
Mitchell/Reeds LFSR for the benchmarks. PCG is in fact a bit slower
(but generates statically far better random numbers).

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 01ff938549.amd64 │           afa459a2f0.amd64           │
                        │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                │
PCG_DXSM-32                    1.490n ± 0%    1.488n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.408 n=20)
SourceUint64-32                1.352n ± 1%    1.450n ± 3%   +7.21% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32                 2.083n ± 0%    2.067n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.223 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32        0.1035n ± 1%   0.1044n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.010 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32                2.038n ± 1%    2.085n ± 0%   +2.28% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32       0.1006n ± 1%   0.1008n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.733 n=20)
Int64-32                       1.687n ± 2%    1.779n ± 1%   +5.48% (p=0.000 n=20)
Uint64-32                      1.674n ± 2%    1.854n ± 2%  +10.69% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32              3.135n ± 1%    3.140n ± 3%        ~ (p=0.794 n=20)
IntN1000-32                    2.478n ± 1%    2.496n ± 1%   +0.73% (p=0.006 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                  2.455n ± 1%    2.510n ± 2%   +2.22% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                   2.467n ± 2%    2.471n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.050 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                   2.454n ± 1%    2.488n ± 2%   +1.39% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                   2.482n ± 1%    2.478n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.066 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                  3.349n ± 2%    3.088n ± 1%   -7.81% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                  3.537n ± 1%    3.493n ± 1%   -1.24% (p=0.002 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                  4.917n ± 0%    5.060n ± 2%   +2.91% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                  2.386n ± 1%    2.620n ± 1%   +9.76% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                   2.366n ± 1%    2.652n ± 0%  +12.11% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                   2.355n ± 2%    2.644n ± 1%  +12.32% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                   2.371n ± 1%    2.619n ± 2%  +10.48% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float32-32                     2.245n ± 2%    2.261n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.625 n=20)
Float64-32                     2.235n ± 1%    2.241n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.393 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                  3.813n ± 3%    3.716n ± 1%   -2.53% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-32                 3.652n ± 2%    3.718n ± 1%   +1.79% (p=0.006 n=20)
Perm3-32                       33.12n ± 3%    34.11n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.021 n=20)
Perm30-32                      205.1n ± 1%    200.6n ± 0%   -2.17% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32            110.8n ± 1%    109.7n ± 1%   -0.99% (p=0.002 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32             113.0n ± 1%    107.2n ± 1%   -5.09% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-32                  2.100n ± 0%    2.108n ± 6%        ~ (p=0.103 n=20)

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: math/rand/v2
                       │ 01ff938549.arm64 │           afa459a2f0.arm64           │
                       │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                │
PCG_DXSM-8                    2.531n ± 0%    2.531n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.763 n=20)
SourceUint64-8                2.258n ± 1%    2.531n ± 0%  +12.09% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64-8                 2.167n ± 0%    2.177n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.213 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-8        0.4310n ± 0%   0.4319n ± 0%        ~ (p=0.027 n=20)
GlobalUint64-8                2.182n ± 1%    2.185n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.683 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-8       0.4297n ± 0%   0.4295n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.941 n=20)
Int64-8                       2.472n ± 1%    4.104n ± 0%  +66.00% (p=0.000 n=20)
Uint64-8                      2.449n ± 1%    4.080n ± 0%  +66.60% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-8              2.814n ± 2%    2.814n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.972 n=20)
IntN1000-8                    2.998n ± 2%    4.140n ± 0%  +38.09% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1000-8                  2.949n ± 2%    4.139n ± 0%  +40.35% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e8-8                   2.953n ± 2%    4.140n ± 0%  +40.22% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e9-8                   2.950n ± 0%    4.139n ± 0%  +40.32% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e9-8                   2.946n ± 2%    4.140n ± 0%  +40.53% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e18-8                  3.779n ± 1%    5.273n ± 0%  +39.52% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e18-8                  4.370n ± 1%    6.059n ± 0%  +38.65% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N4e18-8                  6.544n ± 1%    8.803n ± 0%  +34.52% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-8                  2.950n ± 0%    4.131n ± 0%  +40.06% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-8                   2.950n ± 2%    4.131n ± 0%  +40.03% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-8                   2.951n ± 2%    4.131n ± 0%  +39.99% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-8                   2.950n ± 2%    4.131n ± 0%  +40.03% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float32-8                     3.441n ± 0%    4.110n ± 0%  +19.44% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float64-8                     3.442n ± 0%    4.104n ± 0%  +19.24% (p=0.000 n=20)
ExpFloat64-8                  4.481n ± 0%    5.338n ± 0%  +19.11% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-8                 4.725n ± 0%    5.731n ± 0%  +21.28% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm3-8                       26.55n ± 0%    26.62n ± 0%   +0.28% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-8                      181.9n ± 0%    194.6n ± 2%   +6.98% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-8            142.9n ± 0%    156.4n ± 0%   +9.45% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-8             120.8n ± 2%    125.8n ± 0%   +4.10% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-8                  2.421n ± 6%    2.654n ± 6%   +9.67% (p=0.002 n=20)

