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A photometrically calibrated multi-shutter stereo dataset for benchmarking visual odometry algorithms.


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A photometrically calibrated multi-shutter stereo dataset for benchmarking visual odometry algorithms.

  • 40 Sequences ≥ 10 km of trajectories
  • 2x stereo cameras 20 FPS using both global and rolling shutter
  • Extrinsic, intrinsic and photometric calibration
  • IMU with accelerometer and gyroscope
  • Hardware synchronized cameras and IMU
  • greyscale 1.3 MP images (JPEG)
  • Full 6D ground truth by motion capture system provided at start and end of every sequence


pip install ShutTUM



A simple example shows the following script. It will load a sequence and show all global images in an OpenCV window

import cv2
from ShutTUM.sequence import Sequence

# Load a dataset's sequence
sequence = Sequence('path/to/folder/01')

# Iterate over all images captured by the global shutter cameras
for stereo in sequence.cameras('global'):
    if stereo.L is None: continue
    if stereo.R is None: continue
    img = stereo.L.load()
    cv2.imshow('Left Image', img)
    cv2.waitKey(int(stereo.dt() * 1000))

See full python documentation here


python ShutTUM/Examples/python/ --help

Use this script to analyze a sequence. It comes with a lot of options (see help). For some aspects ROS (such as groundtruth) is needed. You can:

  • visualize frames
  • print/plot frame drops
  • show IMU values
  • recreate ground truth data
  • interpolate ground truth data to frames

DSO runner

python ShutTUM/Examples/python/ --side L --options nogui=0 --shutter global one /path/to/sequence /path/to/results 

Use this script to run DSO on one or multiple sequences. See the help options for more info. This script converts the files into the correct format for DSO, (in a .temp directory) and copies the results in the end to the desired output. Use --debug switch to see the converted files.


Source the ShutTUM as a catkin workspace

git clone
cp -r ShutTUM/Examples/ros/src/shuttum ~/catkin_ws/src
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roscd shuttum

Visualize a sequence in RViZ:

roslaunch shuttum play.launch sequence:=/path/to/sequences/01 

Now rviz should open and playback the images. This launch file takes the additional arguments:

  • loop (bool, false) to restart the sequence automatically when it is finsihed
  • start/end (float, 0, inf) from which to which time stamps to play the sequence
  • is_calib_seq (bool, false) if the sequence is a calibration sequence
  • rviz (bool, false) should rviz be started?

Create a bag file from a sequence:

roslaunch shuttum bagcreator.launch sequence:=/path/to/sequences/01 bag:=/path/to/result.bag

This will playback the sequence and record the data. Note, that buffer size of rosbag record is set to zero. When the playback node finishes, do not cancel this launch file immediately! Wait until /path/to/result.bag does not grow anymore in size, then CTRL-C.

  • rviz (bool, false) should rviz be started?
  • decimating (bool, false) should the images be decimated? Useful for e.g. camera calibration.
  • decimation (int, 10) If decimating, by which factor should the images be throttled? Topic is .../image_raw/decimated
  • start/end (float, 0, inf) from which to which time stamps to play the sequence

Camera Calibration

Calibration with Kalibr:

roslaunch shuttum kalibr_cameras.launch bag:=/path/to/result.bag model:=fov

Launches camera calibration on the images /cam/{global|rolling}/{left|right}/image_raw/decimated in the bag file you provide. The distortion model parameter can be either fov(default), radtan or equi (see supported formate). When Kalibr finishes, it will its result files into ~/.ros/

IMU Calibration

roslaunch stuttum kalibr_imu.launch bag:=/path/to/result.bag lens:=fisheye start:=5 end:=45

This launches the Camera-IMU-Calibration

  • lens (either fisheye or standard): The lens used by that sequence
  • start/end (float, 0, 1000): beginning and end offset for picking up of the sequence in seconds
  • imu (path, $(find shuttum)/params/imu.yaml): custom IMU configuration file
  • target (path $(find shuttum)/params/aprilA0.yaml" />): custom Grid configureation


The matlab interface is very minimalistic and just puts the files in data/ into arrays.

>> addpath /path/to/ShutTUM/Examples/matlab
>> help(shuttum)
>> sequence = shuttum('/path/to/sequences/01')
sequence = 

  struct with fields:

         frames: [5335×4 double]
            imu: [48031×7 double]
    groundtruth: [6812×8 double]

Known Issues

The ground truth data and frames/IMU value are not precisely time synchronized. When you run a SLAM or VO algorithm (such as DSO) you can use the trajectory to estimate the time shift.

With the help of the extrinsic calibration in data/params.yaml of each sequence you can correlate the odometry with the motion capture trajectory and optimize for a time shift. Note that the ground truth poses are in the marker frame. Then you can run

python ShutTUM/Examples/python/ /path/to/sequences/01 groundtruth extract --time-offset XXX

where t_new = t_raw + time_offset

This will recreate the data/ground_truth.csv file with the time offset applied. The raw ground truth data file is in .logs/XXXXXXXX.bag

Since this API assumes that the four cameras use rolling/global shutter the namespaces are the same. For calibration sequences with four times the same shutter, cam1/2 names are set to global and cam3/4 are set to rolling This is however only a naming convention and does not affect the data in any way.


A photometrically calibrated multi-shutter stereo dataset for benchmarking visual odometry algorithms.







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