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A configuration validator, and associated plugin error conformance utility, for GAPIC config proto annotations.

The protoc-gen-gapic-validator protoc plugin ensures that the given protobuf files contain valid GAPIC configuration values. The configuration values are supplied via proto annotations defined at googleapis/api-common-protos.


To provide a tool that emits actionable messages when protobufs are inproperly configured for GAPIC generation.

Furthermore, to provide a utility that enables GAPIC micro-generator error message conformance testing.


To use the plugin, protoc must be installed.

Download release binary

> curl -sSL$SEMVER/gapic-config-validator-$SEMVER-$OS-$ARCH.tar.gz | tar xz
> chmod +x protoc-gen-gapic-validator
> export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`

Via Go tooling

> go get

From source

> mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
> cd $GOPATH/src/
> git clone
> cd gapic-config-validator
> go install ./cmd/protoc-gen-gapic-validator

make install executes that last go install command for ease of development.


protoc -I $COMMON_PROTO -I . --gapic-validator_out=. a.proto b.proto

The $COMMON_PROTO variable represents a path to the googleapis/api-common-protos directory to import the configuration annotations.

For the time being, the output directory specified by gapic-validator_out is not used because there is nothing generated. This value can be anything.

It is recommended that this validator be invoked prior to gapic-generator-* micro-generator invocation.

protoc -I $COMMON_PROTO \
    -I . \
    --gapic-validator_out=. \
    --go_gapic_out $GO_GAPIC_OUT \
    --go_gapic_opt $GO_GAPIC_OPT
    a.proto b.proto

As a Bazel target

In your WORKSPACE, include the project:

  name = "com_googleapis_gapic_config_validator",
  strip_prefix = "gapic-config-validator-0.2.6",
  urls = [""],

load("@com_googleapis_gapic_config_validator//:repositories.bzl", "com_googleapis_gapic_config_validator_repositories")


In your BUILD file, configure the target:

load("@com_googleapis_gapic_config_validator//:rules_validate/validate.bzl", "gapic_config_validation")

  name = "validate_acme_proto",
  srcs = [":acme_proto"],

The GAPIC v1 config comparison feature can be invoked with the gapic_yaml attribute:

  name = "validate_acme_proto",
  srcs = [":acme_proto"],
  gapic_yaml = ":acme_gapic.yaml"

Note: this feature will eventually be removed once the GAPIC v1 config is deprecated fully.

A successful build means there are not issues or discrepancies. A failed build means there were findings to report, which are found on stderr.

Conformance Testing

Micro-generator authors (or other GAPIC config-based plugin authors) can test the conformance of their error messages against the gapic-config-validator using the provided gapic-error-conformance testing tool.

The gapic-error-conformance utility is a binary that exercises both the gapic-config-validator and the targeted plugin against a set of error mode scenarios. The error emitted by the given plugin is diff'd against that of the validator and reported to the user. If a plugin error does not conform, the gapic-error-conformance utility will have an exit code of one.

Installing gapic-error-conformance

Download release binary
> curl -sSL$SEMVER/gapic-config-validator-$SEMVER-$OS-$ARCH.tar.gz | tar xz
> chmod +x gapic-error-conformance
> export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`
Via Go tooling
> go get
From source
> mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
> cd $GOPATH/src/
> git clone
> cd gapic-config-validator
> go install ./cmd/gapic-error-conformance

make install executes that last go install command for ease of development.

Invoking gapic-error-conformance

> gapic-error-conformance -plugin="protoc-gen-go_gapic" -plugin_opts=";bar"
  • -plugin: the plugin command to execute. This could the path to an executable or just the executable itself if it's in the PATH.
  • -plugin_opts: comma-delimited string of options to supply the plugin executable.
  • -verbose: verbose logging mode. Logs the error messages of the validator and plugin

Adding gapic-error-conformance scenarios

The scenarios exercised by gapic-error-conformance are built into the binary. This means the protobufs provided as CodeGeneratorRequest input are built dynamically. The scenarios() method builds the list of scenarios to exercise. Adding a new scenario means adding the code to build the protobuf & CodeGeneratorRequest here.

Note: the proto dependencies required by the GAPIC config annotations are loaded and provided via the common() method.

Testing gapic-config-validator

If you are contributing to this project, run the tests with make test.

To view code coverage, run make coverage.

Test protobuf generation

Some tests require more well-defined descriptors than it makes sense to define by hand in the tests themselves.

The internal/validator/testdata directory contains protos and their generated types that are used in tests.

Should a change be made to the protos in this directory, the generated types need to be regenerated via make gen-testdata. You will need the aforementioned $COMMON_PROTO set properly.


Create a new tag with the form vX.Y.Z and push it git push --tags. GitHub Actions will create the release and the appropriate assets.


This is not an official Google product.


protoc plugin that validates GAPIC config proto annotations



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