goos: linux
goarch: 386
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 01ff938549.386 │            afa459a2f0.386             │
                        │     sec/op     │    sec/op     vs base                 │
PCG_DXSM-32                  7.613n ± 1%    7.793n ± 2%    +2.38% (p=0.000 n=20)
SourceUint64-32              2.069n ± 0%    7.680n ± 1%  +271.19% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32               3.456n ± 1%    3.474n ± 3%         ~ (p=0.654 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32      0.3252n ± 0%   0.3253n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.952 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32              3.573n ± 1%    3.433n ± 2%    -3.92% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32     0.3159n ± 0%   0.3156n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.223 n=20)
Int64-32                     2.562n ± 2%    7.707n ± 1%  +200.74% (p=0.000 n=20)
Uint64-32                    2.592n ± 0%    7.714n ± 1%  +197.65% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32            6.266n ± 2%    6.236n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.039 n=20)
IntN1000-32                  4.724n ± 2%   10.410n ± 1%  +120.39% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                5.490n ± 2%   10.975n ± 2%   +99.89% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                 5.513n ± 2%   10.980n ± 1%   +99.15% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                 5.476n ± 1%   10.950n ± 0%   +99.96% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                 5.501n ± 2%   11.110n ± 1%  +101.96% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                9.043n ± 2%   15.180n ± 2%   +67.86% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                9.601n ± 2%   15.610n ± 1%   +62.60% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                12.00n ± 1%    19.23n ± 2%   +60.14% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                4.829n ± 2%   10.345n ± 1%  +114.25% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                 4.825n ± 2%   10.330n ± 1%  +114.09% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                 4.830n ± 2%   10.350n ± 1%  +114.26% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                 4.750n ± 2%   10.345n ± 1%  +117.81% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float32-32                   10.89n ± 4%    13.57n ± 1%   +24.61% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float64-32                   19.60n ± 4%    22.95n ± 4%   +17.12% (p=0.000 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                12.96n ± 3%    15.23n ± 2%   +17.47% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-32               7.516n ± 1%   13.780n ± 1%   +83.34% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm3-32                     36.78n ± 2%    46.62n ± 2%   +26.72% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-32                    238.9n ± 2%    400.7n ± 1%   +67.73% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32          189.7n ± 2%    350.5n ± 1%   +84.79% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32           159.8n ± 1%    326.0n ± 2%  +104.01% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-32                3.286n ± 1%    3.290n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.743 n=20)

On the other hand, compared to the original "update benchmarks" CL,
the cleanups we've made more than compensate for PCG being a bit
slower than LFSR, at least on 64-bit x86. ARM64 (Apple M1) is a bit
slower: perhaps the 64x64→128 multiply is slower there for some reason.
386 is noticeably slower, but it's also a non-SSA backend.

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 220860f76f.amd64 │            afa459a2f0.amd64            │
                        │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                  │
SourceUint64-32                1.555n ± 1%    1.450n ± 3%   -6.78% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32                 2.071n ± 1%    2.067n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.673 n=20)
GlobalInt63Parallel-32        0.1023n ± 1%
GlobalInt64Parallel-32                       0.1044n ± 2%
GlobalUint64-32                5.193n ± 1%    2.085n ± 0%  -59.86% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32       0.2341n ± 0%   0.1008n ± 1%  -56.93% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-32                       2.056n ± 2%    1.779n ± 1%  -13.47% (p=0.000 n=20)
Uint64-32                      2.077n ± 2%    1.854n ± 2%  -10.74% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32              4.077n ± 2%    3.140n ± 3%  -22.98% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-32                    3.476n ± 2%    2.496n ± 1%  -28.19% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                  3.059n ± 1%    2.510n ± 2%  -17.96% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                   2.942n ± 1%    2.471n ± 2%  -15.98% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                   2.932n ± 1%    2.488n ± 2%  -15.14% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                   2.925n ± 1%    2.478n ± 2%  -15.30% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                  3.116n ± 1%    3.088n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.013 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                  4.067n ± 1%    3.493n ± 1%  -14.11% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                  4.054n ± 1%    5.060n ± 2%  +24.80% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                  2.951n ± 1%    2.620n ± 1%  -11.22% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                   3.102n ± 1%    2.652n ± 0%  -14.50% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                   3.535n ± 1%    2.644n ± 1%  -25.20% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                   3.514n ± 1%    2.619n ± 2%  -25.47% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float32-32                     2.760n ± 1%    2.261n ± 1%  -18.06% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float64-32                     2.284n ± 1%    2.241n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.016 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                  3.757n ± 1%    3.716n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.034 n=20)
NormFloat64-32                 3.837n ± 1%    3.718n ± 1%   -3.09% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm3-32                       35.23n ± 2%    34.11n ± 2%   -3.19% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-32                      208.8n ± 1%    200.6n ± 0%   -3.93% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32            111.7n ± 1%    109.7n ± 1%   -1.84% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32             101.1n ± 1%    107.2n ± 1%   +6.03% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-32                  2.108n ± 7%    2.108n ± 6%        ~ (p=0.644 n=20)
PCG_DXSM-32                                   1.488n ± 2%

