Timeline Creator
Easily create and edit timelines. Students can create timelines to help study. Teachers can use timelines as a visual aid. Writers can include timelines to visually depict a sequence of events or history of a subject.
Download and install Racket.
NOTE: Racket PPA available for Ubuntu users.
Open a terminal from the directory meridian.scm is in and type:
> racket meridian.scm
Meridian is written in Scheme and targets the Racket Scheme implementation. Meridian is still in an embryonic state of development and should be considered pre-alpha software.
If you know (or would like to learn) Scheme and would like to help develop Meridian, you can contact the developer at [email protected].
Meridian is Copyright (c) 2011-2012 by Matthew D. Miller.
This program is free software. You may distribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.