original fork https://github.com/ShaneSmiskol/openpilot/
only tested in car corolla 2020
the code to publish data by wifi using zmq, msg_sync.py
the code to receive data by wifi using zmq (json format) phone_control.py
It will check if the ego car is in the left most lane or right most lane or middle lane,
if ego is in left most lane, it will adjust the offset 0.2m to the left and vice versa to keep distance away from the big truck.
Sometimes the car is driving too much "dead center", human driver wont do that
keep left (0.2m) if you have cars on your right side
keep center is there is no car surrounded
Instead of carla, we use a simple python script to simulate in car environment with mock can messages
ssh to C2
cd /data/openpilot
./selfdrive/golden/can_bridge.py # start simulation
to selfdrive/golden/ folder with you own repo without modifying any source code of openpilot