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: Apple M1
                       │ 220860f76f.arm64 │            afa459a2f0.arm64            │
                       │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                  │
SourceUint64-8                2.316n ± 1%    2.531n ± 0%   +9.33% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64-8                 2.183n ± 1%    2.177n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.533 n=20)
GlobalInt63Parallel-8        0.4331n ± 0%
GlobalInt64Parallel-8                       0.4319n ± 0%
GlobalUint64-8                4.377n ± 2%    2.185n ± 1%  -50.07% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-8       0.9237n ± 0%   0.4295n ± 1%  -53.50% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-8                       2.538n ± 1%    4.104n ± 0%  +61.68% (p=0.000 n=20)
Uint64-8                      2.604n ± 1%    4.080n ± 0%  +56.68% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-8              3.857n ± 2%    2.814n ± 1%  -27.04% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-8                    3.822n ± 2%    4.140n ± 0%   +8.32% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1000-8                  3.318n ± 0%    4.139n ± 0%  +24.74% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e8-8                   3.349n ± 1%    4.140n ± 0%  +23.64% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e9-8                   3.317n ± 2%    4.139n ± 0%  +24.80% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e9-8                   3.317n ± 2%    4.140n ± 0%  +24.81% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e18-8                  3.542n ± 1%    5.273n ± 0%  +48.85% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e18-8                  5.087n ± 0%    6.059n ± 0%  +19.12% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N4e18-8                  5.084n ± 0%    8.803n ± 0%  +73.16% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-8                  3.208n ± 2%    4.131n ± 0%  +28.79% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-8                   3.610n ± 1%    4.131n ± 0%  +14.43% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-8                   4.235n ± 0%    4.131n ± 0%   -2.44% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-8                   4.229n ± 1%    4.131n ± 0%   -2.33% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float32-8                     3.468n ± 0%    4.110n ± 0%  +18.50% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float64-8                     3.447n ± 0%    4.104n ± 0%  +19.05% (p=0.000 n=20)
ExpFloat64-8                  4.567n ± 0%    5.338n ± 0%  +16.86% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-8                 4.821n ± 0%    5.731n ± 0%  +18.89% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm3-8                       28.89n ± 0%    26.62n ± 0%   -7.84% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-8                      175.7n ± 0%    194.6n ± 2%  +10.76% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-8            153.5n ± 0%    156.4n ± 0%   +1.86% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-8             119.8n ± 1%    125.8n ± 0%   +4.97% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-8                  2.433n ± 3%    2.654n ± 6%   +9.13% (p=0.001 n=20)
PCG_DXSM-8                                   2.531n ± 0%

goos: linux
goarch: 386
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ 220860f76f.386 │             afa459a2f0.386              │
                        │     sec/op     │    sec/op     vs base                   │
SourceUint64-32             2.370n ±  1%    7.680n ± 1%  +224.05% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32              3.569n ±  1%    3.474n ± 3%    -2.66% (p=0.001 n=20)
GlobalInt63Parallel-32     0.3221n ±  1%
GlobalInt64Parallel-32                     0.3253n ± 0%
GlobalUint64-32             8.797n ± 10%    3.433n ± 2%   -60.98% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32    0.6351n ±  0%   0.3156n ± 0%   -50.31% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-32                    2.612n ±  2%    7.707n ± 1%  +195.04% (p=0.000 n=20)
Uint64-32                   3.350n ±  1%    7.714n ± 1%  +130.25% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32           5.892n ±  1%    6.236n ± 1%    +5.82% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-32                 4.546n ±  1%   10.410n ± 1%  +128.97% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1000-32               14.59n ±  1%    10.97n ± 2%   -24.75% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                14.76n ±  2%    10.98n ± 1%   -25.58% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                16.57n ±  1%    10.95n ± 0%   -33.90% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                14.54n ±  1%    11.11n ± 1%   -23.62% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32               16.14n ±  1%    15.18n ± 2%    -5.95% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32               18.10n ±  1%    15.61n ± 1%   -13.73% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32               18.65n ±  1%    19.23n ± 2%    +3.08% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-32               3.560n ±  1%   10.345n ± 1%  +190.55% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                3.770n ±  2%   10.330n ± 1%  +174.01% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                4.098n ±  0%   10.350n ± 1%  +152.53% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                4.179n ±  1%   10.345n ± 1%  +147.52% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float32-32                  21.18n ±  4%    13.57n ± 1%   -35.93% (p=0.000 n=20)
Float64-32                  20.60n ±  2%    22.95n ± 4%   +11.41% (p=0.000 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32               13.07n ±  0%    15.23n ± 2%   +16.48% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-32              7.738n ±  2%   13.780n ± 1%   +78.08% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm3-32                    36.73n ±  1%    46.62n ± 2%   +26.91% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-32                   211.9n ±  1%    400.7n ± 1%   +89.05% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32         165.2n ±  1%    350.5n ± 1%  +112.20% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32          133.9n ±  1%    326.0n ± 2%  +143.37% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-32               3.287n ±  2%    3.290n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.365 n=20)
PCG_DXSM-32                                 7.793n ± 2%

For #61716.

Change-Id: I4e9c0525b5f84a2ac46f23da9e365495e2d05777
Reviewed-by: Rob Pike <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Dmitri Shuralyov <[email protected]>
Auto-Submit: Russ Cox <[email protected]>
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <[email protected]>
gopherbot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Nov 19, 2023
ChaCha8 provides a cryptographically strong generator
alongside PCG, so that people who want stronger randomness
have access to that. On systems with 128-bit vector math
assembly (amd64 and arm64), ChaCha8 runs at about the same
speed as PCG (25% slower on amd64, 2% faster on arm64).

