This is a remix of Mini Splitter v2 for MMU2+1s mod adapted to use PC4-01 fitting between the splitter and the extruder.
Create new github user, eg. your_user_name-your_repository_name-travis. This step is not mandatory, only recomended to limit access rights for travis to single repository. Grant this user access to your repository. Register this user on Create API key for this user. In Github click on this user, settings, Developer settings, Personal access tokens, Generate new token, select public_repo, click on Generate token. Copy this token. Login into enable build of your repository, click on repository setting, add environment variable ACCESS_TOKEN. As value paste your token.
Each commit is build, but only for tagged commits MM-control-01.hex is attached to your release by travis.
You need unzip and wget tools.
run ./
It downloads neccessary tools, extracts it to ../MM-build-env-<version>, creates ../MM-control-01-build folder, configures build scripts in it and builds it using ninja.
Download from Unpack it. Run configure.bat. This opens cmake-gui with preconfigured tools paths. Select path where is your source code located, select where you wish to build - out of source build is recomended. Click on generate, select generator - Ninja, or <Your favourite IDE> - Ninja.
Run build.bat generated in your binary directory.
You need cmake, avr-gcc, avr-libc and cmake supported build system (e.g. ninja) installed.
Out of source tree build is recommended, in case of Eclipse CDT project file generation is necceessary. If you don't want out of source tree build, you can skip this step.
cd ..
mkdir MM-control-01_cmake
cd MM-control-01_cmake
Generate build system - consult cmake --help for build systems generators and IDE project files supported on your platform.
cmake -G "build system generator" path_to_source
example 1 - build system only
cmake -G "Ninja" ../MM-control-01
example 2 - build system and project file for your IDE
cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja ../MM-control-01
Invoke build system you selected in previous step. Example:
file MM-control-01.hex is generated.
Recomended version is arduino 1.8.5.
in MM-control-01 subfolder create file version.h
use as template, replace ${value} with numbers or strings according to comments in template file.
create file dirty.h with content if you are building unmodified git commit
if you have uncommitted local changes.
In Arduino IDE open File / Settings
Set Additional boards manager URL to:
Open Tools / Board: / Boards manager...
Install Prusa Research AVR Boards by Prusa Research
which contains only one board:
Original Prusa i3 MK3 Multi Material 2.0
Select board Original Prusa i3 MK3 Multi Material 2.0
Bootloader binary is shipped with the board, source is located at
click verify to build
PlatformIO build is not supported by Prusa Research, please report any PlatformIO related issues at
click Upload
Hex file needs to be edited to be recognized as for MMUv2 in case of Arduino build. This is done automatically in cmake build.
Add following line to the begining of MM-control-01.hex:
; device = mm-control
Board needs to be reset to bootloader. Bootloader has 5 seconds timeout and then returns to the application.
This can be accomplished manually by clicking reset button on MMU, or programmatically by opening and closing its virtual serial line at baudrate 1500.
Than flash it using following command, replace <virtual serial port> with CDC device created by MMU usually com<nr.> under Windows and /dev/ttyACM<nr.> under Linux. -b baud rate is don't care value, probably doesn't have to be specified at all, as there is no physical uart.
avrdude -v -p atmega32u4 -c avr109 -P <virtual serial port> -b 57600 -D -U flash:w:MM-control-01.ino.hex:i
Same as Windows, but there is known issue with ModemManager:
If you have the modemmanager installed, you either need to deinstall it, or blacklist the Prusa Research USB devices:
# Original Prusa i3 MK3 Multi Material 2.0 upgrade
ATTRS{idVendor}=="2c99", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="2c99", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0004", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1"
$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
A request has been sent to Ubuntu, Debian and ModemManager to blacklist the whole Prusa Research VID space.;package=modemmanager
and reported to
Run doxygen in MM-control-01 folder. Documentation is generated in Doc subfolder.