Obviously all the claimed benchmark variation other than the
new ChaCha8 benchmark is a lie.

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ afa459a2f0.amd64 │          bbb48afeb7.amd64           │
                        │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base               │
PCG_DXSM-32                    1.488n ± 2%    1.492n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.309 n=20)
ChaCha8-32                                    1.861n ± 2%
SourceUint64-32                1.450n ± 3%    1.590n ± 2%  +9.69% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32                 2.067n ± 2%    2.061n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.952 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32        0.1044n ± 2%   0.1041n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.498 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32                2.085n ± 0%    2.256n ± 2%  +8.23% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32       0.1008n ± 1%   0.1018n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.041 n=20)
Int64-32                       1.779n ± 1%    1.779n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.410 n=20)
Uint64-32                      1.854n ± 2%    1.882n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.044 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32              3.140n ± 3%    3.115n ± 3%       ~ (p=0.673 n=20)
IntN1000-32                    2.496n ± 1%    2.509n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.171 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                  2.510n ± 2%    2.493n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.804 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                   2.471n ± 2%    2.521n ± 1%  +1.98% (p=0.003 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                   2.488n ± 2%    2.506n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.663 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                   2.478n ± 2%    2.482n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.533 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                  3.088n ± 1%    3.216n ± 1%  +4.15% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                  3.493n ± 1%    3.635n ± 2%  +4.05% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                  5.060n ± 2%    5.122n ± 1%  +1.22% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                  2.620n ± 1%    2.672n ± 1%  +2.00% (p=0.002 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                   2.652n ± 0%    2.646n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.743 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                   2.644n ± 1%    2.660n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.163 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                   2.619n ± 2%    2.652n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.132 n=20)
Float32-32                     2.261n ± 1%    2.267n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.516 n=20)
Float64-32                     2.241n ± 2%    2.276n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.080 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                  3.716n ± 1%    3.779n ± 1%  +1.68% (p=0.007 n=20)
NormFloat64-32                 3.718n ± 1%    3.747n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.011 n=20)
Perm3-32                       34.11n ± 2%    34.23n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.779 n=20)
Perm30-32                      200.6n ± 0%    202.3n ± 2%       ~ (p=0.055 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32            109.7n ± 1%    115.5n ± 2%  +5.34% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32             107.2n ± 1%    113.3n ± 1%  +5.74% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-32                  2.108n ± 6%    2.107n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.448 n=20)

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: Apple M1
                       │ afa459a2f0.arm64 │          bbb48afeb7.arm64           │
                       │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base               │
PCG_DXSM-8                    2.531n ± 0%    2.529n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.586 n=20)
ChaCha8-8                                    2.480n ± 0%
SourceUint64-8                2.531n ± 0%    2.534n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.227 n=20)
GlobalInt64-8                 2.177n ± 1%    2.173n ± 1%       ~ (p=0.733 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-8        0.4319n ± 0%   0.4304n ± 0%  -0.32% (p=0.003 n=20)
GlobalUint64-8                2.185n ± 1%    2.185n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.541 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-8       0.4295n ± 1%   0.4294n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.203 n=20)
Int64-8                       4.104n ± 0%    4.107n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.193 n=20)
Uint64-8                      4.080n ± 0%    4.081n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.053 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-8              2.814n ± 1%    2.814n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.879 n=20)
IntN1000-8                    4.140n ± 0%    4.141n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.428 n=20)
Int64N1000-8                  4.139n ± 0%    4.140n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.114 n=20)
Int64N1e8-8                   4.140n ± 0%    4.140n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.898 n=20)
Int64N1e9-8                   4.139n ± 0%    4.140n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.593 n=20)
Int64N2e9-8                   4.140n ± 0%    4.139n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.158 n=20)
Int64N1e18-8                  5.273n ± 0%    5.274n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.308 n=20)
Int64N2e18-8                  6.059n ± 0%    6.058n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.053 n=20)
Int64N4e18-8                  8.803n ± 0%    8.800n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.673 n=20)
Int32N1000-8                  4.131n ± 0%    4.131n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.342 n=20)
Int32N1e8-8                   4.131n ± 0%    4.131n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.091 n=20)
Int32N1e9-8                   4.131n ± 0%    4.131n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.273 n=20)
Int32N2e9-8                   4.131n ± 0%    4.131n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.425 n=20)
Float32-8                     4.110n ± 0%    4.112n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.203 n=20)
Float64-8                     4.104n ± 0%    4.106n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.409 n=20)
ExpFloat64-8                  5.338n ± 0%    5.339n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.037 n=20)
NormFloat64-8                 5.731n ± 0%    5.733n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.692 n=20)
Perm3-8                       26.62n ± 0%    26.65n ± 0%  +0.09% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-8                      194.6n ± 2%    194.9n ± 0%       ~ (p=0.141 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-8            156.4n ± 0%    156.5n ± 0%  +0.06% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-8             125.8n ± 0%    125.0n ± 0%  -0.64% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-8                  2.654n ± 6%    2.441n ± 6%  -8.06% (p=0.009 n=20)

goos: linux
goarch: 386
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ afa459a2f0.386 │            bbb48afeb7.386            │
                        │     sec/op     │    sec/op      vs base               │
PCG_DXSM-32                  7.793n ± 2%    7.647n ±  1%       ~ (p=0.021 n=20)
ChaCha8-32                                  11.48n ±  2%
SourceUint64-32              7.680n ± 1%    7.714n ±  1%       ~ (p=0.713 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32               3.474n ± 3%    3.491n ± 28%       ~ (p=0.337 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32      0.3253n ± 0%   0.3194n ±  0%  -1.81% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32              3.433n ± 2%    3.610n ±  2%  +5.14% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32     0.3156n ± 0%   0.3164n ±  0%       ~ (p=0.073 n=20)
Int64-32                     7.707n ± 1%    7.824n ±  0%  +1.52% (p=0.005 n=20)
Uint64-32                    7.714n ± 1%    7.732n ±  2%       ~ (p=0.441 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32            6.236n ± 1%    6.176n ±  2%       ~ (p=0.499 n=20)
IntN1000-32                  10.41n ± 1%    10.31n ±  2%       ~ (p=0.782 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                10.97n ± 2%    11.22n ±  2%  +2.19% (p=0.002 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                 10.98n ± 1%    11.07n ±  1%       ~ (p=0.056 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                 10.95n ± 0%    11.15n ±  2%       ~ (p=0.016 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                 11.11n ± 1%    11.00n ±  1%       ~ (p=0.654 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                15.18n ± 2%    14.97n ±  2%       ~ (p=0.387 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                15.61n ± 1%    15.91n ±  1%  +1.92% (p=0.003 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                19.23n ± 2%    18.98n ±  1%       ~ (p=1.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                10.35n ± 1%    10.31n ±  2%       ~ (p=0.081 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                 10.33n ± 1%    10.38n ±  1%       ~ (p=0.335 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                 10.35n ± 1%    10.37n ±  1%       ~ (p=0.497 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                 10.35n ± 1%    10.41n ±  1%       ~ (p=0.605 n=20)
Float32-32                   13.57n ± 1%    13.78n ±  2%       ~ (p=0.047 n=20)
Float64-32                   22.95n ± 4%    23.43n ±  3%       ~ (p=0.218 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                15.23n ± 2%    15.46n ±  1%       ~ (p=0.095 n=20)
NormFloat64-32               13.78n ± 1%    13.73n ±  2%       ~ (p=0.031 n=20)
Perm3-32                     46.62n ± 2%    47.46n ±  2%  +1.82% (p=0.004 n=20)
Perm30-32                    400.7n ± 1%    403.5n ±  1%       ~ (p=0.098 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32          350.5n ± 1%    348.1n ±  2%       ~ (p=0.703 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32           326.0n ± 2%    326.2n ±  2%       ~ (p=0.440 n=20)
Concurrent-32                3.290n ± 0%    3.297n ±  4%       ~ (p=0.189 n=20)

For #61716.

Change-Id: Id2a7e1c1db0beb81f563faaefba65fe292497269
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Filippo Valsorda <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Heschi Kreinick <[email protected]>
Copy link

seebs commented Nov 23, 2023

Was recently running some tests that used some random data. They genuinely didn't care what the data was, just wanted it to be anything at all not just zeros. The switch from math/rand.Read to crypto/rand.Read made that go from <1% of CPU time to, I think, around 10% of CPU time used by the entire test run.

I think my intuition here is that the arguments against using a PRNG as a random data source are much weaker when talking about test cases than they are when talking about production usage. But also, I think it's important to note that at least on some systems (I was hitting this on a Mac), the performance penalty for using the crypto reader is pretty devastating.

It really feels like "I genuinely don't care if the data's any good, I just want a few KB of bits that aren't completely obviously patterned" is a real use case. On the other hand, it's probably easy enough to synthesize it from Uint64(), and that's probably equivalent to what's happening internally anyway.

I just want to stress, though, that the performance penalty is not uniformly trivial on at least some current platforms.

gopherbot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Dec 5, 2023
Move ChaCha8 code into internal/chacha8rand and use it to implement
runtime.rand, which is used for the unseeded global source for
both math/rand and math/rand/v2. This also affects the calculation of
the start point for iteration over very very large maps (when the
32-bit fastrand is not big enough).

The benefit is that misuse of the global random number generators
in math/rand and math/rand/v2 in contexts where non-predictable
randomness is important for security reasons is no longer a
security problem, removing a common mistake among programmers
who are unaware of the different kinds of randomness.

The cost is an extra 304 bytes per thread stored in the m struct
plus 2-3ns more per random uint64 due to the more sophisticated
algorithm. Using PCG looks like it would cost about the same,
although I haven't benchmarked that.

Before this, the math/rand and math/rand/v2 global generator
was wyrand (
For math/rand, using wyrand instead of the Mitchell/Reeds/Thompson
ALFG was justifiable, since the latter was not any better.
But for math/rand/v2, the global generator really should be
at least as good as one of the well-studied, specific algorithms
provided directly by the package, and it's not.

(Wyrand is still reasonable for scheduling and cache decisions.)

Good randomness does have a cost: about twice wyrand.

Also rationalize the various runtime rand references.

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ bbb48afeb7.amd64 │           5cf807d1ea.amd64           │
                        │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                │
ChaCha8-32                     1.862n ± 2%    1.861n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.825 n=20)
PCG_DXSM-32                    1.471n ± 1%    1.460n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.153 n=20)
SourceUint64-32                1.636n ± 2%    1.582n ± 1%   -3.30% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32                 2.087n ± 1%    3.663n ± 1%  +75.54% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32        0.1042n ± 1%   0.2026n ± 1%  +94.48% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32                2.263n ± 2%    3.724n ± 1%  +64.57% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32       0.1019n ± 1%   0.1973n ± 1%  +93.67% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-32                       1.771n ± 1%    1.774n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.449 n=20)
Uint64-32                      1.863n ± 2%    1.866n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.364 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32              3.134n ± 3%    4.730n ± 2%  +50.95% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-32                    2.489n ± 1%    2.489n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.683 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                  2.521n ± 1%    2.516n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.394 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                   2.479n ± 1%    2.478n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.743 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                   2.530n ± 2%    2.514n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.193 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                   2.501n ± 1%    2.494n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.616 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                  3.227n ± 1%    3.205n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.101 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                  3.647n ± 1%    3.599n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.019 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                  5.135n ± 1%    5.069n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.034 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                  2.657n ± 1%    2.637n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.180 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                   2.636n ± 1%    2.636n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.763 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                   2.660n ± 2%    2.638n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.358 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                   2.662n ± 2%    2.618n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.064 n=20)
Float32-32                     2.272n ± 2%    2.239n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.194 n=20)
Float64-32                     2.272n ± 1%    2.286n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.763 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                  3.762n ± 1%    3.744n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.171 n=20)
NormFloat64-32                 3.706n ± 1%    3.655n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.066 n=20)
Perm3-32                       32.93n ± 3%    34.62n ± 1%   +5.13% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-32                      202.9n ± 1%    204.0n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.482 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32            115.0n ± 1%    114.9n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.358 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32             112.8n ± 1%    112.7n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.692 n=20)
Concurrent-32                  2.107n ± 0%    3.725n ± 1%  +76.75% (p=0.000 n=20)

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: math/rand/v2
                       │ bbb48afeb7.arm64 │           5cf807d1ea.arm64            │
                       │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                 │
ChaCha8-8                     2.480n ± 0%    2.429n ± 0%    -2.04% (p=0.000 n=20)
PCG_DXSM-8                    2.531n ± 0%    2.530n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.877 n=20)
SourceUint64-8                2.534n ± 0%    2.533n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.732 n=20)
GlobalInt64-8                 2.172n ± 1%    4.794n ± 0%  +120.67% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-8        0.4320n ± 0%   0.9605n ± 0%  +122.32% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64-8                2.182n ± 0%    4.770n ± 0%  +118.58% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-8       0.4307n ± 0%   0.9583n ± 0%  +122.51% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-8                       4.107n ± 0%    4.104n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.416 n=20)
Uint64-8                      4.080n ± 0%    4.080n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.052 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-8              2.814n ± 2%    5.643n ± 0%  +100.50% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-8                    4.141n ± 0%    4.139n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.140 n=20)
Int64N1000-8                  4.140n ± 0%    4.140n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.313 n=20)
Int64N1e8-8                   4.140n ± 0%    4.139n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.103 n=20)
Int64N1e9-8                   4.139n ± 0%    4.140n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.761 n=20)
Int64N2e9-8                   4.140n ± 0%    4.140n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.636 n=20)
Int64N1e18-8                  5.266n ± 0%    5.326n ± 1%    +1.14% (p=0.001 n=20)
Int64N2e18-8                  6.052n ± 0%    6.167n ± 0%    +1.90% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N4e18-8                  8.826n ± 0%    9.051n ± 0%    +2.55% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-8                  4.127n ± 0%    4.132n ± 0%    +0.12% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-8                   4.126n ± 0%    4.131n ± 0%    +0.12% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-8                   4.127n ± 0%    4.132n ± 0%    +0.12% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-8                   4.132n ± 0%    4.131n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.017 n=20)
Float32-8                     4.109n ± 0%    4.105n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.379 n=20)
Float64-8                     4.107n ± 0%    4.106n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.867 n=20)
ExpFloat64-8                  5.339n ± 0%    5.383n ± 0%    +0.82% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-8                 5.735n ± 0%    5.737n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.856 n=20)
Perm3-8                       26.65n ± 0%    26.80n ± 1%    +0.58% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-8                      194.8n ± 1%    197.0n ± 0%    +1.18% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-8            156.6n ± 0%    157.6n ± 1%    +0.61% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-8             124.9n ± 0%    125.5n ± 0%    +0.52% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-8                  2.434n ± 3%    5.066n ± 0%  +108.09% (p=0.000 n=20)

goos: linux
goarch: 386
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ bbb48afeb7.386 │            5cf807d1ea.386             │
                        │     sec/op     │    sec/op     vs base                 │
ChaCha8-32                  11.295n ± 1%    4.748n ± 2%   -57.96% (p=0.000 n=20)
PCG_DXSM-32                  7.693n ± 1%    7.738n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.542 n=20)
SourceUint64-32              7.658n ± 2%    7.622n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.344 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32               3.473n ± 2%    7.526n ± 2%  +116.73% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32      0.3198n ± 0%   0.5444n ± 0%   +70.22% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32              3.612n ± 0%    7.575n ± 1%  +109.69% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32     0.3168n ± 0%   0.5403n ± 0%   +70.51% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-32                     7.673n ± 2%    7.789n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.122 n=20)
Uint64-32                    7.773n ± 1%    7.827n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.920 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32            6.268n ± 1%    9.581n ± 1%   +52.87% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-32                  10.33n ± 2%    10.45n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.233 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                10.98n ± 2%    11.01n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.401 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                 11.19n ± 2%    10.97n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.033 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                 11.06n ± 1%    11.08n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.498 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                 11.10n ± 1%    11.01n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.995 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                15.23n ± 2%    15.04n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.973 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                15.89n ± 1%    15.85n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.409 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                18.96n ± 2%    19.34n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.048 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                10.46n ± 2%    10.44n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.480 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                 10.46n ± 2%    10.49n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.951 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                 10.28n ± 2%    10.26n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.431 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                 10.50n ± 2%    10.44n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.249 n=20)
Float32-32                   13.80n ± 2%    13.80n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.751 n=20)
Float64-32                   23.55n ± 2%    23.87n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.408 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                15.36n ± 1%    15.29n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.316 n=20)
NormFloat64-32               13.57n ± 1%    13.79n ± 1%    +1.66% (p=0.005 n=20)
Perm3-32                     45.70n ± 2%    46.99n ± 2%    +2.81% (p=0.001 n=20)
Perm30-32                    399.0n ± 1%    403.8n ± 1%    +1.19% (p=0.006 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32          349.0n ± 1%    350.4n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.909 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32           322.3n ± 1%    323.8n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.410 n=20)
Concurrent-32                3.331n ± 1%    7.312n ± 1%  +119.50% (p=0.000 n=20)

For #61716.

Change-Id: Ibdddeed85c34d9ae397289dc899e04d4845f9ed2
Reviewed-by: Michael Pratt <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Filippo Valsorda <[email protected]>
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <[email protected]>
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Contributor Author

rsc commented Dec 5, 2023

These changes are now all submitted for Go 1.22.

@rsc rsc closed this as completed Dec 5, 2023
ezz-no pushed a commit to ezz-no/go-ezzno that referenced this issue Feb 18, 2024
Move ChaCha8 code into internal/chacha8rand and use it to implement
runtime.rand, which is used for the unseeded global source for
both math/rand and math/rand/v2. This also affects the calculation of
the start point for iteration over very very large maps (when the
32-bit fastrand is not big enough).

The benefit is that misuse of the global random number generators
in math/rand and math/rand/v2 in contexts where non-predictable
randomness is important for security reasons is no longer a
security problem, removing a common mistake among programmers
who are unaware of the different kinds of randomness.

The cost is an extra 304 bytes per thread stored in the m struct
plus 2-3ns more per random uint64 due to the more sophisticated
algorithm. Using PCG looks like it would cost about the same,
although I haven't benchmarked that.

Before this, the math/rand and math/rand/v2 global generator
was wyrand (
For math/rand, using wyrand instead of the Mitchell/Reeds/Thompson
ALFG was justifiable, since the latter was not any better.
But for math/rand/v2, the global generator really should be
at least as good as one of the well-studied, specific algorithms
provided directly by the package, and it's not.

(Wyrand is still reasonable for scheduling and cache decisions.)

Good randomness does have a cost: about twice wyrand.

Also rationalize the various runtime rand references.

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ bbb48afeb7.amd64 │           5cf807d1ea.amd64           │
                        │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                │
ChaCha8-32                     1.862n ± 2%    1.861n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.825 n=20)
PCG_DXSM-32                    1.471n ± 1%    1.460n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.153 n=20)
SourceUint64-32                1.636n ± 2%    1.582n ± 1%   -3.30% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32                 2.087n ± 1%    3.663n ± 1%  +75.54% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32        0.1042n ± 1%   0.2026n ± 1%  +94.48% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32                2.263n ± 2%    3.724n ± 1%  +64.57% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32       0.1019n ± 1%   0.1973n ± 1%  +93.67% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-32                       1.771n ± 1%    1.774n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.449 n=20)
Uint64-32                      1.863n ± 2%    1.866n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.364 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32              3.134n ± 3%    4.730n ± 2%  +50.95% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-32                    2.489n ± 1%    2.489n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.683 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                  2.521n ± 1%    2.516n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.394 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                   2.479n ± 1%    2.478n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.743 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                   2.530n ± 2%    2.514n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.193 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                   2.501n ± 1%    2.494n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.616 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                  3.227n ± 1%    3.205n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.101 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                  3.647n ± 1%    3.599n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.019 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                  5.135n ± 1%    5.069n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.034 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                  2.657n ± 1%    2.637n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.180 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                   2.636n ± 1%    2.636n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.763 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                   2.660n ± 2%    2.638n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.358 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                   2.662n ± 2%    2.618n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.064 n=20)
Float32-32                     2.272n ± 2%    2.239n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.194 n=20)
Float64-32                     2.272n ± 1%    2.286n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.763 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                  3.762n ± 1%    3.744n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.171 n=20)
NormFloat64-32                 3.706n ± 1%    3.655n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.066 n=20)
Perm3-32                       32.93n ± 3%    34.62n ± 1%   +5.13% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-32                      202.9n ± 1%    204.0n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.482 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32            115.0n ± 1%    114.9n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.358 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32             112.8n ± 1%    112.7n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.692 n=20)
Concurrent-32                  2.107n ± 0%    3.725n ± 1%  +76.75% (p=0.000 n=20)

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: math/rand/v2
                       │ bbb48afeb7.arm64 │           5cf807d1ea.arm64            │
                       │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                 │
ChaCha8-8                     2.480n ± 0%    2.429n ± 0%    -2.04% (p=0.000 n=20)
PCG_DXSM-8                    2.531n ± 0%    2.530n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.877 n=20)
SourceUint64-8                2.534n ± 0%    2.533n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.732 n=20)
GlobalInt64-8                 2.172n ± 1%    4.794n ± 0%  +120.67% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-8        0.4320n ± 0%   0.9605n ± 0%  +122.32% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64-8                2.182n ± 0%    4.770n ± 0%  +118.58% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-8       0.4307n ± 0%   0.9583n ± 0%  +122.51% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-8                       4.107n ± 0%    4.104n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.416 n=20)
Uint64-8                      4.080n ± 0%    4.080n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.052 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-8              2.814n ± 2%    5.643n ± 0%  +100.50% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-8                    4.141n ± 0%    4.139n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.140 n=20)
Int64N1000-8                  4.140n ± 0%    4.140n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.313 n=20)
Int64N1e8-8                   4.140n ± 0%    4.139n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.103 n=20)
Int64N1e9-8                   4.139n ± 0%    4.140n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.761 n=20)
Int64N2e9-8                   4.140n ± 0%    4.140n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.636 n=20)
Int64N1e18-8                  5.266n ± 0%    5.326n ± 1%    +1.14% (p=0.001 n=20)
Int64N2e18-8                  6.052n ± 0%    6.167n ± 0%    +1.90% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N4e18-8                  8.826n ± 0%    9.051n ± 0%    +2.55% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-8                  4.127n ± 0%    4.132n ± 0%    +0.12% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-8                   4.126n ± 0%    4.131n ± 0%    +0.12% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-8                   4.127n ± 0%    4.132n ± 0%    +0.12% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-8                   4.132n ± 0%    4.131n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.017 n=20)
Float32-8                     4.109n ± 0%    4.105n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.379 n=20)
Float64-8                     4.107n ± 0%    4.106n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.867 n=20)
ExpFloat64-8                  5.339n ± 0%    5.383n ± 0%    +0.82% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-8                 5.735n ± 0%    5.737n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.856 n=20)
Perm3-8                       26.65n ± 0%    26.80n ± 1%    +0.58% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-8                      194.8n ± 1%    197.0n ± 0%    +1.18% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-8            156.6n ± 0%    157.6n ± 1%    +0.61% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-8             124.9n ± 0%    125.5n ± 0%    +0.52% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-8                  2.434n ± 3%    5.066n ± 0%  +108.09% (p=0.000 n=20)

goos: linux
goarch: 386
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ bbb48afeb7.386 │            5cf807d1ea.386             │
                        │     sec/op     │    sec/op     vs base                 │
ChaCha8-32                  11.295n ± 1%    4.748n ± 2%   -57.96% (p=0.000 n=20)
PCG_DXSM-32                  7.693n ± 1%    7.738n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.542 n=20)
SourceUint64-32              7.658n ± 2%    7.622n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.344 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32               3.473n ± 2%    7.526n ± 2%  +116.73% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32      0.3198n ± 0%   0.5444n ± 0%   +70.22% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32              3.612n ± 0%    7.575n ± 1%  +109.69% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32     0.3168n ± 0%   0.5403n ± 0%   +70.51% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-32                     7.673n ± 2%    7.789n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.122 n=20)
Uint64-32                    7.773n ± 1%    7.827n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.920 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32            6.268n ± 1%    9.581n ± 1%   +52.87% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-32                  10.33n ± 2%    10.45n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.233 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                10.98n ± 2%    11.01n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.401 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                 11.19n ± 2%    10.97n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.033 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                 11.06n ± 1%    11.08n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.498 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                 11.10n ± 1%    11.01n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.995 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                15.23n ± 2%    15.04n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.973 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                15.89n ± 1%    15.85n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.409 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                18.96n ± 2%    19.34n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.048 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                10.46n ± 2%    10.44n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.480 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                 10.46n ± 2%    10.49n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.951 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                 10.28n ± 2%    10.26n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.431 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                 10.50n ± 2%    10.44n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.249 n=20)
Float32-32                   13.80n ± 2%    13.80n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.751 n=20)
Float64-32                   23.55n ± 2%    23.87n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.408 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                15.36n ± 1%    15.29n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.316 n=20)
NormFloat64-32               13.57n ± 1%    13.79n ± 1%    +1.66% (p=0.005 n=20)
Perm3-32                     45.70n ± 2%    46.99n ± 2%    +2.81% (p=0.001 n=20)
Perm30-32                    399.0n ± 1%    403.8n ± 1%    +1.19% (p=0.006 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32          349.0n ± 1%    350.4n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.909 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32           322.3n ± 1%    323.8n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.410 n=20)
Concurrent-32                3.331n ± 1%    7.312n ± 1%  +119.50% (p=0.000 n=20)

For golang#61716.

Change-Id: Ibdddeed85c34d9ae397289dc899e04d4845f9ed2
Reviewed-by: Michael Pratt <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Filippo Valsorda <[email protected]>
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <[email protected]>
@golang golang locked and limited conversation to collaborators Dec 4, 2024
@rsc rsc removed this from Proposals Dec 4, 2024
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